
Chapter 010


GRAY and I stayed on the living room and watching TV, I am lying on the long sofa and I made his lap as my pillow.

He was holding a piece of pizza while his free hand are slightly combing my hair using his fingers.

He will gonna fed me with the pizza that he was holding from time to time and I'll also do the same with him.

" where's samurot?." I asked him after awhile.

Samurot is the name of his pet.

It's a Cheetah that way more bigger than a wolf and the color of it is grey and red. He fed me the last piece of pizza on his hand before he answered my question.

"Hes with me but I made him invisible for awhile while I'm on my way here, samurot uninvisible." Gray said and with that I saw samurot near the couch thats where we are.

"Oh wait, baby where's kirara?." Gray asked my pet.

Kirara is a cat demon fangs that can transform into a kitten.

"She's just somewhere here, Kirara come out and play with samurot." I said, Kirara instantly come out and come near samurot to play.

Gray and I finished the remaining piece of pizza, once we done eating I stand up from lying on the couch then I cleaned the utensil that we use to eat, then I putted the empty box of pizza on the trash, after I cleaned up the utensil and wipe up the mess on the living room I washed my hands before coming back on the living room.

Once I get there I sat down on the same couch that I lie down on awhile ago then I faced gray.

"So who will gonna tour me around?." I asked while looking at him on the eyes.

"I don't know yet, I'll gonna ask HM about that." he said while putting some strands on the side of my face. I just nod my head as a response to what he just said before I stand up, and that makes him look at me.

"Where are you going?" he asked while looking up at me.

"To my room, I'll gonna sleep again." I said while yawning, he just nod his head so I immediately teleport to my room and lie on the matress and close my eyes.


I WOKE up when I felt that someone is gently patting my cheeks, I slowly opened my eyes and gray's beautiful eyes met mine, he is seating at the edge of my bed while looking at me deeply like he can't still believe that I am really here tsk.

I got up and look at the clock above the bed side table, my eyes slightly opened wide when I saw that it's already seven in the evening!, I sleep seven hours straightly, then I heard my stomach made a sounds!. I look at gray next to me who's chuckling lowly tsk.

"Come on let's go downstairs. You need to eat." Gray says while still chuckling, I just leer at him and let him pulled me towards the door of my bedroom and we go downstairs.

Once we get downstairs he immediately lead me towards the kitchen, and the moment we got on the kitchen my mouth watered when I smelled the delicious dish that gray cooked.

I let go from his hold and immediately sat down at one of the stools on the island counter and start eating.

I heard gray let out a low chuckles before he sat down beside me and he also start eating. We didn't talk during eating because I was busy feeding myself and so gray is, but I felt that he'll gonna stare at me for long before he continued eating.

After we done eating I stand up and put the utensils on the sink, gray was about to wash it but I stopped him from doing so.

"Let me, you are the one who cooked, then your planning on washing the dishes, I can't let that." I said. He was about to protest but I pushed him towards the kitchen's door.

"Okay then I'll be in the living room."he said.

I just nod my head and start washing the utensils on the sink.

When I'm done washing the utensils, I put it on its right place before I washed my hands and dry it using a small towel while walking towards the living room.

Once I get there I saw gray seating in one of the single sofa while watching TV, I walk towards his direction and sat down on the long couch. He glanced at me for awhile before he spoke.

"Are you done?" He asked.

I nodded my head as a response, he suddenly stand up that made me confused, itseems that he saw the confusion on my face so he spoke.

"I'll Get going now" he said.

"Where are you going ?" I asked like as if I didn't know where he is heading.

"Dark kingdom" he answered

"But why ?. I thought your staying here" I said.

He let out a deep sigh before he spoke.

"I'm sorry baby but I really need to go to dark kingdom and also the students here will not make a gossip about you on your first day here." He explained.

I just took a deep breath to what he just said.

"Okay. then take care." I said.

"I will, love yah. I'll see you tomorrow okay." he said then kissed my forehead before he disappear on my sight.

I teleported to my room and sat on the edge of my bed and close my eyes, feeling the surrounding, hmm looks like there are some incognito here in the school, looks like they are quite a lot tsk.

I really need to be very careful with my actions, it's better to be careful than being sorry tsk.

