
The Conqueror's Wife

Emperor Dijon’s decision to bring in the stray woman from the streets of his newly conquered kingdom is as baffling to his Generals as it is to him. He intends for the whole experience to be a mere entertainment, a distraction from the many travails of his campaign through the desert but the little woman turns out to be a spit fire. One that he finds difficult to handle, yet she intrigues him. She arouses him as much as she infuriates him, yet, there is something even she cannot see, he recognizes the hunger in her eyes, the urge to destroy, conquer. They might have more in common than she actually thinks.

Pcb945 · History
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

The King of Dion prostrates himself, with his face to the ground at the feet of the Emperor. "Have mercy, Oh Great Emperor."

"It's Great Emperor now? What was it you told your people about my Army, what did you tell them about me? That I was scared of you and your forefathers?"

Kiara is surprised by the youthful voice emerging from the man in the armour. She watches as he takes his helmet off and from this distance, Kiara is taken aback by his youthful features. He looks to be a few years older than her, certainly too young to be an Emperor.

A soldier grabs Kiara roughly by her arm, drags her to the group of people gathered at the city square and tosses her to the ground.

"Do I look scared now?" The Emperor asks the King. "Do I?"

Kiara can sense the anger emanating from him but his voice does not change from it's flat tone.

The King shivers on the ground begging for his life, his fat rolls quacking under his robes, he promises to serve the Emperor if his life is spared.

"Take his head off and kill the others." The Emperor gives the order with an expressionless face.

Panic erupts in the city square but the people soon discover that the Emperor's soldiers are only interested with the King's family and the members of court. One of the ministers tries to make a break for it, but he doesn't get very far. He is struck down by a soldier on a horse. He collapses by Kiara's feet, his blood pooling between the cracks of the cobblestone.

Kiara does not see the face of the minister as she looks down at the body on the ground, instead, she sees Corgan face down in the dirt at the East gate, bleeding out.

Kiara's chest becomes heavy as she struggles to breathe, she looks at the man who took the love of her life away from her, the man who took everything that ever mattered in her life standing just a few feet away from her. It sparks something within her.

She bends down and gathers shattered cobblestones in her palms, before anyone can stop her, Kiara rushes towards him, launching the projectiles at him as she screams.

"Murderer! Murderer!"

Of the three projectiles she launches, one misses its intended target. The other lands on his mouth, splitting his upper lip, the last one narrowly misses his left eye, hitting him squarely on his cheek. She pounces on him, fists flying and manages to land a few slaps to his face before she is pulled away by soldiers. She writhes in their grip and when she gets a clear shot, she hurls a glob of saliva which lands on his eye and dribbles down his cheek.

A soldier unsheates his sword, ready to disembowel her.

"Kill me! Kill me!" Kiara screams, struggling against the men that hold her. "I have nothing to live for!" She wails, the anger turning to sadness.

An amoured hand stops the blade before it can make contact with Kiara's flesh. The Emperor wipes the spit from his eye, using the cloth offered to him by one of the soldiers and looks at the tiny woman that dared insult him in front of his generals and newly acquired subjects.

Kiara looks into golden eyes filled with rage, she sees the blossoming bruise on the cheek where the stone had struck him.

"Death will be too easy for you. I intend to prolong your suffering for a long time."

He grabs his scepter from the velvet pillow held by the servant. With a single blow, he strikes Kiara across the face, rendering her unconscious. She dangles in the arms of her captors and the Emperor sees, a tiny gash gushing blood at the side of her head, caused by the blow from is scepter.

"Take her away and lock her up, I will deal with her later."


Kiara wakes up in a cell after a bucket of water is dumped on her. Two soldiers are in the cell with her.

"We are here to prepare you for the Emperor."

Kiara does not anticipate the blow until the foot makes contact with her side. Both soldiers kick and stomp on her until it hurts to breathe, Kiara curls into a ball, using her arms to cover her face. She is struck repeatedly until she passes out for the second time today.

When she wakes up, she is in intense pain, she pulls herself off the ground in a kneeling position holding the side that hurts the most. She whimpers, taking in short painful breaths before realizing something crucial. She is not alone.

She turns around and finds the Emperor sitting on a chair, he is still in his gold armour but Kiara notices that this one is different, shiner. Up close she can see his features, they are strong, yet somehow delicate at the same time. High cheek bones and a strong jawline, yet he has thin brows that are barely there, a long straight nose and lips that are the shape of bows.

