

starting world- Game of Thrones Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen SI My English is shit so pls bear with it. Disclaimer: I do not own Game Of Thrones. If I did, Jon wouldn't have got that shit ending to his story. Everything you may recognize belongs to GRM and HBO.

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17 Chs

10. Warg

Next Day

[Warging (Advanced)]

Wargs are people with the ability to enter the minds of animals and perceive the world through their senses and even control their actions. The act of doing this is called "Warging" or Skinchangig in terms of free folks.

The ability starts out as vivid dreams in which the warg sees and perceives the world through the senses of an animal. Over time and with practice, a warg can enter the mind of an animal at will. A warg's human body will become comatose when his consciousness leaves it to enter the mind of an animal, and his eyes will glaze over white until his consciousness returns to his own body.

Warging is a separate ability from Greensight, the psychic ability to perceive future and past events in dreams. However, some people who are wargs can also possess Greensight.

Skinchanging seems to be limited to people who are the blood of the First Men, i.e. the Free Folk, the Northmen, and possibly the Crannogman. This may have some connection with the fact that the First Men lived in Westeros for centuries alongside the magical Children of the Forest, and even adopted their religion of the Old Gods of the Forest, but the later Andals killed or drove away the last of the Children of the Forest during their invasion of the continent six thousand years ago.

Wargs among the wildlings cannot easily enter the minds of other humans, which are much more strong-willed than animals. Contributing to the difficulty is that few wargs even attempt to enter the minds of other humans, as this is considered an abomination. The wargs among the wildlings have loosely developed three rules to govern their power: never enter the mind of an animal while it is having sex, never enter the mind of an animal while it is eating human flesh, and never attempt to enter the mind of another human. These rules are more custom than law, of course, as it is difficult to enforce in the wide wildernesses beyond the Wall. Still, any warg who becomes known for breaking these taboos will subsequently be shunned by all others.

If a warg's human body is killed while controlling the mind of an animal, part of the warg's consciousness will survive inside of it. Dying wargs, sometimes those who are simply dying of old age, will attempt to temporarily cheat death by entering into this "Second Life" in an animal's mind. A warg cannot enter the minds of different animals once his original human body is dead: a warg may switch between two different animals, such as an eagle or a wolf, but he would have to return from the eagle to his human body before then entering the wolf's mind. Thus after the warg's human body dies, his "Second Life" as an animal is final. It is impossible for a warg's consciousness to perpetually cheat death and achieve functional immortality lifetime after lifetime. Moreover, when a warg enters into a Second Life, after many years outside of their human body their human mind will eventually start to fade until ultimately nothing but the mind of the beast remains (possibly because an animal's body isn't sophisticated enough to sustain a human consciousness over such a long time period; it is unknown if this is possible by warging into human minds, but this is both difficult and abhorred, so there is no record of it ever occurring since).

[Note: Host is a transmigrated soul thus having high spirit, mind, and comprehension. Any negative effect will be nullified due to Gamer's Mind. But Host can still experience mental exhaustion.]

Jon looked at the bird sitting on the nearby tree He closed his eyes and concentrated a bit. After some time He felt like he was not himself and found something like a door in the bird's mind. He felt like he doesn't need any permission to enter the mind so he directly entered.

Jon suddenly found himself looking on top of the tree lines. He could feel the air current flowing through, keeping him afloat. He tried to look at his body only to find it had shrunk down and sprouted feathers all over. The feathers were ruffling in the winds. Jon could see every minute detail down on the ground, the chickens that were pecking around the coop, the squirrel sitting on top of the forge roof, basking in the sun, and rats skittering about the farmlands outside of the keep…suddenly, he swooped down from his glide towards the farms…he extended his legs…he snatched up a rat…and now he was flying up again…landing on the roof of the keep…his beak tore through the skin of the rat…he could taste the tangy iron of blood…

Jon woke up and found himself in his room, the taste of blood still lingering in his mouth.

'Although I have advanced level Warging, I still have to train and get used to it.'

Jon trained and experimented all day in Warging with various animals. He found out that he could easily travel very long distances, almost up to the Moat Cailin and the Neck but after that, the range declined and the raven's mind start rejecting him. Jon came to the conclusion that if he is in Winterfell and tries to control a raven in Moat Cailin then he won't be able to do it. but if he had some bond with that raven; then he would be able to do it. He also found out that He can enter any beast's mind without any permission and if a large beast with more intelligence tries to resist him, he can easily deal with his high spiritual power. And it also seems like with an advanced level of Warging he doesn't need anyone to protect him while using the ability he can divide his mind, with surprising ease, he thought dividing the mind or multitasking will be harder but it seems his high spiritual energy is no joke.'

'even after training the whole day only a little mana is spent, It seems like my magic is more potent. After more practice mana required will be much less.'

'So right now I can easily cover the whole North with my ability. I will place a raven in every major castle in the North.

'I can easily bond with hundreds of low-level beasts, I can't wait to upgrade the Warging to master level.'