
The Colonies

In a world where a supernatural race of beings called Elementals exist in a dome to be protected by threats from the outside, a conflict emerges that shakes the very foundation of this unique world, and it's up to a group of Elemental teens to unearth what has been hidden, restore what has been taken, and fight for their race. If not, all will be lost.

Joshy7d · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2; The Result of War.

Alda and Ruan woke up to ash filling the place they called home, shots rang everywhere. Ruan rushed out of bed and into Alda's room, "MOM!" he screamed, he can't see through the thick smoke, "RUAN!" screamed his mother, they run into each other.

"To the basement!" demanded Alda, Ruan and Alda ran downstairs. While running through the living room, Alda reads the headline, "Rebels cornered."

Alda opens the basement door, lets Ruan in, and slams it shut. Alda puts her hands together and prayed to the Earth. "Please, Earth, protect my boy."

"We should be safe here..." says Alda aloud, she cradles Ruan, "Mom, I'm scared..." says Ruan, choking on his breath. Alda shakes her head in sorrow, she starts to cry, "We should've left, I'm sorry Ruan, I'm so sorry, Ruan."

"Mom, It's okay-"

A cannon ball smashes into the building, the roof caves in.


Darkness, all Ruan saw was darkness as he felt the weight of a thousand pounds crush his shoulders.

"Mom! Mom?!" Ruan cries out. A gap of light opens Ruan's eyes, he tries to crawl out, but his legs are stuck underneath the rubble.

The plants under the rubble starts growing quickly, sprouting into trees, freeing Ruan of the rubble. Ruan's eyes widen, as he crawls out, he looks up, it's a Flamboyant Tree...

"Ruan...!" a voice says softly, Ruan looks over to where the voice came from, it's his mom, only her head and her upper torso can be seen, Ruan rushes over to his mother, tears escaping his eyes.

Ruan lets out a blood curdling yell, "MOM!" Ruan reaches Alda and touches her face, "Let me help you mom--" Ruan tries to help, but then realizes...

A piece of fallen wood had impaled his mother in the stomach, she only has a few second left of life. Ruan's breath becomes unstable as he realizes this, Ruan starts to cry-

A soft hand touches Ruan's face, wiping away his tears, "You always had such be...beautiful eyes" said Ruan's mother. As the life from Alda's eyes vanishes, she has only one thought, "Please, Earth, protect my boy."

Alda's eyes dim as her eyes close, her hand falls from Ruan's face.

Ruan begins shaking, tears pouring from his eyes.

Suddenly, Ruan senses something of great power, the wind blows so intensely that Ruan's tears instantly dry.

"In a last-ditch effort, some believe the Earth bestowed the power of the elements into a flower, a single flower."

The flower sprouts in front of Ruan.

Ruan, light skinned with brown eyes, approached the flower, a victim of war, the innocence, the light in his eyes, all gone, he had injuries on his entire body.

"I know what I must do, I must make them pay..."

As the boy approached the glowing flower.

A shot rang across the sky, the boy collapses just in front of the flower. He was shot in the leg.

"I'M A CITIZEN, NOT A REBEL" He shouts, it does not matter, a rain of bullets fire upon him.

"I get it...I understand it all, this world isn't beautiful, mother. I should've known. I shouldn't have been less naive, this world, our civilization, to take your life."

Ruan is shot again, in the arm.

Ruan continues to crawl towards the flower, his gaze only focused on the flower. Solders from the enemy side started to run towards the boy, they could feel the immense power the flower contained.

"This world is cruel, and these vile people are in need of..."

Ruan touches the flower, his eyes turn pitch black, "EXTERMANANTION."