
The Con Man's New World

Where do we go when we die? I honestly didn't care because I knew I was not going to face the dark hooded asshole anytime soon but it seems I'm not as invincible as I thought. I died I think but soon after the light went off I just woke up as another person, one buried in debt and chased by the government, basically my life before but with medieval castles and magic and shit. I get a redo of my life and this time around things will be different. This is my new world

Heroic_Pent · Fantasy
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48 Chs

There will always be a next chapter

The festival as well as the protection of the palace both went on smoothly and I can only thank my allies for all their efforts but now it is up to me once again to handle the rest.

Before I could take a breather I am faced again with a new problem, upon the loss of the magician's Brigadier general and the infantry's Captain, Rexcarius wasted no time in replacing them and at the awarding tomorrow he said that he will be announcing who shall replace the high positions of power. I too am waiting for his announcement, specifically who shall replace Lacquer as his advisor which would be the best position for me to take now as all the others are granted by being in the bloodline or by fighting your way to reach.

I wake up as if nothing has changed except for a certain aloof maid absent and I have not seen since our little trip to the waterfalls, could Lacquer's vision come true so soon? I then felt a slight chill in my spine thinking of how I will lose my arms but hopefully it will not happen for a while.

With my maid absent I decide to start the day by myself and I opened my closet expecting it to still be ransacked after the whole poison incident but then it looked fine, and my clothes were neatly folded along with a note with just one line written on it "I shall always be yours", I smiled for a while thinking I finally got a secret stalker but then I realized it must be Claudia. Fully dressed wearing a plain white shirt and just a random trouser I could find I get out of my room and see Sarah the maid waiting for me.

"I recommend cleaning the bottom of the bed, my lazy maid forgot to clean it"

Sarah was at lost for words though I did not mind seeing as she was just going to clean my room for Claudia right? I have no desire for pleasantries along the way.

"Claudia, she left...the night you were imprisoned"

She...abandoned...me? Wow I can't say I am not disappointed especially after how close we became but I guess after getting so many loyal friends there is bound to be one who will betray me the moment I am at my lowest...I just never thought it would be Claudia...

I leave not letting this ruin my day but then Sarah stopped me by aggressively shouting. "Stop!"

"There is nothing I can do about that Sarah, she made her choice so let her leave. Also go clean my room, Claudia always forgets to sweep the floor"

"You spineless coward! Are you just going to leave her?"

"She left me! After everything I did for her she left me when I needed her the most..I don't need someone who knows nothing accuse me once again of being a bad man when I have done nothing but help those I love!"

I lashed at her in the spur of the moment, Claudia abandoning me just brought back bad memories from this life and my own. She became silent and I took that opportunity to walk away, I still have things to do and I cannot be wasting my time here.

I lost my appetite after that whole kerfuffle so I decided to skip breakfast and talk business with Rexcarius but I forgot that the awarding was today and out of place, I stood in a small gathering of the high powers of Cebunilla as the efforts to stop Lacquer was awarded.

Of course I would not be there seeing as all my actions were backhanded and I took a hidden approach here as to not attract unwanted attention but seeing everyone else acknowledged is a different kind of sting but I stayed in the gathering after all the morning drinking and awful music because of the reinstating of positions.

Not long after Rexcarius took the floor and made his decision. First was who would replace Sabre, "Taking the position of Infantry Captain is Sir Charles Ironblade" then from the crowd emerged a bearded man with a peculiar shade of indigo who wore an extortionate plate armor adorned with precious metals and especially fitted for the proud royal, now I get where Gabriel gets his smugness from. After all the clapping and unnecessary cheering, Charles Ironblade went back to his place and once again Rexcarius spoke, "Taking the position of Chief Magus is Lorelei Vasileia" in the same manner a woman came out from the crowd, with equally lavish clothing but instead of a plate armor she wore a red gown adorned with jewels along with so many expenisve accessories that she looked like a fucking Christmas tree complete with the glimmering lights. Although she had been more reserved than Sir Bragbeard earlier, her clothes and the many servants said it all for her and then came the most important part. "Taking the place of Advisor is Lady Eleanor Revonah" then from the crowd came a woman who practically embodied class itself with her straight posture and gentle movements and expressions. She had no need for the pretentious clothing that the others used to show off their status, by the way she walked, talked and stood one could immediately see the many hours put into creating such elegance and all of it payed off for even in my disappointment, I could not help but look to the beautiful woman that walked forward, there was however her daugther who was far too excited to control herself and unlike Eleanor, Myrtle was far too brash and she cheered far to loud taking even just portion of the attention from Eleanor and even as far as I was I could still hear the whispers of the people who gossiped of her.

