
The Con Man's New World

Where do we go when we die? I honestly didn't care because I knew I was not going to face the dark hooded asshole anytime soon but it seems I'm not as invincible as I thought. I died I think but soon after the light went off I just woke up as another person, one buried in debt and chased by the government, basically my life before but with medieval castles and magic and shit. I get a redo of my life and this time around things will be different. This is my new world

Heroic_Pent · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Greed's countenance

Upon concluding the gathering of the planned dethroning of the King, Eleanor asked the dark merchant Hannibal to stay a while longer. Eleanor despite her appearance was not one to wait, she was eager to strike the first moment she had and the presence of the man who held many of the forbidden wares and had the vilest of beasts was just the person she needed to start with.

"Tell me Hannibal, do you happen to know of the Leviathan?" She asked nonchalantly as she handed the merchant a glass of wine. To this Hannibal Sckotach grinned.

"For the right price, I can tell you everything you wish to know"

"Including how to summon it to the shores of Cilgaras?"

Hannibal grimaced at the odd question of the lady but indulged her, he knew that Eleanor was someone he would rather have an ally than an enemy for despite her composed look, she was wilder and much more vicious than anyone in the country.

"Theoretically, there would be no need of summoning another from the pits of the underworld when there is one already in the Oceanic labyrinth"

The Oceanic labyrinth is a place created by the forefathers of Cebunilla using ancient magic to serve as a refuge from the ground but upon its completion it became infested by powerful magical beasts who soon made it their own lairs and expanded it further until it became the chaotic maze it was now. Very few have actually seen this magnificent mix of human innovation and nature's intervention and the only known document of it's location had been hidden in the forbidden chambers of the Cebunilla Castle.

"What exactly are you insinuating? You are mad Sckotach" Eleanor grinned as she gazed intently towards Hannibal, upon the weight of her seductive gaze he could not help but look away.

"I might be but I am nothing compared to you. I have been hearing much talk lately, about Lacquer Tidelode. People who feared his power before now grew lenient from his absence. One sailor who was with him when he ventured towards the seas to slay the one they called Hwael said something very peculiar, he said that towards the end when the mighty Lacquer overpowered the Hwael, instead of killing it or letting the sailors do so, he instead dove down dragging the exhausted Hwael with it. Half an hour passed and he came back, said nothing and left" Hannibal shared his information to which Eleanor simply sighed.

"Even if that tale that you probably heard from some drunkard is true, there is no definite proof that he really brought it to the Oceanic labyrinth or that he didn't kill it"

Hannibal expected this and went forward with his counter argument.

"True, the Hwael or Leviathan if you will might be dead but Eleanor I know you are as curious as I to what lie waiting there. This has been the first time it had been left unguarded as Lacquer himself boasted that he has slain all those who tried to plunder it, if not the Leviathan then there will certainly be something much more powerful...or valuable...hehehe" A chill blew by Eleanor's spine, this man certainly is greedy and greed is something that cannot be removed, but easily controlled.

"Alright, you convinced me Sckotach, I'll give you the confidential docments"

The merchant showed his gold teeth in his menacing smile. Eleanor could not help but be disgusted by this man but as it was, as long as she held something valuable she can control this fiend.

She released Hannibal promising to grant him the location of the Oceanic Labyrinths but where the documents were, Eleanor could only begin to guess. It would be foolish to ask Rexcarius, and Lacquer the only other who knew is dead. Those two only ever trusted each other which made it difficult from getting their information but now Eleanor has access to the Forbidden Libraries and it is only a matter of time before she finds the Leviathan or any beast powerful enough to kill the strongest protector of the throne, Zyderine Valhalien.


I could still barely run after pushing my mana to the limit but at least because of this I have extensive insider information that would surprise anyone. I dashed forward trying to make as little sound as I could as my feet step in the polished granite of the Castle floor.

I disliked leaving Penelope without knowing the extent of her knowledge but there's bigger fish to fry namely Saber that traitorous shark. With all the shortcuts I took I managed to catch up to Saber and the king...just as they entered inside the king's throne room...guarded by two armed and strong guards...while I still wore suspicious clothing.

"Mirror World: Diffract"

I learned a new spell inside Penelope's mind. Being in another's mind allowed me to find a different view of things, for example what if I twisted my own memories in a way that I am showing a lie. If Reflect allows me to release someone else's memories, then Diffract allows me to twist my own memories when I show it, I am learning the different variations of my spells which makes me happy but I still wish I got some badass magic instead...tsk all I need is my mind anyway.

