
Chapter 37

“I’d hate to lose her, but if need be…” She let the sentence hang.

“I didn’t realize she was that dispensable,” Janny frowned.

“Everyone is dispensable,” Engalla replied. “You, me, Danil, all of us.”


“Even Randason, and Sharon Hanfph, Donald Forsythe and Heidi Mint. The credits behind them aren’t, but they are. If we don’t do our job, it won’t matter.” 15

Rhya slowly slid the door aside to her house. Her living room was in shadow, the only light shone from the dining area where Jayanta sat staring at her, hunched over a cup of tepid black tea. Beside her on the table was a plate, empty except for a few scraps of bread crust.

“She’s not here yet?” Rhya asked, already knowing the answer. Jayanta shook her head and looked back down into her cup.

“I thought you were going to get some sleep,” Rhya said as she laid her carry-sack on the chair in the living room and slowly walked toward Jayanta.