
The contracted demon queen

Hi, l'm Heaven, and l'm just an ordinary girl. This is a supernatural story of a young lady, me, whose life is filled with challenges, pleasures and misfortunes. Whose life evolves around the world of demons, spirits, witches, vampires, werewolves, and humans. I know, such a complicated life right?. And yes l am not ordinary. And my life got more complicated and exciting at the same time, when the demon king of Dekrish kingdom chose me to be his contracted wife(queen), since he couldn't find his mate for a long time and he needs to keep his throne. Being a stone hearted king, serving as his queen isn't an easy task, but l had to agree to it because he is the only one who could remove the curse placed on me, that prevented me from finding my mate. What does fate have in stock for me?, Will the king ever find his mate?, Or will l be stuck in cursed palace forever?, Well, you will have to read to find out. My name is Heaven Alizah Dianne Spencer and welcome to my world.

Rasheedat_Bashir · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter one: prologue

Thunder and lightning striked dangerously across the three realms. The skies turned dark , and the wind blew violently. In the demon realm, the former king of Dekrish, King Levi , stood in his garden, watching the thunder as it striked dangerously, even destroying a few roof tops. He sighed, he was so lost in thoughts that he didn't hear his son coming. "Father" King Eugene said as he talked his shoulder. Levi came out of his daze and turned to his son. "My son, what's the matter?" He said, "nothing in particular, l've been calling you for a while, but you were so lost in thoughts" Eugene replied. Levi nodded and faced the sky again. "Look at this Eugene, it's only been three days, and just look at the damages. The child of the prophecy hasn't even been born yet, but she is letting us know that she is coming soon. Just how much the damages will be when she is born. " Levi said. Eugene sighed, "father, you shouldn't worry about that. Everything would be fine. I have already ordered the commanders to create a barrier around the kingdom. At least it will reduce the damages that would be caused". Levi nodded his head. "And besides you have other things to think about, tomorrow is you and mother's wedding anniversary. And we are celebrating tomorrow, try to cheer up" Eugene said. Levi chuckled, " yes tomorrow is big day. But are you sure about the celebration, you know that the council of elders don't approve of this". "Oh for goodness sake father, why can't you be like me and your wife , and ignore those bunch of old bags. I know that the elders opinions should be respected but the king should have the final say at some point. After all it is the king that rules and not the elders." Said Eugene. Levi laughed , he admits what his son said is right. But he didn't have the guts to rebel against the elders during his reign like his son. He is more like his mother , the elders are a little afraid of her.

"Yes your mom is very commanding towards them. It made them fear her. She was such a fearless and brave queen" said Levi . "I wish l have a mate like her" Eugene said sadly. "You will son" said Levi as he patted his shoulders. "When?, When father?, I've been the king for a hundred and fifty three years now. And l haven't found my mate. The one that would be my queen. Those pack of old fools are giving me headaches over this matter" said Eugene. Levi tried not to laugh at the name he called the elders. He tapped his shoulder and said " you will find your mate soon Eugene, have faith. It took me a long time before l found your mother. So let's be patient" said Levi. Eugene nodded his head, " l just hope l have enough patience to endure those old clowns bullshits a little longer." Said Eugene. Then a guard came in, "your royal highness, your majesty" he bowed to the both of them. " The council requests for your presence, your majesty " . "Speak of the devils" Eugene scoffed. Levi chuckled. "Father , l will be going now" Eugene said. Levi nodded his head. And with that Eugene went to Longetivity hall, the hall where the elders and the kings meet for a private discussion. As he entered , all of the elders stood up and bowed, "greetings your majesty" they greeted. Note, they have never greeted him sincerely. "Rise"he said as he got to the throne and sat on it. "Speak, why did you call me here?" He asked even though he knows why he was summoned. " Your majesty, it's about the celebration that will take place tomorrow" Elder Fredrick said , he is one of the most outspoken elders. "What about it?" He asked coldly. "Your majesty don't we have matters that are more important, such as the thunder and lightning strikes that are causing damages to houses are," Eugene didn't let the elder finish his statement before replying "I've already sorted it out." "I have ordered the commanders to place a barrier around the kingdom. And those with damaged houses would be taken care of, any other thing else?" He asked in a tone that clearly stated 'don't you dare bring it up again'. But the elders looked at each other, "well your majesty, what about the issue of the queen , has there been any progress" elder Sphinx said. "No, l'm still working on it" said the king. To be continued .

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