
The Con Man's New World

Where do we go when we die? I honestly didn't care because I knew I was not going to face the dark hooded asshole anytime soon but it seems I'm not as invincible as I thought. I died I think but soon after the light went off I just woke up as another person, one buried in debt and chased by the government, basically my life before but with medieval castles and magic and shit. I get a redo of my life and this time around things will be different. This is my new world

Heroic_Pent · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Laws and Order

Ah, on slow days like today I like to reminisce on my past life. I've done so much but one of that most memorable for me was the time I thought engineering.

Now how did I go to that position you may ask? It all happened in a faithful encounter at the bar of a rich idiot I happened to sit next to, he was planning on creating this huge project and he was willing to invest almost a million dollars in it, some being the Con man that I am convinced him to choose my engineering firm, which truth be told doesn't exist but just for safety reference, I used the name of the company of an old client I had in my lawyer days which was legit, just that I have access through all his records and its mostly inactive.

I had the rich fool convinced I was a brilliant engineer and that I just needed someone who could lead me in ways my other bosses can't. Well, the project was a bust and the company my old client had was bankrupt because of it but 6 months after that I received a call from that fool saying that he owes me quite a lot and he hoped that employment in a University would make us even.

Well, a few days ago I didn't even have a job so what the hell. I took that job and just mostly relied on downloading videos and documentaries related to engineering and copying everything they said word per word. Most of the time I would make my students just self-study as I went off going around the campus.

The principal heard wind of this and threatened to fire me. But little did he know I had enough information about the students and staff to shut down his school, like how drug trades were occurring behind the gymnasium, as some highschool girls seduce the gym teacher. And of cocoa,e as soon as the principal heard even the smallest among the secrets going on behind his back he was more than willing to turn a blind eye to my misconduct.

Now, what is the moral of the story? Connections always trump qualifications. Do you want to be successful? You can't do it by being top of your class but by sucking up to the top of the hierarchy. You could become the smartest kid on campus and the best thing that could get you is a good job, if you want to be filthy rich you can't do it by working for other people.

Now back to the present. Once again I am a teacher of a subject I have no idea about but don't look down on me just yet, I may not like hard work but I'm just as capable of it as anyone as now I've read a portion of the Castle's library and in about 3 to 4 months I would have read every book there is and has spoken to every expert that's here.

What I'm reading about now is magic. Magic seems to be phenomena that bend the laws of physics, more accurately the law of thermodynamics. Here you can create something out of nothing. The presence of magic can make you heavier and lighter without adding anything. But note that I said bend, not break because these laws still exist, gravity is still at a constant rate and the presence of magic which fundamentally is either too small to be seen or essentially weightless cannot create anything just yet so everything in the world remains the same.

The thing I'm curious about is where magic came from, seeing it from here it just seems like some hokus pokus but even magic itself has some rules it seems to follow. One is that anything created using magic will not last any longer than an hour unless requested, two is that magic can be controlled using the mind alone and people call this the extension of our body, "Mindeye", third and most peculiar is that all spells have a name even those you created yourself and all that information is in the Mindeye and if you can cast it once it would be much easier to cast the next time.

As for where magic came from I have a guess. This world is false and the Mindeye is actually just a program just running after detecting what we want, hence the cast time while the 1 hour rule is just the program shutting itself down.

That said the people here are real, that's all that matters to me. Let's see what else have I learned from my research, well the origins are somewhat stated here.

In a world, without magic, I would have completely disregarded it but here is different. The book said something about "Celestials" which seems to be the gods here and these creatures came to our world around the palaeolithic era and completely changed everything by giving the place magic.

Cavemen then just barely learning fire could now cast fireballs on will. With this, the growth of knowledge came so quickly that it took millennia to reach the point we have now. What was also odd that the earth here is dated in the current years in mine, the two thousand.

I guess the lack of need for any improvement in the world also halted the excel of information and technology.

I continued to study magic for a while and something else was happening just in the other room which at the time I had no idea of.


Alfron had just sword training and he was quite tired, much so that he lost his way in his own home.

Alfron has never gone close to this area, not that he was forbidden to but simply that he has no interest in such places. The first corridor is the library, next to it is the chapel, and the very end is just a stockroom.

Alfron was about to leave when he heard some chanting in the stockroom, had this been in the Chapel he would just ignore it but the stockroom has a lock that most shouldn't even know how to open.

He put his ear next to the door and I'm an instant he recognized the dominant voice talking, his name is Lacquer Tidelode the Kings strategist and also the man who taught him magic.

