
The Collapsed World

Publishing schedule (once every three days.) In a world where the sound of wind hooting near your ears could shiver you up, where the sun played hide and seek behind the dense clouds, roads hidden under the fog, surroundings devoid of any presence. The noise of cracking and cackling will send cold sweat roll down your neck as you will walk amidst the debris left by destructed buildings and look at the sky in intervals, fearing when something will come and tear your flesh apart. In the world where you can only hear your own breathing and heartbeat, where you have only yourself, even your own shadow abandons you in the darkness. How long will you survive? No... What will you do to survive? Fein Rasmond, being thrown into a world in it's brink of extinction, embarks on a journey to search for his only twin sister after a strange dream he had of her. Not caring about his parents who neglected him since childhood, he cared only about his sister who he didn't even know was alive or dead. Explore the world filled with mysteries along with Fein as he stumbles upon allies and enemies. Discover the history behind all the destruction. In this world contaminated with undeads, dragons and beasts, Fein will exploit everything and anything in his arsenal to meet his motives, creating a vague line between good and evil, right and wrong, life and death. Despite everything the only thing that he claims.. I'm neither good nor evil. Asking me to care about other people is nothing but a waste of time. I'm a human, so are they. Why should i have to act the hero and protect when we all have the same four limbs? Blessed with a gift.... Haha. Should i try using my gift for other's I'll only be used like a little doll stringing around their fingers. Trust me Rene. I'll protect you so just come with me. People are too imbecile to deserve heroes. *Cover photo: AI generated (self produced)

Akira_Kei_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

The Death Event begins now

"Ma'am! Should we stop them?! At this rate they might start fighting each other!"

The woman in an all white uniform stood in front of a wide blue screen. Her eyes as sharp as knife tips glared at the screen while her lips smirked. "No. Let them be. They are amusing." Her eyes averted to the upper left corner of the screen, at the footage of Fein in his current state. "To think that someone can make me laugh even now." She softly giggled. "I find him really interesting."

Two girls who came along with those unknown men, grabbed Kuina and pinned her against the wall. The rest rushed inside and searched into everything. It didn't take long for Kuina to perceive the situation.

They came to loot our hideout!

Sved along with Dolto and Jeffrey rushed inside to the basement. They sent Zach and others to pretend looking into everything while they stole the ammos.

They ignored lifting the curtain, rushed in and turned over the bed in search of the chest.

"Found it!" Said Sved. Beneath his glances laid a pile of rifles, shotguns, bullets, gun powder, pistols. It was a whole treasure box!

"Let's put them in our bags!" Dolto immediately took off the bag from his shoulder, put it down and filled it with bullets.

"Do we take shotguns too?"

"Grab everything inside! They get supplies anyway."

They took the shotguns in their hands and fiddled with it wondering where to put it.

"Alright! Let's go!"

They stood up to leave but paused upon seeing a silhouette behind the curtain. The person was heaving, making the thin curtain sway.

"Hey. Do you know where Fein and Donna are?"

It was Kuina!

"How did she-!"

Unbeknownst, Kuina was very much a hunter herself. She only never showed anyone her real strength. Taking down two girls was just as easy for her.

She leapt forward. Jeffrey crossed his arms thinking that she might attack them with a dagger or other melees.

She surprised him by closing their distance then firing him in between his eyes with bb bullets.

When you shoot someone with a very little space in between, even an airsoft bullet will bring a hellish pain.

It hurt like hell!!

The bullet stuck into his forehead skin, Jeffrey collapsed, being unable to withstand the pain. The other two rushed outside the basement. Kuina reloaded her gun. She chased after them, "You didn't tell me, did you guys capture Donna and Fein?"

Sved took a simple glimpse of her face as they ran. Her eyes widened and straight lips. She looked terrifying!!!

With her small and agile body, Kuina caught upto them.

We need to slow her down, thought Sved.

He chuckled, "Yess. We did! So what?"

