
The Colorless One

In a world filled with people who possess beautiful black, brown or blonde hair. She was the colorless one. Her hair were white as snow, eyes were grey that complimented her pale white skin. That's right she is different and it didn't make things easier for her. She was strong not naive. It's a story of a girl named Autumn. Will this different girl who is trying to fit in, be able to have a normal life and find her one true love.

Nia_pen · Teen
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14 Chs

Chapter - 7 The break up

He was a fair and tall boy. He looked handsome with his hair down..... He could easily take Roy's place as the school hunk.... If he wanted.

"Who are you? Do I know you?" Autumn said.

"Oh.. My bad.. I should have introduced myself first... I'm Harron Su." He said.

"Do you know me? By the looks of your uniform you are not from our school.. So.... How?" Autumn asked in confusion.

" Yes, I'm not from your school. I'm from Amina high. I know you because I saw you once when you came to our school for a debate competition and won right away. I was so fascinated by you at that time, so I wanted to meet you but it was already late, till the time I found you.... I got to know that you already have a boyfriend so I just backed off but recently I got to know that you guys are not together anymore so.... Here I am.. " Harron explained.

" Well.... Thank you for liking me but Roy and I didn't broke up so... I can't accept your proposal." Autumn said.

'Although, Roy and I are not working out but still we are in a relationship. I like him and I don't want to think about anyone else at the moment so it would be better to just keep my distance.' Autumn thought.

" But someone told me that Roy have a new girlfriend now so.... How come you are still in a relationship?" Harron said.

"I don't know what you are talking about and I'm not interested in it.... I have already told you my decision so you can just leave now....." Autumn said in a bit irritated tone.

"Fine, if you say so but remember I'll wait for your answer..... I want it to be a yes." Harron said.

He winked at Autumn and left.

Christy saw him leaving she rushed over to Autumn to know who he was.

"Hey... Autumn. Who was that handsome?" Christy asked.

"Oh... You are here..." Autumn said.

"We was a guy from Amina high. He said his name was Harron Su." Autumn told her.

" Oh my god... So you are saying 'the Harron Su' of Amina high was here.... Oh my god.... Why was he here? Why didn't you tell me? How was he?" Christy's asked in an excited tone.

" Easy girl! What are you getting all worked up for? Who was he to make you this excited?" Autumn asked.

" What do you mean? Are you saying you don't know who he was? "Christy asked.

" No... Why? Am I suppose to know who he was?" Autumn asked in total confusion.

" Oh god... Autumn you seriously..... He is 'the Harron Su'. The famous and rich Harron Su who is also a basketball star of the middle school." Christy explained.

"Oh... Alright." Autumn said.

"Why? What's with that uninterested tone? Well forget it.... Why was he here?" Christy said.

"Well... He asked me out....." Autumn revealed.

"What?" Christy said in astonishment.

Autumn told her everything that Harron said to her. Christy was speechless.

'What the hell.... She got asked out by Harron Su but why?.... Is she lying? But then again if she is lying I can easily catch her lie..... Why does everyone just want her? Oh maybe it's because of that rumour.... But still she doesn't deserve this..... Look at her smug face..... I'm more attractive than her but still Roy and even Harron chose her... It really boils my blood.' Christy thought.

"Why did you refused him?" Christy asked.

"Because Roy and I are still in a relationship." Autumn said.

"Well just forget it... We are getting late.... The last bus will leave..." Autumn said.

They both went home. Autumn texted Roy because she thought it was only right of her to tell her boyfriend about Harron. Roy didn't replied at first but after an hour he texted her back.

Autumn asked him to meet her as she have something to tell him. Roy agreed to meet her at the school's terrace.

The next day Autumn went straight to the terrace and Roy was already waiting there.

"Roy.." Autumn said.

He turned around and said hello to Autumn.

"It's been quite long since we last met." Autumn said.

"Yes... It's been long.... So what is it that you wanted to tell me?" Roy asked.

"Well... Yesterday -" Autumn told him about Harron.

He was furious to hear everything not because he was jealous but because he knew that Autumn was a goose that can lay golden egg for him and he didn't want to lose it. But if Harron were to pursue Autumn then there will be no one to do his assignments.

"Don't meet him next time." Roy said in a bit irritated tone.

'Oh my god, is he jealous.... I use to think that he doesn't like me but he is jealous for me..... I'm so happy now..' Autumn thought.

"Oh.. Okay!" Autumn said with a smile.

Roy held her hand and told her that she doesn't need to talk to Harron.

Autumn was happy with the misunderstanding because she didn't knew what Roy was thinking.

After this long Roy started to visit her class again regularly.

Autumn was happy because she didn't knew his intentions.

Their one month anniversary was also approaching. It was the next weekend. She was excited and wanted to prepare a surprise for him so she asked for Christy's help.

She was going to celebrate their anniversary in a room cafe.

She started shopping for decoration and bought couples ring for the gift.

She was so happy but little did she knew that the one month anniversary was going to turn the way she never expected.

