
Is she a witch or saviour -2?

Leia became sad after Harry went. She saw him leaving, through the window After that Arthur, Jane and Gilda came inside. Leia went inside the room. Jane followed her. "What happened?", Jane asked. "My heart didn't want him to leave.", Leia cried to her. Jane pacified her. "If he loves you he will meet you again.", Jane explained to her. Gilda came into the situation.

"What's going on?", Gilda questioned them. Jane and Leia were seeing each other faces. They don't know what to say to her. Then Jane and Leia explained the story calmly. 

"Loving a stranger!?", Gilda was astonished. "What do you know about him? Are you sure that he loves you? How could you do that.", Gilda became furious with Leia. "He feels that he's comfortable with me. And I'm feeling comfortable with him.", Leia said to her. Arthur was coming to the room. "What's the matter Gilda?", he asked her. "Nothing. Leia has a bad dream.", Jane replied to him. "What's the dream?", Arthur asked Leia. "Just falling from the mountain.", Leia replied. "Nothing happens to you, my dear Leia. Don't worry.", Arthur hugged her and went. The days went Leia's sadness didn't go. Gilda and Jane consoled her. 

One day a poor man came to their house. "What do you want?", Gilda asked that man when he came. "I want to see the woman who used magic tricks.", that poor man replied. "Why?", Gilda questioned him again. "My wife has been abducted by the kingdom while I was at work. We didn't pay the taxes. I heard from the people that, if a person didn't pay his taxes, his family women would be treated as s*x slaves. After using them for five years, they will be killed by the kingdom.", the poor man said and he cried.

Gilda pacified him. "What happened?", Jane asked her. Arthur came at the back of her. Gilda explained the situation to her. "Who brought you?", Jane asked that poor man. "I brought him.", Leia came inside the house. "Ok! Let's go and help his wife.", Jane saw Arthur and said. "Sure we will help them.", Arthur held her hands. Then they went to the kingdom. After they went Gilda saw Leia. She came towards her.

"Why did you go out?", Gilda asked. "I went to see Harry, but I was been cheated.", Leia started to cry. She was broken inside and burst into tears. Gilda pacified her. "It's okay.", she said. "He's been engaged to the king's daughter.", Leia said. "I told that he doesn't deserve you.", Gilda advised her. Leia hugged her.

On the other side, Arthur and Jane went to the kingdom with that man. Jane used a magic spell to hide. They all went inside the kingdom. Then they searched everywhere for the place where the slaves had been kept. But they can't find it. They heard that one of the servants was speaking about the women slaves. Then they followed that servant silently. They saw many women were kept in that place. The room was dark. They see only the window that gives brightness to the place. Then the servant went. "Révéler", Jane used the magic spell.

The man saw his wife and he cried. His wife started to cry after seeing him. "Today is my day to sleep with the King.", she cried and said.

Jane saw the other women suffering because of the King. "Arthur we have no time. We have to release all of them.", she instructed Arthur silently. Then Arthur used a magic trick to open the door. The door was opened. They escaped from the room. One of the guards saw them escaping call the other guards. "Gárdé", Arthur used a magic trick to open the gates.

They all went out of the gates. Then they went far outside the kingdom using a cart. Every woman and the poor man thanked them for saving their life. After that Arthur and Jane went to the house. Then the next day the people come to their house for help. The dams were closed by the kingdom. It was opened by Jane. Many people are not paying taxes nowadays. Many parents are sending their children to learn magic spells and tricks by Jane.

Jane was teaching magic tricks and spells before for a few children. Now the parents are willingly sending their children to learn magic spells and tricks from her.

This made Conan angry. He didn't want people outside the kingdom to learn magic. So he planned to execute them. But don't know how to start this. Then he remembers that Draco knows them. Then he calls him to the chamber. Draco comes into the chamber. Conan saw the wanted poster of Arthur and Jane. Draco saw that. "You know them right?", Conan asked. "Yes sir!", Draco replied and he started to blink.

"Did you find them?", Conan investigated him. "No.", Draco replied with fear. Conan came towards and slapped him. "If you don't find them you'll be dead.", Conan held Draco's cheeks and warned him. "I'll find them wherever they are Sir.", Draco promised him and he went.

While going outside, he bumped into the servant with some drawing charts. Draco helped him by taking all the charts. He saw Leia's face in one of the charts. "Whose charts are these?", Draco asked. "It's Mr. Harry's charts sir.", that servant replied. "I'll be taking this with me.", Draco said. "But Sir?", that servant dragged. "I'll be giving in person to him.", Draco replied.

