
Chapter 8 Warning Ms. Liu, Standing Up for Ms. Wang

Translator: 549690339

"Pah, who are you calling sister-in-law? Look at your dirty look, you've totally disgraced me." Ms. Liu sneered at Ms. Wang. Actually, it was not surprising that Ms. Liu despised Ms. Wang. Ms. Wang's entire outfit was nothing but patches, it was impossible to tell whether the original fabric was floral or red.

Compared to Ms. Wang, Ms. Liu's clothes were almost brand new, without a single patch. Even her shoes had no mending. Looking back at Ms. Wang, her foot bandages were exposed, and her hair was so dirty that it matted together, smelling foul.

Ms. Liu held her nose with one hand and waved the other in front of her. "Such filth, has tainted the aura of our Yang family. If I were you, I'd take these wretched offspring and roll out of my dear Yang Family," she sneered.

Seeing Ms. Wang bowing her head in silence, Ms. Liu seemed more excited, and her abusive rant moments intensified, spitting saliva far and wide.

Yang Chuxia was infuriated by Ms. Liu's words, she hastily climbed down from the bed, picked up a shoe, opened the barely hanging door, and threw the shoe out with full force.

Perhaps she used skilled force, the shoe hit straight on Ms. Liu's face.

"Who the hell threw that at me?"

"Who are you calling blind? Are you asking for a beating?" Yang Chuxia, touching her dizzy forehead, supported herself against the wall and came out.

"Xiaxia, why did you come out? Quick, go back to bed, the bump on your head isn't gone yet. If you feel dizzy and fall..."

Upon seeing Yang Chuxia, Ms. Wang rushed over in a panic. She gently touched the lump at the back of Yang Chuxia's head with one hand, and with the other, tried to pull her back into the room.

She feared that this unwelcoming sister-in-law might lash out yet again. If she accidentally hurts Chuxia, her precious daughter might end up dead. Worried to death, Ms. Wang conveniently seemed to forget about Yang Chuxia's fiery temper yesterday.

Yang Chuxia touched the back of her head where Ms. Wang indicated and hissed. The lump was indeed quite big. No wonder the original owner was beaten to death.

However, this body was now under her control. Along with it, she had taken over everything of the previous owner. Hence, when someone bullied the previous owner's mother and insulted herself, she couldn't sit idle.

"Bitch, you dare to hit me?" Ms. Liu pointed at Yang Chuxia incredulously.

"Did you forget what happened yesterday? If I dare to hit your husband, wouldn't I dare to hit you?" Yang Chuxia sneered at Ms. Liu, "I warn you, don't bother my mother for no reason. Otherwise, next time I will throw the kitchen knife at you!"

"Also, the face of our Yang Family was certainly not disgraced by me, but by somebody who sleeps naked with a man..."

"Are you all so full and bored that you have nothing better to do? Ms. Liu, I asked you to fetch a bowl, are you squatting there till death? If you don't want to eat, get the hell out of here." Yang Chuxia hadn't finished speaking when Old Lady Hua stormed out of the room.

Old Lady Hua pointed directly at Ms. Liu and yelled at her. While ranting, she sneakily glanced at Yang Chuxia.

"Mother, I... this mischievous girl threw a shoe at me." Ms. Liu looked terribly wronged.

"Well deserved! I told you not to make trouble!"

"..." Ms. Liu was speechless. What was going on with her mother-in-law today?

Ms. Liu didn't know why Old Lady Hua was like this, but Yang Chuxia knew.

Yang Chuxia smiled coldly. This old witch must have heard Ms. Liu insulting Ms. Wang earlier but she didn't show up. Only when she mentioned sleeping with a man did she come out to interrupt.

It seems this old witch was unusually afraid of the matter being leaked. Well then, she had just gained a new trump card over her.