
The Confusion Leads To Love My Rival

durgasreesam · Teen
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2 Chs

Meeting The Love In a rival way

characters introduction

Male lead 1

Senior (Student council president of Music)

Raghu vamsi

Female Lead 1

fresher ( junior of Raghu Vamsi)

Shruthi Laya

Female Lead 2

Shruthi Laya Bestee

Madhu Priya

Male lead 2

Raghu Vamsi bestee

madhu Priya brother in law

Madhu sudhan

Professor of musical arts


roommates of shruthilaya

madhavi ( student of literature)

Vani ( sports and army )

shruthilaya family

Pallavi - Mother

Harish - Father

lasya Priya -Younger sister

raghuvamsi family

Malathi - Mother

Srinivas- Father

Pradeep- elder brother

characters includes while story is moving on stay tuned

These are some of the main leads and characters of the story

Confusion starts love rival enters

It's the time of university to open

and time of joining and searching rooms meeting new people probably characters meet which are juniors and seniors

(professor in a call to one of the student council member )

Raghuvamsi: hello sir say what's matter why are u in hurry

Professor: one of our student Laya has missed her location ,contact Information is sent and I will send you her photo. you stay and bring her to university and complete all the procedures and drop her at girls hostel,As a president of student counil you need to take care of this ok, now I am going to meeting come and meet me after you're done

Raghuvamsi: Oh my goddess who is this girl where is she ever her contact is not reachable uff I just wait for her to contact

( He waits and tries all the ways to contact at last she herself contact and say she missed her station so he ask her to calm down get down in next station and return back I will wait here he is waiting for her )

Later she arrived

And she fined him who was waiting for her

Shruthi laya: Thank Soo much senior

For waiting I was really lost my battery is dead and I have no way to contact later I got an idea I charged my mobile with laptop and I got your contact aww I am Soo lucky I am very thankful to you I just like to treat you lunch please

Raghu Vamsi: ( Soo talktive )

No thanks time is running out carry your luggage and later you can thank me

Shruthi Laya: but...but..bu 😐😐😐

Raghuvamsi: what😡😡😡

Shruti laya : I am hungry

Raghuvamsi : oh ok fine do it fast

(He takes her to cafeteria ,

they order and completes eating

She offers to pay

Later she finds her mobile is out of charge and she has no money with her )

What happenes Next is episode 2