
The day of the marriage part5 ( final part)

Throw the front door off my room "Luke what are you doing here can I help you with something" when he stepped out of the darkness I saw he was a bit pale and sweaty i sat him fown on my bed " when t lora healed me i fell asleep and i was having night mares

And I just " i took his hand " ok you can sleep here but you are the emperor and i dont want people to get the wrong idea" we both went to bed and then out of nowhere he said something" you do know you are the empress so people won't get the idea"

I turned around to look at him " Luke I not going marry you tomorrow being empress is not my thing" he didn't say anything he just went back to sleep the next day when I woke up I think it was about 3:45am and Luke was still next to me i went to the lavatory.

And I don't know what happened but I started walked outside and saw this light I followed it and the when I was about to step into the light but I felt someone rap there arms aroundy waist I looked up and it's Luke

I look back at the light and it was gone " hey what are u doing out here " I zoned out but got back to earth " I don't know there elwas This light that kind of pulled me to it " he looked confused " lets go back inside "