Then he went to Harry's chamber. Harry saw someone come to his room. "Yes Commander Draco, how can I help you?", Harry asked. "Do you know her?", Draco asked while showing that chart to him. Harry was blinking. His hands started to sweat.

"No! It's my imagination.", Harry replied. "Imagination? That's my sister!", Draco said and he laughed. "But she has a brother right?", Harry asked and he told the truth unknowingly. Draco smirked. "So you know her, am I right?", he asked. Harry started to panic, but he didn't show up outside. "Don't dare to come to my sister.", Draco warned Harry.

After he went Harry became relieved. But Draco came back again. He puts his hands on Harry's shoulder. "Ok! Tell me where they're?", Draco asked him. "Near the Lake.", Harry replied. His body was shivering. Draco then patted his cheeks. "Thank you.", he thanked Harry.

After that, he realized that they were in Gilda's house. He goes to her house without any guards. Gilda saw him and signaled to Arthur and Jane. Arthur, Jane, and Leia hid somewhere inside the house. Then Draco came in. "Oh, Gilda! How are you?", he came and hugged her. "I'm fine. How are you?", Gilda asked Draco. "Still alive.", Draco replied. "We thought you were dead. But you're alive. By the way, I heard you are working for the kingdom. I'm so proud of you.", Gilda said. Then she was making a drink for him.

"Did the witch say?", Draco asked. "Are you talking about Jane?", Gilda asked. "Yes.", Draco replied. "No. The children who come here are talking about this.", Gilda explained to him. "Do you teach magic?", Draco was asking her suspiciously.

"How can I? I became old. I taught magic to Jane and Leia. Jane is the only child who learned magic in depth, by herself." Gilda told him. Arthur, Jane, and Leia were seeing the scene going on through a magic paper. Arthur's clothes are on the bed. Draco wanted to investigate the whole house. But Gilda was seeing him what he was doing. "I feel tired. Can I rest?", Draco asked her. "Of course! Feel like your house.", Gilda replied. Her body started to sweat. Draco noticed her behavior after he said. But didn't ask about that. Arthur becomes nervous because his clothes are on the bed, if Draco finds out then he'll understand that they are in this house and that causes Gilda into trouble. Jane noticed his reaction. "Cacher", she used the magic reaction. Then Draco came to the room. He sensed that someone was in this room. He took the magic mirror from the bag which he bought. It finds out the people who are hiding under the magic spell. 

He searched using the magic mirror. He opened the closet and Arthur, Jane, and Leia were inside the closet. He found out that they were hiding there, using the mirror. "Reveler!", Draco used the magic spell. Three of them were revealed under the spell. 

"Got you!", Draco smirked. "Eclater!", Jane burst into the room using the magic spell without any damage and they escaped. But Draco caught them with the magic breaker rope except Leia. When Draco saw her, his eyes started to fill with tears, but he didn't show it to her. Because he took care of her since she was a baby. 

Then he came down pulling Arthur and Jane. He went outside the house taking them. Leia and Gilda followed them. "Please leave them brother!", Leia pleads to him. "I can't leave them until they die in the hands of the king. And don't call me brother.", Draco said. Then he saw Gilda. "Thank you, Gilda, for catching.", Draco smiled at her. "Please leave them!", Gilda pleaded to him. "They attacked me. They are going against the kingdom. The kingdom wants them alive.", Draco said coldly. "Then I'll show you who I am.", Gilda said, and she used the magic spell. "Tir En Rafale", Gilda used a magic spell as a burst shot. Gilda and Draco faced an immense face-off; at last, he was defeated. Leia went to take the serum that broke the rope and untied Arthur and Jane.

"Go and tell the King and his minister, that Arthur and Jane won't surrender.", Gilda warned Draco. Draco pretended to leave, instead he tried to attack Gilda with the blade that contained poison. But Arthur saved her and got attacked by the blade. Arthur got fainted. Jane used a magic spell that made Draco ice. The poison was so strong at Arthur. Jane tried to cure him. But it went in vain. But his willpower is saving him from the poison. Jane used the magic trick to endure the poison temporarily. The days went by, and there wasn't a cure for the poison. And it is getting stronger. Jane was trying her best to save him by magic tricks. 

" What can we do now? How will I save him?", Jane started to cry to Gilda. She pacified her. Arthur's health condition was the same. Nothing has changed. That night Arthur passed away. Leia started to cry. Jane can't digest the fact that Arthur is dead. Gilda can't because she needs to alleviate Jane and Leia.

