
The Connected Worlds

Jessie, 21years old University student lost her boyfriend in an accident. She can't forget his memories with him. But after his death, he comes into her dreams everyday. Is this a dream? Or another universe. Let's go and read it. Experience the multiverse story and the multiverse love. Follow me on Discord : https://discord.gg/PfD6cngQ

the_brownie_02 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The First love

"Arthur wait. Don't leave." Jane cried.

"Come and catch me." Arthur challenged her.

Both were playing with each other. Jane used a magic trick, where Arthur was lifted and she caught him. "Hey! What magic trick did you use?" Arthur asked. "Voilà" Jane whispered. She pushed him and said, "Now catch me if you can." Then she ran away. While seeing back Arthur was not there. This made Jane scared.

Jessie woke up in a panic. She saw the clock on the wall, it was 5 a.m. While others are still sleeping. She went to the living room and switched on the TV. She was just changing the channel. Suddenly the news came, and she just paused the changing of the channel. The flash news was,


"Who wakes so early?", Daisy was surprised to see her early. "The f***ing head trip made me wake up so early." Jessie rolled her eyes up.

"What's the news, lemme see." Daisy grabbed the remote from her and raised the volume a bit higher. Both are watching the news.

"Hey, do you believe in this?" Jessie questioned. "What the heck are you talking about?" Daisy narrowed her eyes. "This news is insane." Jessie sighed. Daisy turns off the TV. She slaps Jessie's thighs and says, "Go and get ready for the session." with an annoying face. Jessie made a funny face after she said that.

They went to the session at 9 a.m. "Ms. Jessica", an assistant called her. She went inside the room. "Hey Jessie! How are you?" Dr.Anna asked her. "Just the same," Jessie replied. "Are you taking the meds?" Dr. Anna questioned her. "Not every time.", Jessie replied with an awkward smile. Dr.Anna took a deep breath and smiled at her. "Okay let's go for the session.", cheering herself and Jessie.

"Tell me about your first love?" Dr. Anna was looking at her eyes for the answer. "Uhm... Edward!", tears were rolling in Jessie's eyes. "He's kind of different from other men.", she was smiling with tears. "Our fights won't last longer. He just convinced me, even if I did anything wrong. He's kind of a comfort zone for me. After my parents and Daisy, he was the one who supported me every time. I killed him.", Jessie was crying continuously.

"Ease my dear.", Dr. Anna patted her. "Drink some water.", she gave the water bottle to her. Jessie just drank it and took a deep breath.

"Edward is so special to me.", Jessie gave a statement. "I know.", Dr.Anna nodded her head. "Ok! Tell me how you guys met each other?", Dr.Anna asked Jessie for a distraction.

"We just met in a carnival.", Jessie smiled and replied.

Five years ago...

Jessie and Daisy are playing ring toss in the carnival. They are aiming for the stuffed panda bear. There are only three chances for this game. The first chance was missed. Still, there two chances are. Daisy played first and she's playing in another chance, but it also got missed.

"Come on it's your chance," Daisy said in a cheerful voice. "Okay!" Jessie was giving a thumbs up to her. But it was also missed. Jessie's face turned gloomy. "It's okay champ! Today is not your day." Daisy cheered her up. They both went away.

"Excuse me!", a man called them a few minutes later. He gave the stuffed panda bear to Jessie. "I just saw that you're upset about not buying this guy, so that's why I gave it to you.", the man was looking at Jessie and replied. He was looking like he was in his twenties. He was taller than them. Daisy is checking his height and giving a thumbs up to Jessie. She got annoyed and pulled Daisy towards her. The man saw this and started laughing because of their funny behavior. And then he controlled his laughter. Then he checked his pocket and his phone started to ring. "Okay! My friends are calling me. I have to go ." he said. "Hey! What's your name?", Jessie asked. "Edward!", he replied. "Hope we meet again.", Jessie waved her hands.

The present day...

"Ok! When did you guys meet again?" Dr.Anna asked. "It was the next day," Jessie replied.

Five years ago.....

The next day, Jessie went to school early for a rehearsal for the talent program. There she saw Edward standing near his car. Their eyes narrowed when they saw each other. "Are you stalking me?", Jessie asked doubtfully.