I opened my eyes and stand up, and walk towards my windows and cast a spell, then I moved to my veranda and create a invisible barrier and I also casted a spell then I return to my bedroom and immediately lie down to sleep again.



I woke up very early to jog, I wore a color black leggings and a dark grey sport bra, I took my phone together with the Bluetooth earphones on the table side of my bed before I put it on my ears and come out on the dorm.

Once I get outside the dorm's building I start running. After a minutes of running I reached the fountain of this school, I am planning to go in the gym but I don't know where, I didn't look at the map that HM, there are not many people around because it's still pass five in the morning.

I saw a girl that coming on my direction, I think she's older than me for months.

I grab her arm when she was about to pass me, and it's seems that I scared her because she slightly place her hand in front of her chest before she glanced at me tsk.

" what May I help you miss?." She asked while her hand is still in her chest tsk.

Well I can't blame her for doing that because I just grab her arm suddenly and she maybe still shocked tsk.

I just leer at myself because it's quite annoying seeing people like that tsk.

"Yeah. Where's the gym here?" I asked coldly.

" Oh your a new student?" She asked back tsk.

I just nod my head as a answer, because I don't to talk tsk.

"Let's go, I'll accompany you there, but wait are looking for a gym where people work out?."she asked again tsk. I just nod my head again because I don't want to talk again tsk.

She started running towards somewhere so I followed her, even though I can surpass her from running but I didn't do it Tsk.

After a minute or so we reached the gym, it's quite far because we pass over the huge gymnastics of this school.

She stopped in front of a big building that has a sign board of fitness gym, I also stopped running and look at the girl in front of me, she faced me and spoke.

"We are here, by the way I'm Irene Park Anderson Earth magic, nice meeting you" Irene said and place her hand in front of me, I look at it for a moment before I accepted her hand for a handshake tsk.

"Hell." I said shortly, hmm so she's also a Princess huh?. I read alot about this girl while our hands are shaked and I also discovered her secrets tsk.

I let go of her hand and turn my back at her and opened the door of the gym.

"Be careful here, I'll go now bye." she said on my back. and thats made me smirk secretly. They are the one who need to be careful from me.' I said inside my head while grinning evilly.

"Yeah, thanks" I coldly said. I slightly face her and I saw in her eyes that she's nervous while talking to me but she's good at hiding it tsk.

but not me.

I finally entered the gym, I roam my eyes around and there are few students that working out too, I walk on the corner side of the gym where people will not easily notice.

I start stretching before starting to work out I also do some training so I'll be always ready to whatever happens.

After I finished my workout session I sat down at the floor of the gym while my sweats are dropping around my face and neck.

I rest for a minute before I stand up and roam my eyes to see if there's people who I didn't see here awhile ago.

I close my eyes and used one of my Powerful ability.

Just less than a minute I found the only person who've been watching me! tsk.

"You know what?, if I am you I'll gonna show myself before it's too late" I coldly said.

It didn't take two seconds or so and a girl come out from her hiding place which is the big punching bag few meters from me tsk.

I didn't see this girl earlier, probably she just arrived awhile ago tsk.

"Tsk what do you want" I boredly says, I straightened my stand and crossed my arm.

"Me? Nothing. But you are." she said confidently but it can't hide the nervousness on her voice tsk.

I look at her deeply and read her whole body and I discovered something, tsk.

I just stare at her coldly before I start walking towards the gym's door but before I can reach there she went in front of me!. tsk annoying women.

"Look I just want to invite you to be my right hand!." she finally said it then she rolled her eyes at me, then she looked at me sharply like if she didn't like my answer I'll be finished by her tsk.

I look at her and made a eye contact with her and she is the first one who look away tsk.

Is she really think that she can fooled me?, Tsk in her freaking dream b'cause I know exactly what's her real intention is tsk.

"Tsk. thanks but no thanks. Find another person" I boredly said.

I continued walking towards the gym's door not minding the annoying girl.

But this girl is really looking for a trouble because I felt something that coming on my back!, I slightly bend forward and simply throw her a dagger tsk.

I hitted her on her hand but I didn't give a d*nm 'bout it!, I stand up straight and faced her without any emotion on my face.

"You know what!" I said while walking towards her direction.

