
Foreword, Prologue, and Chapter 1


Nova-Lux – New Dawn


We used to be a small circle called The Shrouded Collective. A small community blessed by similar goals. Who have hidden the forbidden secrets of the meaning of life and the key we hold into unlocking the cosmic secrets of the universe I teach to my fellow kindred. Through inspirations of multiple books, fiction, experiences, and self-created and motivated ideologies on my own. Forging my path through life's chaos and obstacles of destruction. Never have I felt fascinated by how much my perspective of reality has changed, seeing the truth as I have sought for so many years. Which I have unintentionally brought myself to, a descendant of madness. They thought I was a madman. But they don't know that they see reality the wrong way. But I can teach you how I figured out how to liberate myself from the shackles of the mental structure and status quo of modern-day 21st-century society.

We are The Shroud and as their leader. I thought that I would spread my knowledge throughout the globe and make it into a society rather than a small community calling it Nova Lux. And inspire the entire world!


Inferno: The Mundane Comedy


You lived your whole life in despair, waiting for signs or answers from God. Except, none of your prayers were heard. You used to be a Christian who grew up in a Christian family. Raised to follow blind orders and to do what is told. You were sick of it, and eventually, you had an ignition inside your heart. A spark! But it was a dark fire within you, ready to feel inspired as you saw society, the environment, and the world from a new perspective. You finally had enhanced senses. But the way you see the world now is grim, dark, full of madness. People out there in the real world are grabbing on each other's throats, going wild. You think you have human compassion, which you believe no other humans you see outside have.

You've spiraled down to depression, wanting to be more with the feeling of existential dread in your heart, mind, and soul. As insanity creeps into your brain. Provoking you to do such heinous acts. But your intentions are pure. You wanted a place and community where you felt to belong. A feeling of anemia. Which was the emotion of nostalgia and melancholy at the same time. You ruminate while sitting up on the bed, feeling exhausted. Wasting your junior years, elders advise you to take the best of it while it lasts. They are wrong or right, and both at the same time. Because throughout your adolescence, you were depressed, but wishing you could have taken the risks that opportune happiness.

As you woke up in the morning, you felt no motivation to get out of bed. You wanted to sleep in more, although you slept over 12 hours last night. Yet, you have work today.

You've slept more for the day, realizing there is no reason to live anymore. So, why not skip work today? You knew you needed it. You're too depressed, swallowing into the oblivious void of sleep, letting nihilistic thoughts devour your mind.

6 hours later, you've woken up. Still fatigued and feeling worse than last, you woke up. You see, a notification on your phone. Your boss said you were fired from your job because of tardiness. As you realize, it was your poor mental health ruining your career, as well as your life and your sleep schedule. You were expected to be given your last payment in your workplace. And gather all your belongings as well.

You found no point in living anymore, so you slept deeper, succumbing to the voidness of sleep.

You slept in for 6 more hours…

Waking up, it's already nighttime, and you don't feel sleepy anymore. Yet, still fatigued. Knowing that your mental health is getting worse. Then, your mother called. She has not contacted you for years, ever since you graduated from high school. She apologized long ago that she could not afford college. Because you came from a poor family, your mother was doing her best to help you study. You were a child prodigy back in high school.

While seeing every other kid in this generation (Gen Z) are spoiled and self-entitled. You knew you could pass to get a Master's Degree like you dreamed of. But teenagers nowadays would rather dance in front of a camera, expecting they would get money from that, rather than focusing on their future goals by studying. They do the dumbest and most heinous ways to get internet views, such as wasting food inside Walmart just to piss off retail workers and getting away with it. Assaulting random citizens on the street saying, "It's just a prank, bro!". You see how stupid they are. But you see so much potential in the young generation because of technology advancing, yet they refuse to take that opportunity.

"Hi, honey! I know it's been so long. I missed you so much, so I thought I could have some spare time to talk to you again. How are you?" She asks.

You said you were fine regardless of how you truly felt.

"Honey, I know you. You came out of my womb. And have known you since you were born. You're hiding something. Is everything alright?" She asks again.

You answered you are indeed fine with the comforting lie to prevent your mother from worrying with pure concern for her child. Saying that you only needed space for now.

"Aw, baby... Let me help you. I have a connection to a psychologist that might help, if you're feeling depressed, that is. You don't sound too good." She suggests. But then again, you said it's okay. Denying yourself saying that you can handle yourself.

