
The Con Man's New World

Where do we go when we die? I honestly didn't care because I knew I was not going to face the dark hooded asshole anytime soon but it seems I'm not as invincible as I thought. I died I think but soon after the light went off I just woke up as another person, one buried in debt and chased by the government, basically my life before but with medieval castles and magic and shit. I get a redo of my life and this time around things will be different. This is my new world

Heroic_Pent · Fantasy
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48 Chs

People in need

Things finally started tipping back to Spade's favor with his success in getting a large portion of the Cebunillan citizens from Gilgaras to Cilgaras to follow him with of course support from others mainly the princess Zyderine who played a key part with being the witness of Spade's 'exorcism'.

With Spade's bold attack however, enemies from many sides became aware of his escape and for a while Perseus panicked knowing that his plans could be foiled by Spade knowing of his betrayal and if he could fit the puzzles together then Perseus would certainly be in danger. Meanwhile in the palace guards gather to the King's feet including Sabre who took the risk, hoping that Sarah and Claudia didn't blabber.

The King was back to his normal cold state, perhaps because of the stablilizing of his child's condition. The King's instructions was clear and absolute, bring back Spade Escroc alive but under no circumstance hurt any civilians in the process. The way it is with Spade free he could possibly be spreading distrust among the throne but without having a trial arranged to make it clear that he is to blame then kiling him would just further infuriate the citizens which would pose the risk of them joining tge rebellion and with Rexcarius' men injured greatly, the chance of defeat becomes visible, even for Rexcarius knowing that when it came to magic he was just barely better than Lacquer, the difference in their power can be as small as one Alfron and because of what happened in the past, he won't have the support of any of his magical children.

Meanwhile back in the far off streets of Gilgaras, a rowdy number of bandits gathered. At the center of it all is a man with a scarred eye and beaten up body. This man was insane in every possible way trying to pick a fight with the king and normally no one would join that suicide mission however there are some like him, crazy but they are addicted to the money he offers whils some are desperate to have that compensation, one such person is Lucas a father of a very ill daughter.

Lucas is just a lowly farmer but he lived an honest life, one day a locust epidemic took siege of his farm and to make things worse infected his only daughter with a disease that had made her ill with a never ending fever. Lucas just wanted to find a cure for her daughter but no healer would take her because her father had nothing to offer, not even the sages of the goddess Leilavine which is known as the goddes of compassion and the sages pride themselves in following her examole however they were only compassionate to the wealthy.

With nowhere to turn to, Lucas started to live a life of crime. Although he managed to get the money for his daughter Lucy's recovery, everything else had gone to shit in his life, first his wife left him for a man of greater status leaving him and their daughter, next because of his crimes people refused to trade with him causing his farm to go bankrupt and worst of all, his money ran out and even after selling all of his properties and belongings he only has enough money to last another week of Lucy's recovery from the healers of Gilgaras.

Life forced Lucas into a life of crime and upon hearing of an insane man who offers 10,000 silver quill for just one night, he took it without batting an eye and even if he died, His beloved Lucy would finally be saved and she will have a good life, even when her beloved father couldn't be with her.

Blade took his men and waited for the rising of the sun to prompt his attack, he had no longer cared what he would risk with what he plans to do, he has a master to save and to hell with all who stands on his way.


I continue my little factory here with the help of my followers who believe that we are making a repel for the 'beast' but realy I'm just getting unpaid labor. I know that the palace will come after me any day and I can't handle a battle which is why I have my meat shields established all over the village, their job is simple, bow to the knights and get on their way and never stop untiklthey say the magic word 'milk'. Why milk? Well who the hell would say something so random.

I would really love to have Blade and Crystal with me but for now I can't even go near the palace so I am all alone with my civilian pawns as I made Zyderine rest for a while. Good thing I constucted this base, never would I have thought that I'd be using it so soon.

I do worry about what Blade will do however, he is in a very similar state as I was when I went into that rampage, I had to win under any circumstance and for Blade the same is true now as because of his oath he needs to save me no matter what despite me being safe already.

I also wonder about what has happened with Perseus. Could he have betrayed me or was I just rescued too soon? Perhaps the only way to know now is wait for Lacquer to come looking for me but knowning him he would take his time after finding out about my escape. Lacquer is a man of plans after all, look at his rebellion, despite having other perfect opportunities to strike he still sticked with Bluemoon festival because that is what he has planned and now I assume he will not get involved in this and wait for me to get damaged or lose hope and turn to him once more.

