
The event

Luna Erickson was a short, shy twenty two  year old girl who moved to South Carolina from Texas , where she has been living on her own in a small apartment on 517 green moon drive for the last year. She spent her lonely days writing romance novels about her dreams and fantasies , designing their covers and thinking about where she went wrong in her life, was it when she ran away from home or when she left college . The short , brown haired girl with deep green eyes didn't like going out side or spending time with people , since her parents died that late fall night two months ago she felt like every person is out to get her and that everyone is a murderer . It has been a  months since she last saw or spoke to a person , the last person she spoke to was the handsome, tall officer who told her they solved her parents murdered and that it was her aunt and uncle who murdered them and that they will be spending twenty years in prison for the murder of not only her parents but  another couple as well , he was the only person she trusted . She spent this last month wondering about her parents death and why her aunt and uncle would have wanted to murder them and that other couple , she also started writing a book about what have happened in this last year her first book that was not a romantic novel.

One windy night she woke up at midnight from a horrible nightmare about the death of her parents and her aunt and uncle getting out of prison and looking for her wanting to finish what they started . She got up to get a glass of water when she saw the curtains flying high above the windows she walked to the windows and closed it while closing it she looked out to the streets and saw a girl getting in a black BMW and started wondering about what that girls life is like , without drinking her glass of water she went back to bed to try and get so rest . When she couldn't go back to sleep she decided to go do a little reading in the living room to get her mind of the idea that she might be next, that after twenty years or maybe even less she will end up just like her parents dead in   some old warehouse The last book her mom ever gave her was The book of mirrors. She could never have brought herself to read it before because she would get overwhelmed with guilt that she wasn't there to help her that night but she decided to start reading it so her moms gift won't have been for nothing. The book was on top of the dark black bookshelf her dad build her after her graduation, it was so high up she needed to stand on a chair and the top of her toes to reach it . As she was trying to reach the book the window flew open and hit the wall , she had a huge fright and tried to hold on to the bookshelf as she was staring to loosing her balance.

She woke up the next morning at noon laying on the ground with the whole bookshelf over her and the books all over the ground next to her body and the sun shining through the windows . To her surprise she felt fine, not sore , she felt better than ever. She had this rush of energy she haven't felt in so long . She stood up and tried to pick up to bookshelf but not suprising it was way to heavy for her , when she heard the laughter of people out side she decided she should ask for some help . She opened the door and saw two beautiful ,young blonde girls talk to a older black haired guy then she realized that one of the girls was the girl she saw last night, she build up all the courage she could and went to ask them for help lifting her bookshelf. She got to them and stood right in front of them but it's like she wasn't even there . She gave a little cough and said hi with a sweet smile on her face but nothing, it was like she didn't exist , she then after a while said she will pay them for their efforts but still nothing . After about fifteen minutes of trying to get them to notice her a young couple walked by holding hands and smiling so brightly she saw a opportunity to ask someone else for help , they looked so happy no way they wouldn't want to help she taught. With no time to spare she walked to them smiling as brightly as they were and said hello in the kindest , warmest tone, but nothing they just kept on walking.