
Arrogant Independence

While the damned souls are trying their best to run away, Aurum was doing the opposite. He would occasionally call out to them and hunt them down.

"Yoohoo~ Where are youuuu~?"

Unfortunately for them, Aurum can use the map of the System to locate each and every single one of them. No matter where they hide, they would always end up dead. The damned souls desperately ran as they have noticed that they would end up dead if they stay in one spot. Some of the souls even actually gained some emotion, but the emotion that they have right now was fear.

"Hee hee hee~ This is fun! Although the Exp and CP gained are too low, the memories that they have is so worth it!" he cackled.

In the past two hours, he already killed about 1 million damned souls. Sometimes he would even use Wind Walk to zip past many souls, turning them into nothingness. He was like a Grim Reaper that was capturing souls that escaped his realm.

[DING! Congratulations!

Host leveled up to 20!

Wind Walk leveled up to VII.]

"System, how much CP do I currently have right now?" he asked while rubbing his chin.

[DING! Host currently has 100,498,600 CP.]

Aurum was literally shocked. He stopped and remembered that he was still going to obtain information about his Azazel's eyes and his Thunder God's Wrath.

"System, are you serious?"


The Combat System didn't answer him, but Aurum took that as a yes from it. He was bursting with joy that in the short amount of time he spent inside the forbidden library, he already gained more CP than he could ever imagine. He was tempted to buy some skills right away but decided not to. Instead, he used his CP to increase his stats, skills, and abilities.

"System, use all of my current CP to max my current stats right now and increase all of my skills and abilities to level X."

[DING! All skills and abilities leveled up to X.

Host has 300,000 CP left.

Due to the Host not having mastery over his skills and abilities, he will have a hard time controlling the power and the Host will have a 66% chance of turning Berserk by using it repeatedly.]

"HAH?! What the actual f*ck?! If I knew that this was going to happen, I would have just left it be. Hais, no use on crying over spilt milk..." he mumbled while looking rather pained.

By now, every single damned soul already left his area. There isn't any normal damned soul that would dare go near him, for they knew that once they did, they would immediately perish. Aurum returned to his body then sat down at the floor instantly. He was trying to access through the memories of the souls that he has killed. Unfortunately, he couldn't handle all those memories rushing and flashing back unto him, making him puke out blood.

"System, what the f*ck is going on? Why is this happening to me?!" confused by his current state, Aurum asked the system.

[DING! As I have said earlier, if you use your skills or abilities recklessly, then it would do damage to you. Host is not yet used to the upgrades and the Host still doesn't know most of the origin of the skills. If you keep on using your Soul Searching, then you would damage and leave a fragment of your soul. And if any damned soul will consume it, they will achieve a higher form.]

When he heard this he was very frustrated. Aurum didn't want to deal with more trouble. Moreover, he didn't want to play with his life but he got no other choice if he wants to live longer. If he doesn't succeed in getting information, he would be crushed by the power of the gods in a matter of time. However, if he does succeed at doing this, he would still have a high chance of killing himself in the process. Currently, Aurum is caught in a dilemma.

He slumped at the ground and began to ponder really well.

"Ahhh... I don't want to die. If I do this, I'll probably die and even if I don't do this, I'll still end up dead. I don't really like to rely on fate or luck. However, I really got no other choice, do I? I need to finish this up to gather information and get some support from anyone who oppose those despicable gods. Fortunately, my luck stat is maxed at my current level. Plus if I use Blessings, my luck increases by 2.5 times in 2 minutes and 30 seconds. I just hope that increasing my luck stat would reduce the chance that I would die..."

Aurum decided that he would continue after some thought. "Besides, I'll still die if I don't get what I came here for," is what he thought.

He immediately started grinding for more Exp and CP points without hesitation by using his ethereal form. As soon as he used it, he immediately felt pain that he had never experienced before under his current form.

"F*cking hell! This one exceeds the feeling of being decapitated a thousand fold!"

He remembered the time where he forced the System to replace his eyes without even hearing what the consequences are. However, he just endured the pain that he was feeling right now and started hunting more damned souls.


At the god's realm, many gods and goddesses were being called back by the Almighty One. They reluctantly returned even if they wanted to slaughter the human god. Some of them even sneered at the Almighty One for being such a p*ssy.

At the moment, almost all of them were doubting the capabilities of the Almighty One because he doesn't involve himself directly at all. To them, he was cowering in front of an adversary, which caused distrust towards him.

"I bet he isn't really anything at all."

"Just 'cuz he got the biggest faction out of all of them doesn't really mean we have to follow what he says."

"I bet he is helping those old bastards nurture that human god."

At the conference chamber, Zeus and Odin were looking at the Almighty One furiously. They looked like a beast who's prey just got stolen by another predator.

"You better tell me what is going on, or else don't blame me if I get too rough on you," Zeus blatantly threatened the Almighty One.

"If your explanation doesn't even satisfy me right here and right now, I'll turn you into a slave and show yourself in front of your followers," Odin followed up.