Days passed by and Roy was treating Autumn the way he did before the fight. Autumn knew that Roy doesn't remember their anniversary so she was a bit disheartened but she wanted to make it up to him for shouting and fighting with him.

On the D-day she poured her heart in the decoration and gift, she also prepared a cake for him. Now all that's left is for Autumn to bring Roy.

Autumn left for the game parlour that Roy often visits.

She reached there and went straight to were Roy would be.

When she saw Roy and his friends chatting happily she noticed that Roy was already sitting with a girl. He was holding her by her waist and chatting.

Autumn was shocked to see him, she stepped closer thinking maybe they are just friends.

"Dude.. Don't you fear you girlfriend huh? You are here with another girl being all cozy what about the school girl... What was her name again.... Autumn?" His friend said.

Autumn stood there as she heard her name.

"Come on dude... Don't spoil the mood by mentioning her name.... I'm here to have fun with this beauty here.... And you are talking as if you don't know why I'm dating her..." Roy said is a mocking voice.

"So now that you are getting benefits why don't you break up with her.... Let us have her once... We also want to gain some luck." His friend said.

'What are they talking about?' Autumn thought.

"If it weren't for the rumours that anyone who is in touch with her becomes lucky.... I wouldn't have date someone like her..... It's like a stain in my perfect image... But you see miraculously I did became lucky.... She also does my assignments and helps me during exams..... If you also want these benefits then you can just befriend her just like that girl, Christy.... Man... She is one lucky girl.... " Roy said in a mocking voice.

Autumn was stunned after hearing everything... She felt betrayed and heart broken. She always thought that Roy also liked her that's why he was nice to her but now that she heard him say stuff she never expected.... She was hurt.

"Oh... Man..... I can't wait to just break up with her.... You know it's tiring to date girls behind her back..... She always sticks to me..... But if I break up with her my luck will get affected.... And even if I break up with her she will come crawling back." Roy said and all his friends burst into laughter.

Autumn couldn't hear anymore and left.. She was heart broken and couldn't control her tears... She went straight to the cafe took the couples ring and cake, paid the cafe fee and went straight home.

Her mother saw cake in her hand, as she was about to ask Autumn, she just stormed off to her room and locked the door.

She sat in a corner and cried. She was so heart broken. The one person she liked was such a jerk who was just using her for his advantage.

" Why? Why? Why? Just why does everyone hates me? What did I ever do to them? All I did was like him and he.... He betrayed me, used me and played with my feelings. I'll never forgive you..." Autumn mumbled.

She cried for hours and when she was tired she opened the box and took the cake out.

" Happy one month anniversary to me... " She said as she cried.

She ate some cake and threw the rest.

The next day her eyes were all swollen. She didn't attended the school that day. Roy texted her and called her but she didn't replied.

Roy asked Christy about it and Christy told him about the One month anniversary surprise that Autumn prepared for him.

He remembered that it was already a month, he called Autumn but she didn't received any of his calls.

'What the hell... I'm calling her she should be honored by my call but she is busy throwing tantrums....' Roy thought.

He stopped calling her.

After Autumn's eyes were back to normal she went to the store where she brought the couples ring from and returned those rings.

She went back home and thought hard about what to do next.

The next day she got ready for the school and went to school but this time she was determined to break up with Roy.

She knew if she were to be with him... His influence will only make her more hurt.... And his rotten personality can also affect her.

Roy came to Autumn to have a decent conversation but Autumn was not in the mood to listen him.

"Roy... Let break up!" Autumn said in a stern voice.

"What?.... Are you out of your mind?" Roy said.

"What? Can't you understand these simple words then let me make it clear for you.... I now know why you were dating me... And I don't want to be with a complete jerk who thinks the whole universe revolves around him so let's end this fake relationship... Now do you get it? " Autumn said in a loud and clear voice.

" What do you mean by that? I dated you because I liked you... How can you say that? " Roy said acting all pitiful.

" Listen Roy, yesterday I went to the game parlour that you usually visit and I heard everything you said with your own mouth.... So I don't think anything you say can fool me now.... " Autumn said.

'What? Why did she came there? What should I do now? If she breaks up with me how will I complete my assignments before mid term.' Roy thought.

" You were spying on me.." Roy said.

" I guess you forgot that yesterday was our one month anniversary and I prepared a surprise for you but to my surprise it seems that you too prepared a surprise for me.... Isn't that so?" Autumn said in a cold voice.

"Let me put it clearly, Roy... If you tried to do anything funny I will reveal that all of your assignments were done by me and you know who the teachers are going to believe..... a straight A student or a student who get on their nerves... If I reveal this every single teacher will reject all your assignments and you will have to complete all those again by your self..... Mid terms are approaching so think wisely." Autumn threatened him.

" Ok-okay... Fine.... You win.... Let's break up.... Now, even if you come to me afterwards I will not accept you." Roy said all flustered.

Roy glared at Autumn and left and this relationship came to an end....

Autumn learned a lesson from this relationship that no matter what she will not trust anyone completely from now on, no matter who it is....