"What the heck are you talking about?", Edward became surprised. "I think you're following me.", Jessie replied. "Oh really!?", Edward chuckled. There the principal of the school came to come towards them. "Oh! Mr.Edward, please come." he greeted. "Where's your mom?", he asked. "She's en route to this place.", Edward replied. "Ok! Let's go inside." the principal showed the way to the VIP room. Jessie asked the coordinator of this program. The girl said, "He's the son of actress Mrs. Grace Stewart. And he's one of our alumnae too." This made Jessie surprised. She thought that he was a rookie.

Then she went to the auditorium. On the backstage, she was a bit nervous. Her body started to sweat. "Hey are you nervous?", a man asked. "Yeah!", Jessie replied. Then the man gave his handkerchief to her. "Wipe it.", he said.

"First time you might be nervous. After that you'll be alright.", he gave a piece of advice.

"I saw Edward. Are you guys dating?", he asked. "Excuse me?" Jessie narrowed her eyes. "We just met in Carnival yesterday.", she said. "Why are you asking me like this?", she asked.

"Sorry to introduce myself. I'm Neo. Edward's cousin." he shook her hand. "You guys look like a perfect couple." he complimented.

"I'm 16," Jessie replied with a frowning face. "He's 21.", Neo savagely replied. "And I'm 4 months younger than him ", he added.

Jessie was rolling her eyes up and ignored Neo. She started to practice for her dance. "Hey! Are you a ballet dancer?", Neo asked. "Yes?" Jessie replied doubtfully. "Edward likes ballet dancers because his mom was that before," he said. "Jessica!", her name was called. "All the best!" Neo cheered her. Daisy came to the auditorium to cheer her up. When Jessie started to dance, the elegance, the aura, and the smile made Edward stare at her. After the program, the winner was announced, but it was not for Jessie. Then all of them came outside. "Hey! You danced well." Edward congratulated Jessie. "Oh! thanks.", she gave an awkward smile. "Jessicaaaaaaaa!", there comes Daisy running towards her and hugging her. "You did well my Champ!", she patted Jessie's head. "Jessica ", Edward murmured and got blushed. "You can call me Jessie !", Jessie shakes hands with him. And Neo came to congratulate Jessie. Edward introduced Neo to her. "Uhm...We just met backstage so no need for any introduction." Jessie replied. After seeing Neo, Daisy started to stare at him romantically. Neo blushed because of her stare. Jessie and Edward started to laugh after seeing this. Then they became normal. "Hey! Can you come to the café tomorrow?", Edward asked. "Don't forget to bring your friend.", he said. "Ok!", Jessie gave a thumbs up.

The days went by after so many meet-ups. Daisy is worried that Jessie has feelings towards Edward but she's not confessing it. Jessie was busy with her assignments. "You have feelings towards Edward right?", Daisy asked. Suddenly Jessie paused. "What the heck are you talking about? What if he doesn't have any feelings towards me?", Jessie was confused. "Just go and tell your feelings towards him." Daisy patted her head. Then she took Jessie's phone suddenly and dialed Edward's number. Jessie tried to snatch it from her but she couldn't. The phone was ringing and Edward picked up the call. "What's the matter?" Edward's voice was tired. Jessie snatched it from Daisy. "I just wanna meet you tomorrow. Are you free?", she asked. "Yeah!", suddenly a cheerful voice came from Edward. "Ok! Let's meet in Blue Jay restaurant.", Jessie said.

The next day, Jessie went to the restaurant. She was wearing a beautiful top and jeans.

She left the handbag in a seat where the restaurant owner instructed her to sit and she went to use the washroom. At that time Edward came. The restaurant owner made him sit where Jessie was sitting. He kept his mobile in Jessie's handbag and closed the zip. After that Jessie came and sat opposite Edward at the table. "I just wanna tell you that....", when Jessie was confessing, "Wait! I just lost my mobile.", Edward got panicked. "Where did you see at last?", Jessie asked. "Outside the restaurant?", Edward replied doubtfully. They both went out of the restaurant and searched for the phone. But it's not there. "Can you just please call my number?", Edward asked. Then Jessie realized that she was having her phone in hand. "I just forgot that I have my phone to call your number.", Jessie gave an awkward smile. Then she called to Edward's number. The phone was ringing in Jessie's handbag. Then checked her handbag, his phone was inside the bag. Her name was typed as "My Panda". There Edward proposed to her with a bouquet full of roses and said, "Will you be my Panda?". "Yes!" Jessie exclaimed in joy.

The present-day.....

"Ok! The session was over.", Dr. Anna said.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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