Kuina paused. Dolto turned around to deal with her and buy Sved time to escape. Kuina rushed towards him and shot his forearms. Though it stung him, Dolto didn't waver. He waited for her to close the distance. Had she raised her arms to shoot, he hit his palm against her gun, making her drop it.

Kuina gasped and hurried to grab her gun. She crouched and extended her hand towards it. Dolto quickly turned and stepped on it, preventing her from picking it up. Kuina touched the soil, supporting her body with her hand, she twirled her feet behind his knees. Dolto's feet being bent he dropped on the ground. Kuina hastily picked up her gun and proceeded to shoot him.

But she couldn't. Another boy ambushed her. He shoved her away with his elbow on her back. As she collapsed he kept pressing his elbow.

Kuina groaned.

"I've caught her!" Said he.

"I'll bring back Jeff!"

Meanwhile Sved arrived underneath the pit. He discovered both the girls crumbling on the ground.

"Hey! Are you alright! Get up!"

He knelt to pick up Hilda, who he found bleeding from the back of her head. Her skin must've split upon hitting her head against a rock.

"That girl… we underestimated her!"

He looked up and noticed that it became silent outside. While the heavy bag weighed him down, he grasped the ladder.

I'll go back first! They'll catch up later..

He mounted a step ahead, when Ran, out of nowhere, dropped behind him.

Face soaked with the horror of blood. Eyes glinted with anger, Ran glared at him. His hands clenched dual Sparrow21 pistols, each with eight bullets. And the magazine was filled.

Sved was staggered enough with his huge build, but he decided not to show fright. He hurried up the ladder. Ran grabbed the handle of his bag and pulled him down.

"That bag.. I can't allow you!"

Sved fell on top of his bag. He was aware of his own strength so he crawled up and strode towards the survivors chamber evading the bullets that were showered on him.

He dashed in and slammed the door shut, startling all the people inside.

Ran had real guns with real bullets. It was unfair to fight him unarmed. Sved put down the bag and picked up the assault rifle. "Now we're even!"

He turned over, awaiting for Ran to dash in through that door. Once he enters, Sved will turn him into swiss cheese.

A few sacrifices are required to survive.

That's what he planned.

Ran, as expected, rushed to the door. The instant the door was opened, Sved rapidly fired at him. The people inside, totally unrelated to the battle, wailed out of fear. The rapid sound of the bullets showering at the door, filled their hearts with terror.

Sved squinted his eyes in an attempt to see through the thick smoke that formed due to his fires.

"At least one bullet should have hit him." He murmured. Then suddenly, someone loomed behind him. His breath tickled Sved's neck, flinching him.

He immediately turned over and discovered Ran pointing his pistols at him. The sounds of shooting resounded into the chamber, terrifying all the survivors inside.

But they cared the least about them.

They just focused on their foes in front of each other.

One of the survivors rushed through their battle and yelled to the others. "Everyone! Leave from here!!"

If they didn't want to get caught up in Ran's and Sved's bullet battle, they had to leave the chamber immediately.

Chaos arose. A fierce battle commenced inside the hideout. All the survivors rushed together, trying to escape from their battle. Kuina was tied at one corner by the intruders. She was outnumbered. Ran and Sved fought each other aggressively. Evading each other's fires for their amateurish aiming, they weren't totally unscathed though. A few bullets did graze their skin from where they bled. One of them will surely die if no one comes to stop them.

Meanwhile the escaping survivors, unaware of the outside situation (since they hadn't left the hideout for months) stumbled upon a bunch of undeads.

The death event begins now.

"Ma'am! The survivors are at risk!"

"Connect the signal."

"Yes. Ma'am."

The woman in front of the wide blue screen, turned her back at the screen, raising the microphone towards her lips, she spoke. "Do you hear me, Eudimor? I think you would want to return to your hideout now."


Her straight hair, shoulders and breasts bounced as she strode out the hall.

"Dispatch some personnel to their hideout. We'll end their experiment now."

"Yes ma'am."