"Well, if you ever change your mind. You know who to call." she said. And you told your thanks to her for caring about you, where at least someone actually does. You told her you loved her and ended the call. You ended the call, thinking about how you will spend your spare time for the night. And you thought to yourself, I'll use my money to buy drugs. It's my only getaway. At least to feel some happiness with this pathetic life I have.

It was the only money you had, thinking at least you could die happy by swallowing your sorrows by consuming illegal substances. Causing you to feel intoxicated and euphoric. And then, finally, became addicted. Now you need more money than you need to survive from work. Yet, you had no job. So, you thought of an illegal way to feed your withdrawal symptoms.

That night... you went to a random alleyway to rob someone for money. Then, a man in a red suit, pants, shoes, and a red fedora walked around with his chain. He looked luxurious, betting that he had some money he could offer for his own life.

Once you succeed in mugging him by threatening to take his life or giving all of his money to you. He tried to humanize you as if he knew what you've been through and why you were doing this, telling you that this is not the right way to do it. There's an alternative. He told you you don't have to do this. Instead, he offers you half of his wallet where you gained so much money. And he offers to help you by giving you his business number and meeting up with him at his compound tomorrow morning. Whether you try to fight him off, his charismatic skills were beyond godlike towards your small and fragile human mind. You felt compelled by him. And yearned to go near him at all times.

The 1st Testament:

The Doctrine of Post-Human Evolution

Chapter 1:

The Critical Understanding to Society


F you seek purposeful knowledge to comprehend long forbidden topics deeper and gain insight that can open gateways to wisdom and lead to personal power. You must listen to me carefully, my brothers and sisters. I, your Duke. Will guide you into the darkness. But do not fret! Do not be afraid of the dark because you cannot see it, but be afraid of the light because you cannot feel it.

We, The Collective, handle our actions. There is no "GOD" that will come down there and give you a reward for doing good, nor can the Devil ascend from Hell just to tempt you to do such things. Many Christians thought that we get divinely punished and rewarded depending on our actions. Whether good or evil, because of the science of cause and effect. When we do something bad, we invite that negative energy back into our lives, backfiring threefold by other people due to what we caused. And what we do as well, we are rewarded because we cause what is good that makes people feel good. They give us the good back.

I hate it when Christians are so irrational not to think about the science of cause and effect, and instead, when something good happens to Christians, they thank God. When bad happens to Christians because of their own sins, they blame the Devil for their own shortcomings. It's really a mad world out there. And they think we are mad and crazy. Because of what outsiders think of us some kind of delusional cult. Due to our rational minds that have ascended beyond human, we are now at the level of post-human intellect. Our psyche is blessed by the black flame that has sparked inside us! And for religion or any community, we must not shove our beliefs on others' faces. We must learn how to respect it.

And when I saw the new member come here, he looked as if he was inspired by my very eyes. I saw the black flame in him, ignited into a spark where he knows he belongs to us; he is... ONE OF US! We know all of us are not perfect, even Christians know that. Still, oh, they have so much ego. They are probably more evil than we are by judging other religions instead of how pagans respected other pagans' gods from different cultures and traditions. Because they go to church every Sunday just to sin right after and hide their sins by pretending to be good by praying to their tyrannical God! I sit down on his face, the same way I do to every Christian.

But remember, we are all respectful; we respect others' beliefs. Even I respect Christians only if they respect me. It's not about the war between religions. It's about humanity and how we could unite with one another. Still, no...

The status quo of society has collapsed into pure idiocy where buffoons are slowly destroying the only planet they live in. Where there is war, hatred, the society out there is dangerous grabbing on each other's throats like wild animals.

And they masquerade their true dark nature by pretending to be good at denying their evil intentions. I say that what makes humans is their shades of grey between good and evil. There is no such thing as a saint or a sinner. We all are human, we all sin, and we all do good. Even the most homicidal murderers would weep onto their mother's death, yet they kill others. Because sinning into the wrong has a good purpose. And doing good sometimes is used for deceiving and malicious intent through the words of manipulative hypocrites. But most of all, what is important is our human compassion.