The show went on and I decided to take my leave but then Rexcarius spoke again, "And joining her as my co-advisor is Spade Escroc" then in practically no delay at all, everyone's attention came to me, the commoner who wore plain clothes in such a big event and I was forced by the traditions to come forward for all to see and right next to Eleanor I stood trying not to be shaken up but Eleanor stayed standing straight and kept her smile but she whispered to me subtly "walk away now boy, before you make a fool of yourself" Ah of course she would be annoyed, I took her spotlight after all and I'm fine with sharing the position as long as I can play a part in the decision making in the palace, heck I'm even more satisfied with it because then I could stay in the background where I can move more freely but for a high ranking noble like Eleanor, she was indirectly shamed with the king saying she was not enough with his little show and to be partners with a commoner nonetheless, simply ignominious.

I inadvertently stole the spotlight and even after minutes of my descend from the stage I could still hear the murmurs and the backtalk about me and I was about to take my leave unable to take the pressure when the three royal children approached me.

"Way to steal the show Spade, I bet you made Aunt Eleanor mad hahaha" Alfron jested but I bet if he was the one there he would piss his pants that smug bastard.

"What of the ordinary clothing Spade? Making a statement of some manner?" Zyderine joined in and criticized my clothes but if my goddamn maid had not left I would probably have remembered and wore something grander.

"I'm just frustrated that Sir Spade has not been awarded as well when he played just big a part as us" Crystal looked down looking at her medal.

"What part? I simply remember him putting us together to fight Lacquer on our own, nothing heroic about that" Alfron was quick to oppose her not knowing the full truth of the part I played and Crystal who knows part of it but I looked at her as if telling her to shut up and she understood the signal and kept her mouth shut.

"Well there you have it, I did not do much so I should not be awarded, the one who should be hav been. I am proud of you three, as your teacher I feel like it was only thanks to me you could do anything right now" I joked covering up my compliment which made it much easier for them to react especially for Crystal and Zyderine who were no good at taking them.

I decided to take my leave finally letting the nobles deal with their politics and finally take the rest I needed before I dive in to this complicated home once more. As I walked away Alfron stopped me saying it was something important.

"When we casted Meteorite, I think I saw Lacquer saving us from getting hit by our own spell before I fell unconscious...Does this mean he is still alive and any day now he could attack us any day now?"

"Alfron calm down, you were unconscious so it was probably just a dream, Lacquer might have said goodbye to you there and it's time for you to say farewell and move on as well" I pat him in the shoulder to put him at ease and then walked away not wanting to complicate things further by telling him the truth.

As I stood in the middle of the palace I came to realize that I had been walking in circles and I thought about where I should go. The waterfalls reminds me too much of Claudia and I am not ready to deal with this yet, the garden would be occupied right now by even more noble assholes, I could go back to my room but I might see Sarah along the way, with nowhere else I decided to pay Stallion a visit and maybe have a bit of ride with it.

As I went to the stables however I came to find Ria Limoula who should be at the party right now.

"They might start talking to you if you spend anymore time here you know" I greeted Ria with a joke.

"Well that might not be too bad, I am especially interested in what this little troublemaker would have to say" She replied as she stroked Stallion's mane and the horse unlike when I do it to him sometimes was fine with it, freaking sexist horse.

"Careful, he's a bit wild, Stallion"

"Ah so that's what you named him...I'm jealous"

"How so?"

"Stallion was supposed to go to me, I had my eye on him for so long"

"I've been here a month, surely you could have taken him long ago"

"I did, but Stallion just wouldn't cooperate with me when I try to ride him and I was advised by my peers to just let him go, I still regret it to this day" She smiled sheepishly.

"Well then why don't we see if he'll cooperate now"

I say as I mounted Stallion and offered her my hand. I had free time after all, I might as well use it to know what drives Ria.

"Erm...I shouldn't...."

"Come on, he won't go berserk when I'm riding come on" Ria unsure, humored me and now thinking back to it, I realize Stallion may not be the issue here.

The moment she mounted Stallion galloped making her hold me tight but after I controlled him he calmed down and we went on our little tour of the outside of the Palace.

"Told you he was fine..."

"I'm pretty sure he wasn't"

We both then chuckled.

"What would people think if they saw us"

"That the guy riding the horses doesn't seem to know how to" Again there are times when I can be quite dense and now I'm really not in the proper state to overthink everything.

We rode for a while and it was nice just two friends randomly talking about what ever slipped their minds and then before we knew it it was evening now and back to business again for me. I had known a little bit more about one of my best soldiers however so it had not been a waste of time. Now I have to come through with my promises.