Jane wiped her tears and was about to go out. Gilda followed her. "Where are you going?", Gilda held her hands and asked. "TO TAKE THE SOUL FROM ANOTHER UNIVERSE.", Jane said. "Are you insane?", Gilda shouted at her. "Yes, I am. Why did you teach me about this?", Jane argued with her. "EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE IN THEIR LIFE TOO!", Gilda explained to her. "I need Arthur! I don't want anything else.", Jane pleaded and started to cry. Later Gilda accepted her request and made a condition. If something happens to Arthur again then she can't take another soul from any other universe. And Jane nodded to her condition.

She went to another universe by using the magic spell near the lake. She took the soul from another universe and came back to Nebula. She placed the soul in Arthur's body. He woke up alive. All he saw was Jane's face. She saw him and hugged him. "THANK YOU FOR COMING ALIVE!", she said.

Meanwhile, Draco comes out from the ice. He escapes to the kingdom and informs Jack and Conan about the place where they live. "Guards! Let's catch them.", Jack instructed the guards. The guards were about to leave the king's lobby. Draco stopped them. "No. Your Majesty! They might get alert by now. We need to catch them privately or else the people will revolt against us.", Draco said. "We found them.", Jack shouted at him. "No. Your Majesty! He's right that witch is the hero right now. And they must have been alert after Draco's attack. So, we must catch them privately.", Conan was convincing the king. Later Jack accepted the request. "So, tell me the plan.", Jack asked Conan. "Our General will reveal it.", Conan replied. "I need the guards to control the magic powers. Leave it to me, Your Majesty, I will do it.", Draco said. He came out of the King's lobby and he was thinking about the plan. Then he realizes that Harry has fallen in love with Leia and engages with Ruby. If Jack knew about this, he would kill Leia. To protect her from Jack, he makes up his mind by not revealing.

Leia went to see Draco at the back of the house and she found that he was missing. She called Jane and Gilda and informed them about this. "Let him come.", Jane said it boldly.

Then Draco went into the Harry's room. Harry was busy writing his journal. Tears were running in his eyes. But he's controlling it. Draco closed the door and went in front of him. "What's the matter?", Harry asked him. Draco put his face on the desk in a forceful way. "If you don't cooperate with me, the king will kill you.", Draco threatened him. "Why should I come?", Harry questioned him. Draco was searching for Leia's drawing. And the drawing was in the closet. He took the drawing and showed it to Harry. "If you don't come with me, I'll kill her.", Draco said showing Leia's drawing.

 Draco and Harry came out of the room. Conan saw them. "Where are you taking him?", he asked Draco. "He saw the witch when they sneaked into the palace, sir. So, I'm taking him to the place where they hide.", Draco lied to Conan. He came towards Draco. Whispered in his ears and went. Harry, Draco, and the guards went to Gilda's house. The sun was about to set. Harry was in front of her house. Draco and the guards were hiding outside the house.

Harry knocked on the door. Jane opened the door. "Harry?", Jane narrowed her eyes and she was dumbfounded. "I need to tell you the news.", Harry said. His eyes were seeing Draco. Jane noticed him. "Are you alright?", Jane asked him. "Yes.", Harry smiled awkwardly. "Come in.", Jane called him in.

"The king is planning to catch and kill you and Arthur. You guys need to be careful.", Harry cautioned Jane. Arthur, Leia, and Gilda came into the scene. "How did you know this?", Arthur asked him. "He's close to the king. And he's going to marry his daughter.", Leia replied. 

Arthur saw Harry's face. "YES. BUT I LOVE YOUR SISTER. AND I'M NOT GOING TO MARRY HER.", Harry said boldly. Arthur saw Leia's face. "But not now.", Leia said coldly. Jane explained the story to him. "Leia come here!", Arthur called her softly. "Don't worry! I'm with you.", Arthur confirmed. 

Suddenly the door was forcefully opened, Draco and the guards came and rounded Arthur and Jane. "I thought you were dead Arthur.", Draco said and he started to laugh. "I WON'T BE DEAD UNTIL THE PEOPLE GET FREEDOM.", Arthur replied and he saw Harry. Harry looked down. Jane tried to magic trick. But Draco tied her with the magic breaker rope. Harry was seeing everything but remained silent. Then they were taking them outside. "HARRY!", Leia called him. She slapped him harder. "What are you doing?", Draco asked. He held her hand when she tried to slap Harry again. "You don't deserve to be my brother!", she insulted him.

"Guards take her too!!", Draco instructed them. They arrested Leia. Gilda came inside the house and saw that they arrested three of them. Draco saw her and smiled. Gilda was in a state of shock. She saw Harry going. And she understood the situation. She stopped him. "Why did you do this?", Gilda asked him. Her eyes were filled with tears. "EVERYTHING IS FOR THE KINGDOM.", Harry replied.


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