
The Contract : Madness

Ben is a multi millionaire who runs the biggest company in America called Matrix, mandated by Grandpa Jeff to get married or lose the company. Ben was abandoned by his father, who does want to see him ever and a terrible tradegy, Ben lost his mom afterwards. Ben is the second grand son of grandpa Jeff, he was groomed by his grand pa, Ben handled 89% of his companies and businesses. Kim is a no-nonsense, stubborn woman. She's in love with a man who doesn't regard her but stays with her because all he stands to gain. It's all about romance, action, money, drama, betrayal, suspect, and mature content.

Xplorewit_Mimi · Urban
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

A shoulder to lean on

"What can I offer you?" The bartender asked.

Ben was seated on the high stool in front of the bar counter that fateful night.

"Tequila." He replied.

"Mixed or ordinary?" The bartender asked

"I want something strong." He replied

The lady glances at him as she mixes the drinks. "Bad day hun?" She asked placing the glass cup in front of him.

Ben took the cup and gulped every liquid inside.

"Another one." He requested.

"Indeed on a bad day, you can come often. I'll put the drinks on my treat." She said putting another glass in front of him.

"Thank you." He huffs.

"I know who you're." She muttered.

Ben looked at her.

"You're a brand influencer and CEO of Matrix company, you're quite famous." The bartender said.

He took the cup and gulped the liquid down again."Look, no one else should know about this, let's keep it between both of us," Ben said quietly.

She nodded. "I'm jasmine Wilton."

"Wilton?" He was amazed.

"Yeah, have you heard of that name before?" The bartender said.

"Never mind." He placed two notes of money on the counter. "Nice chatting with you." He got up from the stool and walked out.

He got to the parking lot and opened the car door. He suddenly felt a sharp pain at the back of his skull and his sights kept going to the maze. He groans holding his neck with his two hands.

"Are you okay?" The bartender asked

He looked at the female speaker, it was jasmine.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Ben answered.

"You didn't look fine." She wanted to touch him but he shoved her backward.

"I'm really fine." Ben replied.

"You forgot your wristwatch." She hands it over to him.

"Thank you." He got into his car, buckled the seat belt, and drove out of the place. His phone beeped, and he checked the message.

'Where you're you Ben?.'

He speeds up through the highway overtaking cars, he needs to get home and take his drug. The pain is massive.

"He's driving like a madman!" Some passengers yelled at him.

Sweat ran down his head to his cheek, face stiff with concentration. He narrowed his sharp eyes and saw the shortcut road was blocked by the engineers who were busy constructing the road.

One of the engineering men stood in the middle of the road waving the red flags for him to slow down. But He wasn't slowing down a bit and the man ran for his life.

His car smacked the high-tech lighting and radar sensor. The engineers constructing the road flew away from the site. He continued speeding up like someone that has a death wish.

Kim looked out of the window and saw his car entering. She quickly rushed to the door to gather all her courage and before she caught her breath the door was flung open.

Ben entered, removing his tie and suit on the spot as he swept past her. He doesn't seem okay at all.

"Are you alright?" Kim ran to him and wanted to touch him.

"Don't touch me." Ben pushed her.

He stopped and held his head while wincing in pain. He was on his knees and shut his eyes. With anxiety, Kim moved to him and bent on her knees also.

"What can I do?" She asked terrified.

"The drawer, drug, the drug." He mumbled something indifferent.

Kim rushed upstairs into his room, finding a drawer. Her heart was beating fast with terror and she was shaking. Fortunately, she found the drawer beside his bed and pulled it open taking the bottle of medicine.

She ran out of his room, slipped and fell hard on the floor. Got back on her feet and rushed downstairs. She stopped when noticed Ben was standing without no motion, his back facing her.

She ambles toward him, "Ben are you okay?" She asked but no response. He is still standing motionless. Kim tapped his back. "Ben ."

Ben turned like a gust of wind, grabbed Kim's Neck, dragged her, and hit her back hard on the wall. Kim was struggling as he strangled her.

His eyes were red and dangerous. He has lost his mind. Kim tries to remove his hand but he put so much energy into it that her strength was not capable of losing from his choke.

"Ben. Look at me, Ben comes back, Ben ." She keeps slapping his face. "Ben!" She couldn't breathe again. "Ben!!"

His eyes came down and quickly removed his hand from her neck, then swiftly away. He looked around in confusion and at Kim who was on the ground coughing. He brought his hands to his face and saw them shaking.

Ben gasped in unbelief about what just happened. He opened the door and strode out of the house, walking through the estate street. The street was illuminated by pole lights.

His lips were shaking as hot tears ran down from his eyes. He was sobbing hard and couldn't help it. It's been a long time since he cried.

"Ben! Wait!" Kim ran to him, grabbed his hand, and pulled him to face her.

They were standing face to face. Kim was panting. "Where are you going?" She asked.

He didn't dare to speak or look at her. Tears keep flowing out like a river, he never thought he'll be this emotional in front of her. "I. I could have killed you. I. I'm sorry." He sniffed, then turned to walk away.

Kim rushed in front of him and blocked his path." it's not your fault." She said in tears.

"You don't understand. I don't deserve to live, my life is so pathetic. I just tried to kill you and you said it's not my fault." He yelled. "If anything bad happens to you, I won't forgive myself, I'll just die kim." He sobs.

She embraced him tightly and placed her head on his chest. He was still standing without no motion. Kim started sobbing.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

She sniffed. "You don't have to die, Ben."

"Let go of me, Kim. I'll pay you to cancel the contract. You don't have to live with me anymore, I don't have to hold you as my hostage. You can start a new life." He said sobering more.

Kim is still holding him tightly. "I'm not letting you go." She raised her head to look at him, he was staring down at her. "I'll always be with you." She put her head back on his chest. He closed his eyes.

The weather changed dramatically and the rain started pouring hard on them from the sky. They stood there together dripping in wet clothes as it rained hard on them.