Do you even know where demons come from? No, they were not fallen angels... neither are they created by the Hebrew God…

The word Demon came from the Greek word "Daemon," which means "Divine," "Spirit," and "Knowledge." Even if you go look it up on Google. It's true. Demons were the first older gods because Christ came to ruin it all. Before, the older gods were what pagans worshiped from Sumerians' first civilization.

The older gods, AKA demons, taught humanity how to evolve from animalistic, primal minds such as teaching language, survival, make fire. Even Prometheus, Lucifer in Greek Mythology, taught humans how to survive and evolve by making fire. And without Lucifer, we couldn't have evolved as better humans until today. Until the current generation started becoming buffoon-minded, devolving into self-entitled, narcissistic little spoiled brats. Until Christianity came into action demonizing the older gods from Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology into blasphemous names. Such as Beelzebub and named them to look evil such as Satan or Azazel.

Lucifer gave Eve the apple because he noticed that Adam and Eve were nothing but mindless slaves of ignorance in the Garden of Eden and wanted to free them from God's shackles. And so, he gave them the fruit of knowledge as they knew both good and evil and finally freed them from the hypnosis of the tyrannical God. Except that when Lucifer was exiled from heaven along with his followers. It wasn't actually part of the religious text in the bible. It was just a fictional literary work called Paradise Lost, the same way Faust was written by brilliant authors and even had paintings of them.

As I can tell, we were all brainwashed by Christianity because they used scare tactics to force us into conversion to their religion. Heaven and Hell were never written as part of the bible. Sure, they wrote about it. But it was never said that you go to Hell when you're sinful, and when you're good, you go to heaven.

I used to be a religious fanatic as a child, and I read and memorized the entire bible, except I never read that good people go to heaven and bad people go to Hell. They actually copied the idea from Greek Mythology that those worthy go to the heavenly part of the Underworld called Elysium.

And those who scorn the Greek Gods are damned into Tartarus, the Hell of the Underworld. And those who are neutral are just in the middle ground, which are the meadows of the Underworld. Religion also copied more pagan beliefs, such as Christmas, claiming that Jesus was born that time. Calendars were not invented, and the bible gave no reference to his birth date. Actually, mid-winter festivals were pagan holidays celebrated by witches and others. Today is the current era where the virus that wears such a crown. The crown virus reigning in monarchy against everyone shows no mercy that plagues the world as we know it.

The coronavirus has spread its filth throughout the globe to purge all of us sinners, and we know this is the tribulation. The coronavirus has caused pestilence. That made people go through the catastrophic state of poverty. Destroying our economy because of the lockdowns and quarantines. Due to lack of money and people panic-buying, we lost all of our daily bread, causing famine, and now, these factors ended up in death. Which are the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

And yet, the pandemic is almost over. Because in the book of Revelations, it is written that the first phase of the apocalypse will end in silence. We are tested to pray to see if we are worthy and faithful. What is the lesson learned here where we let the Christian God purposely suffer in pain all our lives? Studying hard and stressing ourselves out for our entire years since childhood to adults. Once as adults, we just work hard every day stressing ourselves out more than we did in school. And give offspring to children with the partners we married. Then just grow old and die without finding the meaning of the life God has given us. Then God randomly redid Noah's flood all over again more devastating than the last. And just die despite we all have suffered enough in pure agony. Then he kills our loved ones and makes us suffer more through the pandemic. Because God doesn't exist.

If he is good, and knows everything, and can help everyone all at once with his omnipotent power and knowledge, he could have helped us all. Do you think having myself groomed and raped by a middle-aged man when I was an adolescent was a good thing? He lets children be abused! And I was a victim; it ruined my life through the post-trauma I had. Developing mental disorders and having me drop out of high school made me mentally unstable just to be trapped inside a sick mental asylum for all of my teenage years until being discharged as an adult!

And I told the reason for my mental sickness to my older brother, which was when I was sexually assaulted by such a disgusting, filthy man. He said unto me, "Forgive them, because God loves you. And he will take care of you."

I don't think he understands… at all. I was suicidal most of my life ever since that frightful day. I hate to say these sensitive topics because it triggers me so much. Still, I sacrificed my mentality to prove a point of our lesson. And I kept my faith in God, just to suffer more! Do you think being raped as a child is a test from God? No…

To those who want to join the gang who wants to support my ideologies. Please DM me on Discord! We're gonna make a chill and cool cult about it, LESS GOOO!!!

Dante Vayne#3580 Add me DM me to make my books as a community!

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