She stilled on her track and didn't move tsk.

" no one can force me what to do." I continuedly says and stop walking in front her and I lean my lips near her ears and whispered.

"So you better stop wasting my time before I kill you." I whispered coldly and I said that emphasizing every words so she can understand it clearly tsk.

Looks like her face are out of blood because she became pale because of what she just heard tsk.

I turn my back on her and left her on the gym dumbfounded tsk.

There are students that watching what happen outside the gym and they are also whispering or it is really whisper the right call about it because it's so loud and clear!.


"How can she declined the offer of the Queen b?!."

"Agree, no one ever say no to queen b!."

"She is the first one who declined her offer and the worst thing is she wounded the Queen B!."

"Well that bee deserve to be wounded!, she thinks high about herself when infact she is just a queen of bee's here tsk."

"True best, she is just a queen of her bee's tsk."

"But did you see her face awhile ago?, she became pale when the new girl whispered on her ear."

"We saw that too, I wonder what the new girl whispered to her to react like that."

That's just some of their whispers tsk. I looked at my wrist watch and it's already six in the morning, I climbed on the big tree that I saw and immediately teleport on my dorm's bedroom.

Once I am inside my bedroom I removed the earphones on my ear and put it on the bed side table together with my phone before I walk towards the shower room to take a bath.

After finished bathing I come out on the shower room only wearing a maroon silk bathrobe, there's also a small red towel that wrapped around my hair. I went straight to my walk in closeth, I wear my undies then I removed the bathrobe and wore my uniform.

The uniform is a plain white blouse and the hem of it is black and there's a ribbon on the side flanker, while the skirt has a color white and black, four inches above the knee tsk. I don't like this skirt!, Sh*t.

I went to my shoe counter and choose my two inches black boots that can reach the middle of my thighs.

I don't care if this isn't allowed tsk, the hell they care!.

If I saw gray later I'll gonna ask him to fix this skirt tsk.

I went out to my closeth once I've finished dressing up, I sat down in front of the vanity mirror then I blow dry my hair using my own warm wind, then just let it down I recognize that there are some colours that slightly appearing on my hair!.  I need to hide it.

I casted a spell to hide the other colours of my hair, it didn't take any longer after I finished the spell and the other colours of my hair has now gone.

I saw on my reflection that my hair is now all red.

I put some powder on my face and a lipgloss on my natural red lips.

I stand up and went to my bed to get my bag and drawn out my phone together with my headphones. I putted it on my ears then I put my bag on my shoulder before walking out on my bedroom, once I am outside my room I locked it and put a spell in front of it so no one can enter.

Its better to be sure than sorry tsk.

I went down on the living room and immediately come out on the dorm, I'll just gonna eat on the cafeteria because it's just strikes seven in the morning. So yeah.

While walking on the long corridor I passed the other dorm building, and there are also the last building that I need to pass over before I reached the classroom's building, then to the lockers then after that it's the huge cafeteria that located on the east side just near professor's building.

Well just as I said earlier I didn't see the map that HM gave to me yet, I just know all 'bout it.

And while walking I saw some students that playing with their own magic's, the other are just laughing with their friends and the other's are flirting with the boys and the other's are just sitting on the benches while talking casually.

I searched for my classroom first, I plan to eat later because I am not yet hungry so yeah.

When I found it I went inside straight without knocking and that made the students inside the classroom look at me tsk.

I just leer at myself and walk towards the last row on the back.

"Is she a new student?."

"Wow she's so beautiful!."

"She's so cold!."

"Wow the uniform are really suited on her, even her long boots!, It's so cool!."

"Whoaa she's so sexy and hot!."

"Look at her eyes, they has no emotion, so scary!."

"She looks like a girl version of supreme."

"Truee. And looks like the Queen of bee's has a new victim!."

That's just some of the whispers of the students around tsk, I didn't give them any attention and continue walking towards the vacant desk that I chose.

Once I got there I pulled the chair and sat down then I drawn out my phone on my skirt pocket and search for a good song to play, and I choosed one of the best song of Got7 titled before the full moon rises. I played it before I put back my phone on my skirt pocket.

And while listening to the song I closed my eyes and feel the whole surrounding including the moves of the students in the whole school.