
Chapter 46

“I’m sorry,” Janny said gently. “I know this must be painful, but I must see if damage was done. It will only take a moment. Please?

Kai turned her face back to Janny and allowed her to hold her lids open and peer in with an occuliputer. The tiny light from the machine burned into her brain. When Janny released her grasp, Kai shut her eyes tightly and put her head back in her hands, trying to massage the pain away.

“Are you dizzy? Nauseous? Confused?”

As Kai whispered a low yes to each question, Janny programmed the responses into the scanner.

“Can you focus on my hand?” Janny held her hand about eight inches in front of Kai’s face and slowly moved it from side to side. Kai’s eyes followed it slowly, her reflexes clearly several seconds behind the actual action.

“Does sound hurt your ears?” she asked quietly. After a few moments Kai nodded. “Does it hurt here?” She touched several pressure points on Kai’s scalp and waited for the response, each time affirmative.