
The Empress of Manipulation (1)

Maya looks at the man darkly and wonders "Do you think that your Queen would do something improper, Sir?".

The man ".."

'How could I say that?! Wouldn't I be hung to die for that allegation?! How could I commit this mistake in front of the Crown Prince?!'

Maya smiles seeing his panic-striken face and sneers in her heart 'Do you really think you could look down on me?! I didn't start any of this. Your own soldier asked for this!'.

Maya takes a deep breath and stands from her throne. She looks at Xavier who is staring her as if he is seeing her for the first time.

She asks with a smirk, a teasing one "Would you mind reading the edict again, Your Highness?!".

Xavier looks at her dumbfounded "..." What's with that requesting tone?! She is definitely into something!

He clears his throat and nods shortly. He takes the final edict and starts reading "In the name of the Emperor Philip, the Royal Palace issues an edict to construct a dam across the Southern river for the welfare of the people. This construction would be built in the lands around the river which are owned by both Royal people and the people of the Countryside village-".

Maya smiles "Could you pause for a moment, Your Highness?".

Xavier couldn't help only nod to her sudden sweetness filled words and frowns  ".." What is she upto?!

Kalki too stares at Maya with a frown as if he would throw her into prison if she does any tiny mistake now.

'Dare you let me down in front of the Imperial Court! I would make you rot in the prison till you die!'.

He couldn't let anyone disrespect her as she appeared as his wife in the Imperial Court! No one would dare to even think of defaming him by disrespecting his wife!

He might not like her or even hate her. But that doesn't mean he would allow others to disrespect him through disrespecting her!

In this situation, Her every mistake would leave His respect at stake! That He would never allow her to do! You know who is He and Her!

Maya looks around the crowd languidly and finally looks at Xavier again. She smiles "If this gathering is for the welfare of the people, then why could I not find a single representative from the people?!".

Xavier "..." There she comes to her point! Not again! At least not in front of these people!

Kalki only creases his eyebrows "..."

The crowd "...".

Maya likes to see Xavier's dumb expression and pinches herself to prevent from laughing loud.

Seems no one has any clue about her question. The gathering without the common people could be normal for them but Maya couldn't help but thinking about asking this question ever since they started discussing about the construction.

Xavier clears his throat silently as Maya's smile is really diverting him from the situation and answers "The Royal Council has been deciding for the welfare of our people for decades and this Court has never troubled people by bringing them here. As their representatives, each Royal member knows the situation of every place around the country-".

Maya interrupts "I beg Your Highness's mercy for interrupting. May I know the Royal member who is representing the Countryside village?".

Xavier nods and looks at the crowd.

The man who already stood bows solemnly "I am representing the Countryside village, Your Highness!".

Maya's eyes brightened 'Splendid! You are dead today! You dare to mock me?! Now I will see how you win me in this argument! Winning over a woman in any argument itself is an impossible thing..actually it's a myth! And winning me? Not even in your next birth, Dear man!'.

Xavier notices her and shakes his head helplessly 'I hope she doesn't get into trouble in front of Xander...'.

Maya smiles raising her eyebrows as if she is surprised "So, it's you Sir. If you do not mind, can I ask you some information regarding the edict?".

Xavier mentally rolls his eyes "..".

The man bows and speaks smugly "As long as it's regarding the Countryside Village, I can, Madam".

Maya smiles "I was just verifying your presence, Sir. Please wait till Our Highness completes reading the edict".

Before she turns to look asking Xavier to read, Xavier continues "After the construction of the dam, people who offered their agricultural lands to the construction would be employed directly under Royal representatives. They would be serving as long as they are able to".

Xavier finishes reading the edict and looks at Maya frowning.

'Now what's your plan, My Lady?'.

The man declares obediently "I would follow each and every word of the edict, Your Highness-".

Maya smiles "Who asked you to? You don't have to follow the present edict, Sir".


Kalki blinks in confusion hearing her words and looks at Xavier who is giving a boring face as if Xavier predicted this.

Kalki tilts his head and stares back at Maya mysteriously.

The man smirks "Is Madam asking me to go against Our Crown Prince's edict? If so, I request Madam's mercy because I wouldn't dare. I am afraid that Madam is unaware of the penalty for such action".


Xavier creases his eyebrows and looks at Maya worriedly.

'The nerve of you! He is implicating the crowd and look at you-'.

Maya smirks "It seems you are good at implications. Are you well-versed in betrayal too?".

Her sudden question hit him as a slap to his face and everyone supporting him. Seeing him looking at Kalki in horror, Maya smiles.

'So your fear is the Crown Prince! Look how I make you cry before me!'.

The man ".."

Xavier is already confused about her words and couldn't predict her intention or anything.

After hearing the word 'betrayal', Kalki's complete attention went to the two who are arguing.

The man speaks hurriedly "I wouldn't dare! How could you-" and looks down respectfully before continuing "-Madam even accuse me without any evidence?! Why would I betray-?".

Maya shrugs innocently "You have to answer the question, Sir. Why would you betray your own family?".

Don't forget to send your love!

Thank you so much for your support. ... for those who have been with me.. I would be grateful forever.. Hope you enjoy reading..and to the silent readers.. keep loving! A big thank you for you too!


-_-! .. Seems the word counts decides the power stones... I couldn't decrease the stones either... I can understand you as I am a reader too.. (Sigh)... Thank you so much for the love and support dears....Without you all I couldn't have done this!

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