
First Rival

While he was unconscious, a lot of people saw him and the other bodies that were lying down the road. Unfortunately for him, scar-face woke up first. When he saw Aurum, who was passed out, he wore an evil grin on hist face and started waking up what's left of his men. They dragged Aurum to an abandoned warehouse and kept him there until he wakes up.

Meanwhile, Aurum, who was unconscious, was currently suffering from the feeling of being decapitated and revived over and over again for the last 10 seconds. However, Aurum was still in a minor shock right now due to him not having a high mental fortitude.

Scar-face and his men were getting impatient as the hour passes by. They tried waking him up by splashing water at him, punching him or even trying to burn a part of his skin. Still Aurum did not flinch nor show any signs of waking up.

"Boss, I think he is done for." A follower said.

"What do you mean he's done for? We did not even got a chance to hit him in that fight and now you're telling me that he's done for?!" Scar-face lashed out at his follower while shouting at him.

"Now, now. That's enough Yuu. You shouldn't do that to your own men." A rough voice was heard just outside of the warehouse.

Scar-face, or rather Yuu, looked at the door of the warehouse which is being slowly opened, with a surprised expression. A young man who is wearing a red shirt with a hood over his head suddenly stood there. He was a tall, bulky, and muscular man that gives off an aura of unyielding.

"Steve.... W-why are you h-h-here?" Yuu asked apparently frightened by the young man.

"Nothing much. Just heard that you were carrying Aurum unconscious so I decided to give you a surprise visit." Steve replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

Steve Iasion was well-known in this town. There are many legends about him saying that he single-handedly hospitalized 150 people who dared to be insolent in front of him. It was also said that he fought thirty men armed with pocket knives, and end up being the victor without any scratch. Now that Steve, the man in the legends, was in front of Yuu, how could he remain calm when he can't even beat one man with thirty-eight men at his command?

"Let me have him for a while, yeah? People say that he fights well and I want to see it for myself," Steve was looking forward to fight Aurum for a long time, unfortunately he can't find the chance to do so. Now that the opportunity is here, why would he let go of it?

"Who the hell do you th--" A follower of Yuu who was ignorant about the infamy of Steve tried to act tough in front of him to gain a good impression in front of his boss. However, before he could finish his sentence, he was sent flying off the ground and landed on the wall.

Those who saw what happened cannot believe their own eyes, for they saw that the wall was dented right after the punch. The other men who had ulterior motives such as the guy who was sent flying earlier, was now getting cold feet.

"Does anybody else have something to say?" Steve said while looking down on them.

"Ugh.. Damn that system! Why the hell did he make me go through that?"

Before anybody else could react, they heard a complaint nearby them, and saw that Aurum has finally woken up.

Thank you for all the readers who read this novel. Honestly, I think that I still lack something but I don't know what it is. So if any of y'all know what this something is. Please tell me your opinion.


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