The Almighty One, who is actually careful about their current situation, also turned furious when they threatened him constantly. He stood up and didn't bother to hide his full power in front of them.

"If you want to go and die after he comes out of the forbidden library, then go ahead. I just thought to warn you all that he didn't even get his powers reduced when he went in. However, before I can even speak, you gods dare show your audacity to say that in front of me? Do you really believe that you can win against me together when your faction is slowly dying?" he sneered at them coldly.

"You hypocrite! You think we are afraid of you, huh?! Let's see what you can do when we all gang up on you. Don't forget that you are the only god in your faction. So don't go thinking that you can bully us up front!" Odin was too hotheaded that he didn't even bother to thank him for the warning that the Almighty One gave.

"You said that his powers didn't reduce? However, didn't you say that even you can't escape the curse that you put in that library? Are you telling me that he is stronger than you?" Zeus, on the other hand, was calm and asked him sarcastically.

"You don't believe me? Then go see for yourselves! However, don't go crying to me like a child who just lost the only candy that he had. I did say that I can't escape that curse, but the only thing that I know is that whoever can go inside without any consequences are the Nephilim," he answered while mocking them at the same time.

"Nephilim? Offspring of an angel and a demon? Didn't you said that all of them were eradicated from this world?" Zeus asked him with an assumption that he is misleading them.

"Yes, I did say that. However, what if that Nephilim didn't come from my faction? You keep on doubting me but both of you doesn't even rule your faction well. Ares and Hades is trying to rule Olympus while Loki and Hel is trying to take Aesir down. Don't you think you have too many enemies on your side? Let me tell you this, a Nephilim can also be born by the union of a god and a demon. So next time before you start suspecting me, I suggest that you find out if there's any mole in your faction!" he said without restraint.

"YOU ARE GOING OVERBOARD, YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SH*T!" Odin, who can't hold back anymore, got his Gungnir and dashed towards the Almighty One with the intent to kill.

The Almighty One, who had long expected this outcome, waved his hand. The instant that he waved his hand, countless magic spells have been launched and restrained Odin, sending him on his knees. The Almighty One didn't care about anything anymore and stepped onto his head while sneering at him.

"You brought this upon yourself. From this moment onwards, I am no longer an ally of you stupid *ss gods! You are all trash that doesn't even think ahead. I will make my moves when and where I want. And if somebody even tries to obstruct me, I will kill them without hesitation. Lucky for you little dog that I still considered the effect of killing you. Be thankful to that human god as he have saved your life without knowing it," after saying that, he didn't bother to look at them even for a second and left.

Zeus who was watching the whole scene play, trembled when he saw how powerful the Almighty One is.

"I heard that he had been improving his skills related to restriction, but I never thought that with a wave of his hand, he can subdue one of us right away!"

Odin was still on the floor until the Almighty One returned to his personal domain. When he stood back up, the first thing that was in his mind was how to kill him. He looked at Zeus and didn't say anything. Zeus on the other hand, already knew what Odin was planning.

Odin left the conference chamber and went to face the other gods and goddesses who were all confused. He grandly spread his arms open and declared loudly.

"My fellow gods and goddsses, today the Almighty One has betrayed us and left us for good. He threatened to kill each and every single one of us if we interfere with his business. However, he truly underestimated us if he thinks that he can take all of us when he is alone! If we have the chance to kill that human god and the Almighty One, then we shall not hesitate to do so!"

The instant that he declared the Almighty One's withdrawal, furious roars shook the gods realm. Each and every single one of the gods were ready to take down the Almighty One if the opportunity arises.

"Let's see how you deal with us while you are focused on that human god! I will pay you back this humiliation that you gave me a thousand times over!" Odin thought.

Zeus felt helpless as he saw Odin inciting the other gods. However, he can't really blame him.

"I still think that the Almighty One declaring independence, is going to be a bad development to the future, but if he is not going to be our ally, then he is going to become our enemy in the near future."


-Editor's Afterword-


Well, ain't that something. The MC stuck between a rock and a hard place, the god's realm dispute, and the vengeance of Odin.

A lot of things has been happening to the story lately, but please bear with us if we are still lacking on the fillers (which one reader asked about) because the author made more ideas in his mind. Also about the publishing before editing, I hope everyone understands that me and the author live in different time zones, where if he's asleep then I'm awake, vice versa.

Anyways thank you everyone for reading this web novel made by our dedicated author MythRoid. I hope you guys continue to support us in the Power Rankings and giving the author some suggestions you think are interesting enough to add to the story plot. We really appreciate it.

-Sic Parvis Magna

thank you everyone for reading this novel! Especially to DunnoWhatToPutHere, TimeTrackers, hh212, kkkyler and to all peeps who used them powerstones :D

By the way I forgot to say this but its really weird how me and my editor do things because I publish it first before he edits it hahahaha!

MythRoidcreators' thoughts