
The Connected Souls

[Completed] WHEN TWO SOULS FALL IN LOVE....... There is nothing else but the yearning to be close to one another. The presence is felt through a held hand, a voice heard and the sight of a smile. Even through a simple touch. Souls do not have calenders or clocks nor do they understand the notion of time or distance. They only know it feels right to be with one another. This is the reason why you miss someone so much when they are not around. Your soul feels their absence and doesn't realize that the separation is temporary. Because love finds its way....... Death can set apart the bodies but not soul. Anastasia Prescott (23 years) A charming, young and innocent girl who lost her love, Ashton Watson three years back in a tragic incident which left her soul shattered into pieces which is beyond repair. She dedicates her life to WATSON CORPORATION, the dream of her beloved Ashton and make it big, just as he dreamed it to be. But while doing so she lost herself as she never overcome from his loss in her miserable life. She was a lifeless body without a soul who was adamant for ripping apart her every being in his memories. Ashton Watson (26 years) The young lad and the heir of Watson Corporation who was keen to pursue his dream of taking his father's empire to new heights. He fell head over heels for Anna and her innocence. He was determined about his future with her. But least did he know that he would not be able to keep his promises that he made to her. He knew that he was her everything and that is why he uttered the last words on his deathbed, "Live for me Anna. Don't ever give up on yourself. I love you and I will always be with you. You may not find me near you but I will always be around you." Regan Knight (29 years) A debanoir, one of the most dashing bachelor and the most successful entrepreneur of his generation. He is conceited and ruthless when it comes to business. Love is not a part of his lifestyle. But things change when he sets his eyes on Anna who beholds him in a trance from which he never wants to come out. He gradually understand the meaning of love and...... pain. He know he would never be able to replace him in her heart but after realizing his love for her, he is ready to accept this fact as his fate. He thinks his own love would be more than enough for both of them to spend rest of their lives together. All he wants is a chance from her, for her, for them. Will Anna move on? Will Regan be able to mend her? Will Regan and Anna have any chance of a future together? Join the emotional journey of Anastasia and Regan in search of love. The journey which throbs with emotions you never experienced, the agony and finally the blitheness which leaves you with nothing but bliss and contentment to love and to be loved by your precious. --- Excerpt --- "I love you Anna." He finally confessed. His heartfelt confession moved a string in her dead heart as if awakening her soul from a deep sleep. Those three simple words that were barely above a whisper held the utmost conviction of his every promise that he had silently made to her. She didn't expect something like that. Her eyes widened in shock and she muttered unbelievingly. "You love me?" She shook her head still not believing what she heard from him and gulped. "You love me. As….as a friend…..friend, right? As a….." The edges of his lips curled up slightly. Out of all the reactions, it was the most unexpected from her. She was still not ready to believe what she heard and he was determined to make her believe every word he said. He cut her off to speak further and repeated again. "I love you......as a man loves a woman Anastasia."

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139 Chs

I am back baby - I

Next morning, Anna woke up early and found herself wrapped in Regan's arm. She instantly got flustered when she realized that Regan's breath was tickling her face creating goosebumps all over her body. The previous night, she slept so soundly that she had no idea when he came so close to her.


His name echoed in her thoughts. Every word that he said the previous night, engulfed her in a wave of ardor and conviction ensuring her his endless love and sincerity for her. Before marrying him, she had thought to hate him for replacing Ashton in her life, but within a few days, staying close in his presence and witnessing his love with her own eyes, she realized that he wasn't replacing Ashton. Neither he was intending to. He was making a place for himself in her heart which had grown so accustomed to his warmth and care that she couldn't believe that she was the same Anna who thought there was nothing left in her to give anything to anyone. She had never once thought that inspite of her reluctance or denial, it would accept him so easily. The way it pulsated everytime in his presence and somewhere yearned for him, she didn't know how to interpret the emerging emotions that on one hand elated her while on the other made her apprehensive about something unknown that she couldn't pinpoint. She could feel his anxiety. She could feel that something was bothering him. He always assured her that everything was alright but she could feel it. Something was amiss.

