Maya is sitting near the lake beside the Royal Barn. She has been thinking about Xavier's words and his strange anger. No matter how much she thinks nothing makes sense to her. Only her eyes get tears in fury. It's been her only chore since she left Xavier in the garden.
Eros is standing next to her for about an hour now and whines faintly. His sound was not loud as he is afraid that his noise might upset Maya more.
Maya is staring at the lake in a sour mood and speaks emotionlessly "You can leave".
She knows how long Eros has been standing there and doesn't want to bother him for her own sake.
Eros neighs softly and nudges Maya's shoulder softly as if cheering her up. He speaks "Her Majesty can tell His Majesty your worries. His Majesty will make your every worry vanish in thin air".
Maya stops her thoughts for a second hearing of Eros's words and purses her lips.