
The contracted demon queen

Hi, l'm Heaven, and l'm just an ordinary girl. This is a supernatural story of a young lady, me, whose life is filled with challenges, pleasures and misfortunes. Whose life evolves around the world of demons, spirits, witches, vampires, werewolves, and humans. I know, such a complicated life right?. And yes l am not ordinary. And my life got more complicated and exciting at the same time, when the demon king of Dekrish kingdom chose me to be his contracted wife(queen), since he couldn't find his mate for a long time and he needs to keep his throne. Being a stone hearted king, serving as his queen isn't an easy task, but l had to agree to it because he is the only one who could remove the curse placed on me, that prevented me from finding my mate. What does fate have in stock for me?, Will the king ever find his mate?, Or will l be stuck in cursed palace forever?, Well, you will have to read to find out. My name is Heaven Alizah Dianne Spencer and welcome to my world.

Rasheedat_Bashir · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter forty nine: l won't be your fuck mate

Heaven Alizah Dianne's pov :

After signing the contract, we continued our trip.  "So when we get to the palace we'll perform the ritual?" I asked. 

"Yes" he nodded.  I sighed, l don't know what the ritual is and it seems he doesn't know anything about it either. I guess Lucas brought up idea of contracting a queen. Yesterday,my witch, Irene, thought that maybe his mate was killed before they could meet. And that's a possibility. Some people have the ability to look into someone's destiny and find out who is their mate. Such people can kill the mate before the other finds him/ her. Maybe that's what happened to Eugene. But l don't think he wants to believe that . But wait, if his mate is dead then when will l be free, l thought. "Everyone has a second chance mate and most of the time it takes a long time before one can find them" my demon Delia.

"What are you thinking?" He asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.  "I was thinking about what will happen if it turns out that you have no mate" l said honestly. Me and my big mouth, l really hope it won't get me into trouble one day. 

He looked at me and stopped the car. "Don't ever say something like that again. I do have a mate" he said coldly. 

"I'm not saying that you do not have a mate, l'm saying that maybe she was killed before you could meet her. Don't you know that there are people with the ability to find out someone's future mate?. You are the almighty stone hearted king of Dekrish, surely you have the worst kinds of enemies. Maybe one your enemies had looked into your destiny and found out who your mate was, and killed her before you could even think of finding a mate" l said in one breathe. He turned to his front and took few deep breathes. He fell silent for a while, he seems to be lost in thoughts. 

"Some dark demons have this ability. Maybe it was them" said my demon, Adira. I don't understand why they are saying this things when we have already signed the contract. 

"If what is said is true... Then who do you think is the culprit?" He said.  "Dark demons. Some dark demons have this ability" l said. He looked at me confusingly.  "If you know about this possiblity then why did you accept the contract". 

"Actually my demon just thought about it yesterday. If we had thought about this earlier, l wouldn't have accepted the contract" I said seriously. He stared at me for a while before speaking again. 

"You better hope that your theories are wrong. Because otherwise, you are stuck with me for rest of your life" he said.  "That won't be happening, because even if that is true, you can still find your second chance mate. It's usually very hard for the villains to find them. So your second chance mate is out there somewhere." I said confidently. 

"Why are you so sure that my mate is dead?" He asked.  "Because, you are more than two hundred years old, and you are supposed to have find your mate at the age of eighteen" l said simply. He closed his eyes and sighed. There was long silence between us. 

  "Looks like you are stuck with me for a very long time now" he smiled. But l can see that it isn't genuine, it's a sad one.  "Hey, tell him we are not gonna be his fuck mate" said, my vampire Venice. 

"Seems like it, but l won't be your fuck mate" l said. And that made him open his eyes and look at me. "You said what ?" He asked. 

"You heard me the first time , your majesty" l smirked. He glared at me. "That's not fair. It's the queen's duty to serve not just the people but her husband too" . 

I almost laughed, "really, you didn't say so. I also heard that it is the queen's duty to give birth to an heir. So are trying to tell me that now that l'm becoming the queen, l will also be the mother to your children" l said while rubbing my belly. He didn't respond to that.  "I'll take that as a no. So if that's the case then there would be nothing between us, the only thing that binds is together is the contract. I won't be your fuck mate. You have a lot of mistresses to satisfy your manly needs" l said. 

He just looked at me with a dead pan face, "l can't be having sex with my mistresses when l already have a mate. If it gets out then l would be I trouble. Because the people of Dekrish cherishes their queen, and expect their king to cherish her more" he said.  Actually l know that,  the people of Dekrish don't take it lightly when it comes to their queen. Because she is  a motherly figure for the whole kingdom. But l don't care about that, l am not giving my virginity to him. 

"I'm sorry to say that l don't care about that. I am not giving my virginity to you" l said seriously. He eyes grew big, it's seems he is surprised. Well who wouldn't be, l'm over seventy nine years old and yet l'm still a virgin. 

"You are still a virgin?" He asked.

"Yes, and l'm not giving my virginity to you"

"We'll see" he said. 

Wow, he's got the attitude huh. "You can't force me" l said seriously.