
The Color of Souls

Heli lives in a world where the color of someone's soul determines their worth. But what if this color system was flawed? When Heli draws a black string, the worst of them all, she is thrown on a journey to uncover a conspiracy that threatens to tear the world apart. Will she expose the corruption and turn the world around, or could she become the biggest villain of them all? Whatever you need to read ig: The cover is AI generated because I could never draw that good ;-;;; bonus facts: This is a book I worked on with my bestie co-writer Bush so like 50/50 credits on that lmao annnnd chapter publishing might be a bitttt slow since both of us have to read it before anything's published, but wish us luck >:D *read till at least the second chapter before you decide to ditch it please* - EVERY WEEKDAY COZ YOU COULDN'T PAY ME TO TYPE ON WEEKENDS I HAVE A CHANNEL NOW !!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6DjAK9vpn_EeDtn4Wr2mw

PilinyTheYounger · Fantasy
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23 Chs


The alchemist was not very happy to see an elder, since elders were supreme and never had to pay for anything, meaning whenever the alchemist served one they always took a loss. But when Heli showed up and asked for the cheapest curse, a forgettable curse, the alchemist was quite happy with how things were going. 

"Ma'am, I can easily give you this, but you need a catalyst." The alchemist said to Heli, who was, like usual, leaning against the counter with elbows, the candle standing proudly next to her, and her dead eyes covered by the hood. 

"Catalyst?" Heli asked. There would usually be curiosity in the voice of a child, but in Heli's, there was nothing and absolutely nothing. it was simply a question. The alchemist flinched, and said hurriedly, 

"Ah, yes. You need a catalyst. When you accomplish something, then the curse gets undone. People usually choose something thats unlikely, like winning the lottery or finding a diamond ring as their catalyst so that they can keep the curse for as long as possible. Oh, and if it's something private, as long as you know what you are thinking of I can write it down. I don't need to know." The alchemist said, and Heli thought for a minute. 

"Can you make my catalyst… whenever I reach my biggest goal?" 

The alchemist nodded and scribbled something on a piece of paper. When Heli looked at it, she saw an intricate magic circle with lots of loops and circles. 

"Just tear this in half whenever you're ready." The alchemist said encouragingly, and Heli tore it in half almost instantly. 

Heli fell over. 

When she woke up, the alchemist was sitting next to her. 

And then, everything was blank. Heli blinked, then blinked again, and then rubbed her head. There was something fuzzy over her memories, like a big large blanket separating her from her thoughts. It was as if she couldn't recall everything he had gone through - not even who was standing in front of her. 

"That'll happen. I'm the alchemist, and you're an elder. I think you must have and something you wanted to erase - but if your whole life was terrible up until now, it would have all been erased." The alchemist said, waving her off. Heli hadn't forgotten it all, though. She remembered something, and even though she had no idea whatsoever what that thing was, it was pulling her. Her purpose, even though its exact shape had been forgotten, was still burning inside her. Heli looked at her hand. Everything was so fuzzy. 

"Do you remember what your purpose is?" The alchemist asked, sensing what she was thinking a bit well. Heli looked up, but her hair was still covering her face.

"I want to save everyone from becoming like me."

Heli was convinced that she'd need to become a stronger elder to flip over the color system, which had seemed to be her goal. Then maybe she'd get her memories back. Now she was inside the black layer, the lowest of the lowest. "Hmmm, I wonder what I should do," Heli whispered. The candle was still in her hand. 

"It's time to wreak some havoc, then. This'll be fun."