Amidst the self contemplation, she tried to get up a few times, but the more she moved, the more he tightened his grip over her waist. Her weariness on their proximity instantly got replaced by an admiration, when she saw him sleeping like an innocent kid. She stopped moving and watched him in a daze not intending to disturb his sleep and decided to lay there for a while before getting up for the day.

He was lightly snoring with a cute pout on his face. There was no trace of the bossy and mighty Regan. Instead, he looked strikingly good, kind and peaceful. She couldn't help but lightly chuckled on hearing his snores which seemed quite adorable to her.

"It's rude to stare Anastasia." Regan said in his hoarse morning voice with his eyes still closed.


He opened his eyes to see the most beautiful sight before him. He was fast asleep but Anna's movements awakened him lightly. His sleep scurried away as he felt her eyes on him and when he heard the melodic voice of her chuckle.

"And what made my beautiful wife chuckle? Tell me."

Her face heated up in embarrassment on getting caught by him.

"Noth...Nothing." She stuttered.


She frantically nodded her head in a yes while he frowned.

"Then why were you grinning like you saw your favorite icecream early in the morning? Now don't deny because I saw you."

"I was grinning because I saw something funny." She recalled snoring him and suppressed her laughter.

He cocked his brow in amusement. He had thought that she might be admiring him for his good looks and...

She interrupted his thoughts with her giggles when she couldn't control anymore.

"You were snoring Regan."

She said as a matter of fact but instantly shut her mouth with her hands when she saw his face going pale.

"I don't snore Anastasia." He stated seriously.

She shook her head but her words were different from what she was implicating. "Trust me. You do."


"But that's natural. You looked cute that way..... and funny.....no I mean adorable. So.....so, there is nothing to feel bad about it." She tried to coax him on watching him frown.

"Cute, funny and adorable, huh? I am anything but these. Never. Your husband is dashing and hot." He said cockily.

"But I like my husband when he is cute." She replied with a smile but instantly freezed when she realized what she said.

Regan too laid there still with her freely accepting him as her husband for the first time. A contented smile lighted up his face and he softly pecked her lips shocking her with his unexpected move.

"If you like me cute, then cute it is. I am ready to be anything for you Anna. Funny, adorable, cute, anything if that can bring such a lovely smile on your face that I am so in love with."

Saying it, he closed his eyes and slept again as it was too early for him. Anna kept on looking him with wide eyes and hurriedly got up before she could do or say anything more embarrassing.


She had just entered the kitchen but was surprised to see Briella's presence over there. When Briella noticed Anna, she politely greeted her.

"Good morning Mrs. Knight."

"Morning." Anna replied with a smile.

"Would you like a coffee?"

"Yes please."

She quickly served her the coffee and went back to her work. Anna sat near the kitchen island sipping her coffee.

"I thought you only visit on weekends?" She asked initiating a conversation.

Briella smiled. "That's true mam. But Mr. Knight called to inform me yesterday that I must come regularly from now on to take care of your needs."

"Oh! Ummm....Briella, I was just thinking of cooking something today. If you won't mind. I mean I don't want to interfere in your work." Anna said awkwardly. She was intending to prepare breakfast.

"Mrs. Knight, this house and kitchen.....is all yours. Please be comfortable and make whatever you want to. And tell me if you need any help."

"Of course and thank you."

Soon, the table was served with egg salad rolls, croissant with scrambled eggs, bagel and French toast with coffee and juices. Briella was really surprised to see Anna so enthusiastic while cooking. After helping her, she excused herself as it was time for Regan to show up at any time and after working with him for so many years in Seattle, she knew that he loved his personal space with no interference around him, especially in the mornings.


Regan was getting ready for the office with an unusual smile smothered on his face. Before marrying Anna, staying so close in her presence all the time, waking beside her every morning with her in his arms, taking care of her, stating her as his.....His wife, he didn't know he would feel so euphoric.

'Life couldn't be better.' He thought and shook his head.

He wanted to spend some more time with her, but owing to his two way focus on his business in New York as well as Seattle, especially after his last week's absence at work, he had an extremely busy schedule which was going to keep him engage most of the times. He helplessly sighed and went downstairs, but was surprised to see Anna placing the dishes on the table. He frowned and immediately went to her.