Kiara makes the mistake of meeting his gaze, his eyes are hard and cold, there is not a flicker of emotion within them.

"A lesson must be made out of you." He takes note of her red attire, of the swirling lines across her skin and realizes she is a bride.

"But I can't seem to find the perfect punishment for you, one that will make you regret the day you were born." He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. He searches her features but cannot find the mark that proclaims she is married, then it dawns on him that his breach of the kingdom had interrupted her ceremony. He remembers she had called him a murderer after he had ordered the King and his council to be executed. Was she betrothed to one of the ministers? One of the King's sons? No, her attire is far too cheap for her to married to a prince.

Then the idea hits him.

"From now on, you will be the face mothers attribute to the death of their sons, the name widows spit on when they remember their dead husbands. You will be cursed, shamed and harassed because of the mark you will bear…"

"I will not kill for you." Kiara cuts the Emperor off.

She sees his lips curve in a smile. "I do not intend for you to do so."

The smug smile infuriates Kiara. "Then, what do you want?"

"For you to be my wife."

Kiara tilts her head to look at him, not sure she hears the words correctly. "Your wife?" She laughs, holding her injured ribs but the pain doesn't stop her from laughing harder. "You must be delusional if you think I'm going to say yes."

"Again, I do not intend for you to but I did bring a little incentive, something that will make you change your mind." He calls a soldier over and whispers something too low for Kiara to hear.

The man leaves and soon after, Kiara hears scuffling down the hall. A little boy of two cries in the arms of a soldier who handles him roughly. Kiara hears the mother before she sees her.

"Please let him go, take me instead but please let my son go!"

A young woman almost the same age as Kiara comes into the light, she throws herself down at the Emperor's feet but is held back by the guards before she can get further.

"Please, I will do anything you want, let him go, please!" She wails as she struggles against the guards.

The boy wails hysterically in the arms of the guard. "Mama, Mama!"

"I do not hold your son's life in my hands, she does." The Emperor directs the woman's gaze to Kiara, pointing to her in her cell. "All she has to do is accept my proposal and you son will be released into your arms."

The woman struggles against the guards and they let her go, she crawls to Kiara's cell and pulls herself up to her knees using the bars of the cell.

"I beg you, please. He is only a child, my only child. My husband is dead, I have nothing else to live for if he is taken away from me…Please I beg you!"

The woman's eyes are wild, her hair tattered, her clothes in pieces, her face red and blotchy, smeared with dirt at places that made contact with the ground.

Kiara turns to the Emperor. "How stupid do you think I am? You bring in a bunch of paid actors to convince me to accept your proposal. Well, next time, you should have them say something other than the same words I said to you, in a bid to mock me. Take them away. I will not fall for your tricks."

The woman at the bars looks from Kiara to the Emperor not understanding the scenario before her.

"I am afraid you failed to convince her." He turns to the soldiers standing guard. "Run him through."

Kiara and the mother watch in horror as two guards restrain the boy's arms, while a third runs him through from behind, so that the women can have an unobstructed view.

The sword goes in and out of the small body without hinderance, blood pours out of the wound, the boy is dropped to the floor where he kicks his feet and flays arms in the throes of death.

"Its such a shame, did you know people who are run through with swords feel the intense pain of the blow until they die? Which of course, takes a lot of time." One would think the Emperor was describing the weather, in his cool voice, and not someone, a child, dying at his feet.

The mother goes into another frenzy. "Phineas! Phineas!" She screams but the guards do not let her go, forcing her to watch her dying son until the boy gives up his last breath, which is very audible in the confined space of Kiara's cell.

"You monster…" Kiara has her hand over her mouth in disbelief.

"I'm not the monster, you are. His life was in your hands, all you had to do was say yes and he would have been released into the arms of his mother unharmed. His blood is on your hands."

The soldier who had run the boy through, had his sword out, shaking the blood off, before anyone could make sense of what was happening the woman freed herself from the soldiers and impaled herself on the same sword that killed her son.

"Would you look at that? Now you have the blood of two people on your hands." The Emperor says, turning his golden eyes on her.

Kiara watches the blood pool into her cell, she tries to get away but it finds its way to her feet, collecting around her, the blood of mother and child.