I have no time to be thinking of other people damn it, my meat shields would be a good distraction but they're just there to stall. I need to talk to Rexcarius alone and make him see properly. No, I'll sell my products first... I'll just keep running away for now, I can still use this opportunity after all.

I call for Shadow and I am always relieved to see him, he is my second most efficient ally after all and he also follows my instructions and not asks questions like a good soldier.

"Welcome back to the living" Shadow grinned at me, it is rare to see him with emotion but perhaps he was intrigued by the sudden turn out, conflict is entertaining to those not involved after all and if I were in his shoes I'd probably have the same curious grin.

"How much of this do you think you can sell to the palace?"

He looked at the box with my blue sand vials and he examined it for a while.

"Charcoal? Not much"

"It's cure for the poison"

He looked at me with a condescending stare as if saying "really? This is the best you can do?"

"I won't be able to sell it even if I get my merchant guy to handle the sales"

"What if I get a maid's approval?"

Shadow thought for a while, and then spoke.

"Perhaps that would help but I'm going to need to consult my merchant guy"

"no, you sell it yourself"

"Have you seen me?"

It's rare of him to joke that's why I couldn't help but laugh, I keep seeing this new sides to people and it is the first time I don't mind.

"You'll be fine as long as we have our secret weapon"

I say as I look at Zyderine resting in a bed. Shadow was still confused but he decides to follow my lead and he loaded the vials into a carriage that he will bring to the palace on my orders. Zyderine and her teleportation plays a big part in this scheme so I had to put a pause on this for a while to let her rest as I decide to deal with my other problem.

Back in the square a grouo of soldiers were surrounded by kneeling men and women who followed my instructions perfectly. Perhaps the ming ordered them not to touch the civilian becasue from their looks I could detect their frustration not beinh able to move nor justify kiling any of the civilians who simply kneeled in admiration for them.

"Hello my friends" I greet the soldiers while hiding in plain sight as one of the kneeling men.

"Spade Escroc you coward! Show yourself at once"

"I have said this to you ince before but I will say it again. If your king wants me then he needs to go to me himself and I shall not be entertaining any of you brutes, only the king in a placec I specify, alone"

"Ha! You are a fool if you think we will be listening to your demands!"

"I have only one thing to say to that... What does a cow make?"



And with my little joke everything became utter chaos as the crowd started dispersing and I took my chance to leave along with them.

While I walked however, an arrow came flying by towards my feet and I just barely dodged but I still got caught in another trap that has been set and a rope got tied to my feet taking away my opportunity to escape and making, me a sitting duck as the knights noticed and came running towards me.

X finally made his move and I can't say I'm not impressed by the timing of it all, he certainly waited a long time just to trao me, much like predator would eye his prey before pouncing at the perfect time.

The only thing I could do now was cherish my final moments as I am certain I will be killed here by these savages. At least I get to see the sun rise one more time though.

The men came running but suddenly they stopped as bells rang from the palace. I had not been there long but I know these bells signify something, like an emergency. The knights stopped and listened and although I tried to use the opportunity to escape I was still stuck.

The bell rang twice in a row and stopped, then again twice in a row then stop and upon the second repeat like a dog in dinner time the knights completely ignored me and ran towards the castle at full speed.

What could be more important than me right now? Could it be the king is killed? X made another move? Did Lacquer arrive?

I waited a while and Shadow freed me and then I told him to wait for Zyderine to wake up and meet me in the castle. I need to see this even if it puts my life in danger.

If its any of my three guesses then I certainly will regret not being there. I sure do hope Lacquer made an appearance however, I could use him right about now and this maybe a shot in the dark but maybe he'd be wiling to save Blade as well and hopefully free Alfron from his prison. But if its X then I would love to see how he attacks and maybe I will be the one who gets in his way this time, how ironic would it that his attack would be the one that saved me just now though? If Rexcarius is dead however then I shall make Crystal seize the crown at all cost and my olan to take controk of Cebunilla will be started and eventually world domination if I am up for it.

I run towards the castle and what I saw I almost couldn't comprehend. It was a straight up rebellion but from the least likely person who would lead it. Crystal sent men to attack her own knights?!!