Anna turned around and was amused to see him already ready for the office. She smiled and greeted him.

"Good Morning."

He moved his eyes over the table and finally rested them on her.

"Morning. Did you make breakfast today?"


His frown deepened. "As much as I would love to eat your hand made food, I don't want you to exert yourself in all these tasks. You already have a lot on your plate. You don't need to do this too."

She had no idea of how to handle his overbearing concern for her. There were still many things about her which he didn't know.

"Cooking never exerts me."

She subconsciously raised her hand and touched his forehead to ease down his frown. The moment she realized her actions, she coughed and straightened up taking him off guard as well.

"This is something I love, especially when I feel good. Besides, I did this not because I need to, its because I want to."

Her statement brought an amused smile on his face to see her giving him back his own thing that he said to her the previous day.

'A beauty with brain. Only you have the audacity to shut me off.' He chuckled inwardly on his thoughts and quietly finished the breakfast with her in a comfortable silence.

Indeed, it was one of the best food that he had eaten in a long time and he didn't forget to appreciate her culinary skills which lighted up her face. Later, he went to Watson Corporation as his presence was needed to deal with the business matters on hand that couldn't be delayed further. Anna was about to join later as she had to go with Mia for an early meeting scheduled for one of her previous project.

She had just got ready and was about to step out when she received a call from a private number. She was in a rush. Without thinking much about it, she picked the call but was exasperated when no one spoke from the other end. She cut the call and reached her destination taking Mia with her from the way along with Zander beside her.

The meeting completed on a positive end. Instead of going to Watson Corp, she asked Zander to take them to a mall which surprised him and Mia both.

"As long as I know, you hate shopping. So.....Why are we going to a mall?"

Instead of answering, Anna playfully rolled her eyes and smiled. When they reached the mall, she asked Zander to stay in the car and wait for them as accompanying two woman on a shopping trip wasn't a good idea for any man. However, he denied and accompanied them as it was a part of his duty to never let her go out of his sight, especially in Regan's absence.

Anna took Mia to a designer fashion store and asked the sales executive to show their best designs for Mia.

"Anna? What's this for?"

"A birthday present for the birthday girl." She wished and hugged her happily.

Mia was overwhelmed with her gesture. "You remember?"

"Of course I do."

"I thought the last few days were quite stressful for you, so you might have forgotten."

"Indeed they were. But that doesn't mean I'll forget your birthday. However, I didn't get any time to get a birthday present for you. So, here we are. Shop whatever you want and select the best." Anna said happily.

"It's really not needed."

Anna glared at her and she finally agreed to select a dress for herself.

Zander was present with them all the time and heard their conversation which surprised him as he didn't expect Anna to be possessing such a humble and simple personality. He had been working for Regan since many years and he was stunned to find out that his boss had fallen so deep for a girl who had a completely contrasting personality with his. While Regan was stern and professional with his employees, she was gentle and friendly. A faint smile appeared on his face when the thought of 'opposites attract' crossed his mind.

Mia was still looking for a perfect dress when once again, Anna got a call from the private number. This time too, it was a blank call. However, she could hear someone's breathing on the other hand. She didn't know why but it filled her heart with anxiety. Zander noticed it too and asked her about the call. However, she exonerated the matter by stating it as something unimportant.

Eventually, Mia found a dress for herself and to her surprise, Anna freed her for the rest of the day to spend some time with her family to enjoy pand she left.

Zander led Anna towards the elevator as she finally decided to go back to work. The elevator had just arrived when she again got a call. She had just received it and entered the vacant elevator with Zander right behind her. However, before he could enter, a girl in a hoodie who was hurriedly marching towards them, collided with him abruptly, taking him off guard. He instantly faltered a few steps back with the unexpected deliberate force. Before he could react, she scampered away making him suspicious about her actions. His head instantly snapped towards Anna, but before he could get into the elevator with her, the door get closed. He was about to turn on his heels towards the stairway when he heard a shriek of Anna causing his heart to skip a beat on the unexpected turn of events.