
The Confusing tale of a Fairy

Chapters I wrote in my docs that are rotting so I decided to upload it here. p.s It's not in chronological order

Mamako_Mikoshiba · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Second Meeting

"I'M RICH " Zephyrus rejoiced as she counted the credits she received after Jenny confirmed that she disposed of the right person. Putting back the credits in her pocket - she started to skip merrily through the streets while glancing at the vendors. She stopped in her tracks when she saw a familiar face.

"Oh It's that King guy" Zephyrus absently said while pointing her finger towards the person her attention was directed at - King Solaeater.

"King guy?" King Solaeater repeated what Zephyrus said in disbelief.

"Yeah, didn't you introduce yourself as that? Which to be honest was pretty brave of you saying such things. If a real king heard you, I'm sure it would be OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" Zephyrus chuckled.

"Uh I guess so" King Solaeater replied " Anyway I'm curious. What is a fair- " "SHH LOWER DOWN YOUR VOICE" Zephyrus placed her hand in King Solaeter's mouth and cut him off.

"Nobody knows I'm a fairy in these parts" Zephyrus whispered in a volume that King Solaeater could only hear. "Let's go somewhere more private"

King Solaeater nodded and Zephyrus slowly dropped her hand that was blocking his mouth. They moved into another place with no witnesses.

"If I didn't know any better- I'll start to think you took me here to assassinate me" KIng Solaeter playfully said. Zephyrus rolled her eyes hearing King Solaeter's response

"Have you heard of the fairy purge?" Zephyrus asked with a rather serious expression across her face.

"I did- It was about 3 months ago right?"

"Yes, My kin- the fairy clan was decimated. It was all because of an organization called Arm" Zephyrus explained "And I fear that they won't stop until all fairy folk is eliminated- that is why nobody should find out my identity as one"

"I owe you from saving me so have no worries I won't tell anyone" King Solaeater promised Zephyrus.

"Thanks for that" Zephyrus released a breath of relief after hearing King Solaeater's response

"Speaking of saving your life— what was that? Why would an apostle of a God, especially one so revered such as Apollo, send agents to kill you?" Zephyrus narrowed her eyes.

"That would be a long story"

"I have time," Zephyrus answered.

*Lore made by my friend: P.S King Solaeater is his oc -

King solaeter was the ruler of a fallen kingdom that was once named "Capriccio" a name that symbolizes the Kingdom's love for music and there love for the god of music "Apollo"

But The kingdom would soon end with its last Performance.. and make it's outro..

King solaeter had ordered his Most trustworthy Servants and sent them to the Battlefield to fight a threat that was never before seen..

This threat had Destroyed the kingdom of Capriccio.. And all of music was now considered to be lost history..

His servants had died on the battlefield fighting against this Threat.. All civilians in the kingdom had all of their lives lost in symphony..

King solaeter is the last known survivor of the Capriccio kingdom he felt Lost.. no one to turn to..

But suddenly a flash of light occurs and Newborn strength was flowing through his body..

He had gained the blessing of Apollo and gave him the strength to avenge his fallen Kingdom and eliminate the threat that once killed his kingdom..

He was gifted a staff.. a staff that was blessed with the power of Apollo himself.. and he could feel an incredible power flowing through him as he gripped his hand onto it..

He set out on an adventure on his own to avenge his Fallen kingdom and bring back the melody that was once lost in harmony..