
Chapter 15

“Me? Are you sure?”

“Yes. Your sister will be at your side. Her light shines very brightly. I can see it in the mountains.”

“I think she has finally found her place in the world. She’s doing much better than she was before. And she looks much better than she has in a long time.”

“So do you, Kailyn. But you must be careful.”


“You will meet someone who only wants to control you and use your talents. She does not respect what you teach. You must be on guard.”

“How will I know?”

But her grandmother chose not to answer the question and changed the subject. “And there is one, much younger, who hasn’t found her place yet but she will be the one to lead us through the forests of our minds and we will see the sky again. Train her well, she is The Hope.”

“One much younger?” Kai looked up, her eyebrows raised high. “I’m teaching her now, aren’t I?”

“Why do you ask?”