He has always admired him but Lacquer never paid him much attention, very much like his new teacher Spade they are both too caught up in their minds to care about anyone else, and very much so like Spade, Lacquer also possess intelligence that is far from his comprehension but the difference between the two is that Lacquer is very competent, not just in strategy but in magic and sword as well.

That worried Alfron because of what he heard.

"How goes the plan of rebellion? I predict it will arrive soon and to overthrow this palace, you must pay special attention to the Royal children. I'll handle Rexcarius"

Alfron could barely control himself. Lacquer has been the King's most loyal attendant and he had saved him many times. Lacquer is just his aloof master but now he is a traitor?

Alfron thought to himself what to do. Telling the King came to mind but doing so might alarm the traitors and he needed to make sure he destroys every one of them. Another thought also came, could my father defeat Lacquer?

He had never seen the full power of the King but he has seen the seemingly limitless magic of Lacquer which made his strongest spell the "eclipse" seem like a beginner's spell.

He quickly left as there had been a commotion in the room and he went inside the library. There he saw Spade silently reading and buried in numerous books.

He then thought to himself that Spade would be the best ally as of the moment. His Father out of the blue hired this young man and to be a teacher nonetheless, in the middle of the year at that.

Perhaps his Father had a feeling that something big was building up so he decided to make this man his spy, if not well Spade would be one of the best choices in finding out who is the traitors as from their first meeting he found out a secret his father hasn't even realized yet.

Worst case scenario is that he'll simply refuse, Father gave him the slave driver after all one of the countries most valuable item as it makes anyone become the owner's slave to some extent.

Spade wouldn't betray him, he was so sure of that. Spade however despite not being involved has been cooking up a rebellion himself and not only had the capability but the motive as well to join Lacquer the leader of the traitors.

"Spade I need to talk to you, it's something important"

Spade looked at Alfron and saw his expression and knew he was serious. Spade calmly put down his book and whispered to Alfron "Not here" as he walked away. While he walked he spoke to Alfron about a completely unrelated topic and Alfron understood that Spade was cautious of eavesdroppers.

They went to the garden, on the same bench they spoke at the day before.

"There's going to be a coup ​d'état that will occur soon, the leader in the palace lead strategist and one of this countries greatest magicians, Lacquer Tidelode"

Spade, on a rare occasion, showed his surprise but quickly recovered his composure.

"Have you told your father?"

"I can't, his attendants are always with him and if I make them leave perhaps the traitors will find out and execute their rebellion before we prepare"

"It's a good judgement, so what do you want to do?"

"I want to destroy them, every single one!"

"And to be clear you are going against Lacquer 'The Grim Strategist' who has massacred armies in the last war, who has an army of which size and power you know nothing of and you are going to fight him with on your own without the help of the King? Hahaha count me out, you're insane"

Spade tried to walk away but Alfron pulled him strongly. Of course, Alfron knows all of this and perhaps even if he tells the King he wouldn't even believe it, Alfron himself can't even believe it. Lacquer is the King's most loyal and powerful ally, the trust his father has for Lacquer trumps his trust in even his children. Things are looking extremely dismal as he has hoped that Spade would save him this time but seems to lack interest.

"You can't leave!"

"Alright, peradventure I agree to help you which I'll also mention that has a low chance of victory and I'll be risking my own life. What's in it for me?"

"If you help me, I'll grant you any wish I can grant in my power. I will also use my status to help you rise ranks and when I become king you'll be my right hand"

Spade looked at Alfron with utter curiosity and judgement as if talking to a little dog, Spade looks at Alfron with disbelief in the ambitious promises he made and was exceedingly entertained.

"Ha ha ha, alright I'll help but I have two conditions. One is to never question my orders and Two is that when this is over, you make your father remove this bracelet which I presume is something you know of?"

"Alright I'll do it"

"Good choice, now let's go crush these fools"

Spade left with such confidence that Alfron felt reassured. This had been the man who cleverly defeated him, rescued his sister, and rumour says outwitted the king. He could have chosen no better ally to defeat the other man who has done these as well and more.

Name: Lacquer Tidelode

Age: Unknown

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 77.5 kg

Magical Attribute: Unknown

Likes: Unknown

Dislikes: Unkown

Strength: Magic, Sword, Strategy

Weakness: Unkown

Control: 0%

Value: 100/100

Status: Strangers, improvement in relationship is improbable.