

starting world- Game of Thrones Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen SI My English is shit so pls bear with it. Disclaimer: I do not own Game Of Thrones. If I did, Jon wouldn't have got that shit ending to his story. Everything you may recognize belongs to GRM and HBO.

Not enough ratings
17 Chs

12. System

Jon called the system in his mind.


Name: Jon Stark / Aegon Targaryen

House: Stark / Targaryen

Title: 1. Prince that was promised, 2. Champion of the Many-Faced God, 3. The Hidden Dragon.

Age: 7

Mana: (B)

Str: E+

End: E+

Per: D-

Dex: D-

Int: C-

Wis: C+

Cha: D+

Overall: D+




[Assassination (S): Intermediate]

[Basic Swordsmanship (A): Beginner]

[Basic Archery (A): Intermediate]

SP: 1250

Inventory: 510 gold coins.


'Perception and Dexterity increased by a large level due to Assassination skill.'

'I have accumulated more SP than I thought. One level up grants 100 SP and 100 gold coins. As the level increases reward will also increase as it's harder to level up. Doing small tasks like bonding with the eagle, taking care of ravens, learning High Valyrian,..etc. provided with some SP. These tasks are not given by the system, so I don't know about them until I get the reward.'

'System open store'

[*Ding... Opening store]


Basic Spear Technique (A): 100 SP

Basic Horse riding (B): 100 SP

Basic Warhammer technique (A): 100 SP




Northern Swordsmanship (A): 300 SP

Storm Swordsmanship(A): 300 SP

Star Swordsmanship(A): 300 SP

Braavosi Water Dancing (A): 300 SP

Valyrian Swordsmanship(A): 300 SP

Storm Warhammer technique (A): 300 SP

Dornish Spear Technique (A): 300 SP

Mounted Archery (A): 300 SP




Water/Earth/Wind Magic(S): 500 SP

Greensight(S): 500 SP

Healing Magic(S): 500 SP




Steel Short Sword(D): 50 SP

Steel Arming Sword(D): 60 SP

Steel LongSword(D): 80 SP

Steel Bastard Sword(D): 80 SP

Steel Great Sword(D): 100 SP

Steel Dagger(D): 50 SP

Ironwood Bow(D): 80 SP

Weirwood Bow (C): 120 SP

Ironwood-steel Spear(D): 80 SP

Shields(round/oval/kite..etc.) (D): 50 SP




Valyrian Steel Weapon(A): 500~ SP

A Barrel of Wildfire (B): 200 SP

Leather Armour (D): 50 SP

Steel Armour(C): 100

Skill upgrade card(A): 500 SP

Valyrian Steel Armour (A): 800 SP

Balerion Dragon Egg(SS): 1000 SP

Smaug Dragon Egg (SSS+): 3000 SP

Mana Potion (B): 200 SP

Healing Potion (B): 200 SP





[Centaur]: 300 SP

Description: How good are you at handling a horse? Are you good enough to be known as a half-horse, half-human? This perk helps your overall handling of horses be it for a leisurely ride, jousting, or battle. The horse and human almost become one.

[Dual Wield]: 300 SP

Description: Allows the player to wield a sword in both hands, with equal skill and strength.

[Eagle Eye]: 300 SP

Description: Eyes sharp as the eagle you will be able to track the path of arrows with your eyes.

[Herculean Strength]: 200 SP

Description: Increase Strength by 10%.

[Toughness]: 200 SP

Description: Reduce Damage is taken and health loss from Physical Attacks.

[Dragon Scale]: 400 SP

Description: Skin becomes as tough as that of the dragon while retaining its original properties.

[Resilliant]: 200 SP

Description: Increase Stamina by 10%.

[Mana Affinity]: 400 SP

Description: +10% MP regen. +5% MP. +5% damage with magic attack. +5% magic defense. +30% in MP-related skills effects.

[Quick Draw]: 200 SP

Description: Readying your weapon is a non-action for you, as long as that weapon was previously holstered, sheathed, slung, or otherwise within reach.

[Nimble]: 300 SP

Description: Allows you to be more flexible and evasive.

[Speed Demon]: 200 SP

Description: Increase speed by 10%.

[Animal Friendly]: 300 SP

Description: High affinity with animals and beasts.

[Lady Killer]: 300 SP

Description: You're charming... and dangerous. Women suffer +10% damage in combat and are easier to charm.

[Sneak]: 300 SP

Description: Become whisper, become shadow. You are 20% harder to detect while sneaking.

[Intimidation] 200 SP

Description: Intimidate any target having a level lower than yours. 30% chance of paralyzing the target for a short duration.

[Ricochet]: 500 SP

Description: +2% chance of enemy attack ricocheting back to them.

[Danger Sense] 1000 SP

Description: It allows the user to detect any potential threats in the surrounding area, thus giving the user the opportunity to properly react to them quickly, similar to a sixth sense.


Jon looked through System. ' Skills are more expensive than items and perks are also expensive. Fuck! there are dragon eggs also in the store and it's Balerion's egg and Smaug's Egg.'

'Hey, the system can I get a Direwolf cub like Ghost or something?'


Direwolf cub(Ghost): 800 SP

Direwolf cub(Random): 500 SP.

'Seriously, ~sigh okay, and why the fuck is Ghost more expensive, and what is going to happen with the original Ghost if I buy it.'


'Anyway, I will not buy any Direwolf right now because it grows too fast and I wouldn't be able to explain, how the hell I got it. And right now my first priority is hatching the dragon because I want it to have as much time as possible to grow stronger.'

'Balerion is 1000 SP but Smaug is 3000 SP, well of course Smaug is more powerful. if compared they are almost the same size. Despite his size, Smaug is agile and quick, able to leap over objects with ease, and he can dive at very high speeds with little effort. Smaug is able to speak and his intellectual capacity is a huge advantage. And he is a more magical beast. His defense was impenetrable, and his only weakness was Bejeweled underbelly but Smaug was only slain by a very special arrow forged by the dwarves of Erebor at the height of their magical and craft skill (the Black Arrow). And in this world, there is no magical Arrow. Scorpion arrow won't even be able to scratch him.

Balerion is not to be underestimated. Balerion's scales and wings were black. His fire was black, sometimes with swirls of red. When he was in the fullness of his power, his flames could melt steel and stone, and fuse sand into glass.

Balerion was the largest of all the Targaryen dragons since Aegon's Conquest. His wingspan was so large that his shadow could engulf entire towns when he passed overhead. His teeth were as long as swords, and his jaws were large enough to swallow an auroch's whole. Balerion died of old age, at around the age of 200 he grew sluggish and difficult to rouse.'

' I will save SP and buy Smaug first as soon as possible.'

' Right now I don't need any type of Swordsmanship skill before training Basic Skill significantly. And no item is needed for the time being. And what is this Skill upgrade grade card?'


[Skill Upgrade card: Upgrade any skill to an advanced level.]

Well, that's good, definitely worth buying but right now I will only buy two perks [Nimble] and [Resilliant]. As I am just starting to train, nimbleness and more stamina are certainly welcome.

As Jon was about to go for lunch someone knocked on his door. Jon got up and opened the door. There was a handmaiden standing outside the door.

She bowed and said, "My lord, I am here to clean the room and transfer your belongings to your new chamber."

Jon calmly nodded and invited her in, and sat down on the bed. Ned Stark has provided him with a new and big chamber in the main wing. He looked at the maid who was cleaning the Fireplace and suddenly said-

"You are faceless men."