I showed the guards a memory of Saber which I just saw but instead of him entering the chambers I showed him leaving and I may have added bloody hands. I didn't necessarily lie as I showed the same memory of him walking and the bloody hands from when he killed the soldiers a few weeks back.

Soldiers are taught to punish the rulebreakers not care for the victims of the broken laws, like that one case in America where a woman sued the cops for refusing to arrest her maniac husband after suspecting he will kidnap their daughter, the exact same prediction happened with the man kidnapping his daughter and later killing her and when the woman tried sue the police the judge overruled her lawsuit saying the police weren't to blame. This is how I know that rather than checking on the King they would run after the illusion Saber.

With the guards gone I had to think of what to do next. All my calculations always ended with failure, I can't defeat Saber not even with the element of surprise, I can't wait it out because the guards will come back soon, I can't let the meeting continue because then the attack will continue...I have just one option to delay the attack with complete certainty.

As long as Saber is there with his soldiers, war tactics, and the ever so vital information of Lacquer's absence, the attack will always occur. Then the only option is to delay it best I can so Blade can arrive and warn Rexcarius, so the question is how do you delay an attack of a prepared army that is under time pressure?

There is only one answer, kill the king. Without the head the attack cannot happen but even if I kill the current king he should be replaced in a week and basing from Penelope's memories I know that I can kill the king with the element of surprise which I have, I just need to distract Saber possibly with my memory of Lacquer's betraying of him and instantly run away hoping Saber won't catch me or any of the guards to notice me. Best case scenario is Saber gets blamed for the assassination and the attack never happens, worst case is that Saber prevents my attack and by killing me gain the trust of the king.

High stakes just how I like it, it's success rate is close to none and 4 out of 5 times I succeed I will die anyway. I really am mad, but I will not let this get the better of me. This is what it means to be a con man, do something absolutely absurd, often illegal with unearned confidence and just bullshit your way out of it.

I braced myself and opened the door and everything was to be expected, Saber flinched upon first glancing towards me and the king didn't even give me a second look, so far so good now to cast the spell and take out my knife.


"Excuse my dramatic entrance your highness, my manservant was dropped in the head as a baby"

The king smiled upon the sudden entrance of yet another person. Of course it would be her that interrupts me.

"Think nothing of it Penelope, the most amusing are often the fools"

"I agree your majesty. Now fool bow to your king"

She casted a silence spell which is why I couldn't speak but I understand she isn't my enemy so I did as she ordered me to and bowed to my knees.

"Your Majesty that is King Rexcarius' advisor! Do not be fooled!"

The king squinted his eyes towards me with a suspicious glance but Penelope laughed and completely changed the mood. The king smiled too but he didn't take his eyes off me.

"My Sir Corpial, I never knew you were such a funny man. How could my fool be the king's advisor? Ha ha ha he can't even open a door right"

Saber muttered unable to justify his statement, it certainly is difficult to argue against the King's trusted court magician and convince anyone that someone like me, someone so young and a commoner at that would be the brilliant King Rexcarius' advisor.

"Yes certainly, however why is it that I have never seen this servant before? And Where are my guards?"

Erk..this King might not be the fool I thought he was.

"Oh my, don't you remember your highness? This servant has been with us since he was a child. He even dropped boiling soup in your lap that one night remember? and then you almost had him hanged"

Penelope did something I am sure because then the king laughed heartily as if remembering a pleasant memory then looked at me with an almost familiar smile.

"Of course, of course! You certainly tested my benevolence that day boy"

Saber stood dumbfounded unable to utter a word. He even doubted whether I was really Spade for a moment.

"Now, I shall go one with my intent in entering your chambers , your highness. I bring grave news, General Tidelode is dead"

Everyone in the room was shocked, for different reasons however, because as I grimaced at the revealing of the most vital secret while Saber and the King were beaming with satisfaction.

"So what you say is true then" The king looked at Saber his countenance unable to hide his greed and malice towards Rexcarius.

"Yes, your highness" Saber in his turn now grew increasingly excited with the thought of revenge.

