
The Color in Black and White

Violet lost all color in life the day her best friend Sadie crashed her car on the way to Violet’s birthday party and died. She was going to end it all. But then she met Andrew.

MoonChild27 · Teen
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8 Chs


(The day of Violet's 14th birthday party.)

Violet was setting up all the decorations while Dad made the cake. Mom died the day she was born so she never really met her. Today is her 14th birthday but also 14 years of Mom being dead. Dad always tries to be cheerful on her birthdays but she knows that deep down he was still mourning the loss of his beloved wife. She knows this because some nights he would come home just a little drunk and start mumbling how it was her fault but then immediately realized what he said and apologized. But today he seemed genuinely happy which made her happy. As Violet was just finishing up the decorations she decided she would go help Dad finish the cake. When they were done she looked at the time. "Shouldn't Sadie be here by now?" She asked Dad "I don't know call her up and ask her." Sadie is two years older but still is Violet's best friend but technically her only friend because she isn't good at making friends. The two are inseparable and do everything together.

(On the phone)

"Hey Sadie, where are you?"

"Hi, I'm running just a little bit late so I think I'll get there around eight not 7:30."

"Okay just be careful I'll be waiting her for you."

(Call ends)

"SADIE SAYS SHE'LL GET HER AROUND 8" Violet yells to her dad who's upstairs now.

"Okay honey I'll come down when she gets here and we'll have cake right away."

Violet looks at the clock.

"It's 7 right now so I guess I have an hour to burn"

Thirty minutes pass...

"I guess I can call to see where's she at again."

Violet calls Sadies phone but she doesn't answer.

"She must be on the phone with someone else right now I guess"

Another thirty minutes pass...

"It's 8 she should be here soon."

Violet tried calling her again but still no answer.

So she just chooses to sit by the window and watch for her.

An hour has passed...

"Where the heck is she?"

At this point Violet is getting worried.

She tries Sadie's mom's phone.

"Uh hello..."

She's answered back with sobs.

"Oh my gosh is everything okay?!? Also do you know where Sadie is?"



"S-Sadie's d-dead"

Violet drops the phone and falls onto the couch. Her dad hears her and ran down the stairs and starts asking what's wrong. Violet doesn't hear him. She just sees her world turning black and white and hears a high pitch sound. Then it hits her and she just starts screaming and crying. At this point her dad saw the phone and started talking to Sadie's mom and realizes what has happened. Sadie is gone...forever.

This will be the second story I’ll write on this app. The first one “The Fallen Star” was really short so I plan on trying to make this one longer. Also sorry if there is any grammatical errors, I’m not perfect. I hope to post one or two chapters a week. But anyways thanks for reading.

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