
The Conqueror Of Cities!

Having endured relentless bullying in his past, Dionis becomes obsessed on the intense emotions he once experienced. Thus, reaching out for something that gave him that thrill and adrenaline, he entered the world of crime, trying to get back the excitement he felt back in middle school. He entered the world of illegal substances as a mere dealer, yet Dionis utilized his superior mind to emerge as a formidable presence, evoking fear and commanding a growing following. The birth of a shadowy organization marked his ascent to evil, conquering everything in his path. ... ... ... ------Notice------ Pictures and details of characters can be found in my wiki: https://the-conqueror-of-cities.fandom.com/wiki/Dionis_Asani (Work in progress) Join my Discord server if you have any questions or anything really. Discord: https://discord.gg/UpZCBJjF

Dionis_Asani · Realistic
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170 Chs

The Boys Informed

Two weeks elapsed, marking the departure of the elite guard unit, a crucial indicator that the second phase of my carefully plan had concluded successfully. This development leaded in the commencement of the third and final phase, signaling the unforgiving approach of Damir's downfall. His demise was now set in motion, advancing at a careful and fast pace towards its ultimate phase.



"Hahahaha, fuck, I lost"  I exclaimed as I frustratedly tossed my cards onto the sturdy, round metal table.

Damir, along with a few other inmates, had gathered to play Poker, and it came as no surprise that I was the first to lose. I was completely clueless when it came to poker or anything related to gambling.

Seizing the opportunity, I addressed the group, "I need to shit. After this game wait for me before starting a new one."

"Very well," Damir replied, his focus returning to the intense ongoing game.