I however could not move, even if I wanted to. I have been deceived twice, I have made a vital blunder that would cost me dearly. There is only one thing to blame for this, my lenience, I have grown soft! I would never have made these mistakes the way I was before and I steel myself, ready to attack the king any way I could.

I trusted Penelope, that was a mistake now then how do I recover from this? As I thought the conversation between the two continued with Penelope slightly smiling to herself, and I had to bite my lip just to keep my emotions from bursting out. All my blunders occur when I let emotion get the better of me that is why I should rid myself of it completely, just like I always have, just like I always should.

"When shall we take advantage of this then? Trust me your majesty, Cebunilla is defenseless now just recovering its depleted forces. I and my soldiers will help destroy them, the time to attack is now!"

"What do you think Penelope?" The king looked at her, earnestly asking her advice.

Penelope without showing the least bit of emotion said. "We cannot handle an attack at the moment Your Highness, we have lost men and our General Dante, from his attack" Penelope then looked at Saber showing the least bit of disdain, something neither I nor the king missed and he then stooped his head low in contemplation.

"I give you my word your Majesty that this is not a trap!" Saber now grew anxious feeling as if he was losing his ground.

"The word of an enemy is worth nothing more than a snail's spine Milord" Penelope unwilling to let go of her hold came with her rebuttal.

"Silence!" the king demanded as his thoughts clashed with one another, his greed and cautiousness, his trust and his instinct. The Kings mind was under great stress having his own kingdom's fate on his hand while his right hand and a very fortunate ally clashed words with one another.

Unable to decide on a course of action we were sent away and Saber looked as if he would have slit our throats then and there if not for the suspicious looks of the guards who assumed what they saw to be a false alarm yet weren't quick to drop their guards neither.

As the paths forked and Saber went the other way, perhaps towards his companions, Penelope pulled me towards the other directing me towards an isolated chamber where only a chair and some tools dwelt.

She unsilenced me and dropped her mask of composure showing me a sour frown that even through my composure and will to never trust her took my breath away from her beauty.

"for such a clever man you sure are a fool" Penelope said slapping me.

"Why would you bring him here?! Why didn't you just let him die and leave us alone?! What is your plan?!" She was half interrogating and half scolding me which seemed completely different from the classy, formal girl she showed earlier with the perpetual smile on her face.

"Well, there are just some people I'd rather have as an ally. There's Saber, then there's you. Tell me Penelope would you rather have me as a friend or a foe?" I half jestingly gaze at her taking as mysterious a look as I could.

"I think I'd much rather side with Saber" Now seeming amused, Penelope crossed her arms and met my gaze with a seduction of her own.

"You shouldn't have stopped me earlier, we both know you don't have the least partiality for that fool of a king" I didn't even lower my voice as I spoke slander walking about the shady room.

Penelope sat on a chair and continued to gaze at me not at all in any rush to speak.

"I could say the same thing to you, why do you side with the same king who made you a slave and a killer?" I hadn't expected this rebuttal and for a while I couldn't think of a reply so Penelope simply continued to speak. "Certainly he is a fool and if he died now I wouldn't even frown but he is a simpleton and harmless unlike yours who is cunning and unrewarding. Tell me Gordy do you honestly think he has your good intentions in mind? Are you so foolish as to think that your talents wouldn't be wasted in that sinking ship?"

Penelope was clever but more than that she knew me, she saw my life from my own perspective after all and with that were the doubts I had, the same doubts that she now brought out once more. When I began in the service of Rexcarius all I wanted was to escape but as I stayed there thoughts of sentimentality and naivety started to dwell in my mind perhaps through the undeveloped and untarnished mind of Gordy, for a while I started thinking of Cebunilla as my home.

"If you stay there you will lose yourself, you will turn back to the same pathetic wretch. You will become Gordy once again" Penelope continued again to turn wrack my mind.

She hit the bullseye this time, she was exactly right. I'm not becoming a better person, no I am becoming who I was before, that is to say who this body truly is. This body is taking back its mind and all these thoughts of compassion, protection, and good aren't mine, I have always thought I wasn't capable of it and now I can confirm it once and for all, I am a good person, if I ever become one then it isn't me.

All these things I've been doing, saving Saber, freeing Blade, even trying to truly mentor the three, these wasn't me becoming a better person but the mind of Gordy taking back the reigns. I always thought that this was a fight against Rexcarius or for Crystal and the rest but no, it has always been Spade Escroc against Gordy Marod.