"We have to make sure this doesn't happen again, it defeats the purpose of this exercise." He tells a soldier.

"Are you ready to accept my proposal?"


Her voice is so small, she doubts the Emperor hears her until he says, "Bring in the next child."

A child of seven is brought into the cell, this time it is a girl with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Despite her ragged appearance and tear stained cheek, Kiara recognizes her instantly as the butcher's daughter and makes the mistake of calling out her name.


The girl turns at the mention of her name, recognizing Kiara, she reaches out through the bars. Kiara grasps the tiny hands and tells the girl everything will be okay, before she is forcibly ripped away from the bars.

This exchange does not go unnoticed by the Emperor. When the mother is brought in by the soldiers, he beckons her closer to him. Latana begins to cry as she sees her mother.

"Please…" The mother pleads. "Have mercy on my daughter…" She doesn't finish the sentence, she sees the soldiers drag the body of the dead boy and his mother out of the room. The woman begins to weep hysterically, knowing that the fate of her and her daughter is sealed.

"Shhhh….Shhhh…" The Emperor takes her face in his amoured hand. "You might actually come out of this alive. Do you know this woman?"

The woman follows his gaze into the cell, her eyes widen as she recognizes Kiara. She returns her gaze to the Emperor and nods aggressively.

"What's her name?"


"Kiara." The Emperor tests the name on his tongue. He turns back to the woman and smiles. "All you have to do is convince Kiara to say, 'yes' and your daughter leaves here alive."

The woman rushes to the cell and grabs the bars. "Please, Kiara. Say yes."

"Please, Kiara say yes." The Emperor mocks, thoroughly enjoying the scene before him. "You wouldn't want the blood of another mother and child to be on your hands."

"Please, I am begging you." Latana's mother begins to cry.

"You don't even know what I'm saying yes to!" Kiara screams at her through the bars.

"You are saying, 'yes' to save her daughter's life." The Emperor interjects.

Kiara shoots him a glare, understanding the game he is playing. Latana wails louder, her mother continues to beg Kiara through the bars. The Emperor is unaffected by the scene, his gaze is locked on Kiara.

"Say yes." He implores.


He turns to the guards holding Latana. "She says no, Slit her throat."

"No!" The mother is held back by the soldiers, as a blade is drawn across the soft flesh of the child's neck.

Latana is dropped to the ground as she begins to gurgle and thrash around.

"You hear that sound?" The Emperor turns to Kiara. "She is drowning in her own blood."

He turns to the mother and leans down to whisper in her ear in a voice audible enough for Kiara to hear. He directs the woman's gaze to her cell as he speaks. "I want you to look at the face of the woman that took your daughter away from you. Remember this face anytime you realize your sweet child is no more. All she had to do was say, 'yes'. Just one word. She had the power to return your daughter to you but she refused. Who does that to an innocent child?"

Kiara looks on in disbelief as the Emperor begins to sow the seed in the heart of Latana's mother. She looks at her with tears running down her face, the eyes that are full of sorrow, slowly begin to fill with hatred.

"Whenever you think of your child, curse her name." The Emperor ends as the mother is taken away, Latana's mother doesn't break eye contact with Kiara as she is taken away from the cell.

Kiara turns to the Emperor but she has no words. He relaxes on his chair.

"I can do this all day. I can bring in every single child in Dion and have them slaughtered in this room until you are swimming in their blood. Can you? Can you look at the faces of all the children I bring in, of all the mothers who plead for their lives knowing you have the power to save them and say no? Can you? Can you live with their blood on your hands?"

Kiara hears the sound of a crying child coming closer to her cell and the sound of a hysterical mother not far off. When the child is brought in, she sees that it is just a baby. The mother is held down at the feet of the Emperor.

"Kiara here has the power to save your child, all she has to do is say, 'yes'. If she doesn't, your child will be strangled to death before your eyes. All you have to do is convince her." He tells the mother, directing the gaze of the mother to the cell but he gives her enough room to see the body of Latana, with an open throat, being dragged out of the room.

The woman turns to Kiara and begins to plead for her baby's life.

"What will it be, Kiara?" The Emperor leans back in his chair.


Hi there, thank you for reading the fifth part of The Conqueror's Wife. Please leave me a comment if you have something you wish to share. I will see you in the next chapter.

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