
The Coldest CEO was my first love

Mature content! First love Marriage, cheating, true love.. "Bey, I have loved you since we first met .." a declaration of love on a lonely night made my heart melted. Little kisses on the lips that tasted so sweet into my chest. A statement of love that makes me never be able to forget about you. Your hug makes my heart so flowery. Make my body soar up to the seventh sky. Did you remember that night? *** Bey and Mario met when they were teenagers. The two of them met at the rental house, a brief meeting, made the night they spent together unforgettable. Become a beautiful memory. First love will never die. That's how people said. Bey believes one day she will meet Mario. Her first love, a love that disappeared without a word. The hopes came true. She reunited with Mario, who already has a wife and a baby.

Redink_109 · Urban
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152 Chs

At that time, in my room

These eyes felt so hot, my chest felt burning and boiling.

My lids felt full and warm. My tears falling nonstop.

I saw clearly that Mario and Sofia, I can't lose them.

Why are they holding hands?

Why are they so close?

Why my heartfelt hit!

My gaze followed the steps of those who were getting farther and farther away. Sofia the clingy affection, Mario brings shopping bags and strollers.

It's a baby stroller! I ran to find their figures who were so fast mingling in the crowd.

"Where ..." I lost their figure.

I kept running to the right, to the left, crossing the street, entering the shops, looking around many times, everything seemed to be spinning in my head and .. why are the streets so busy today, fill my vision, squeeze my chest. Makes my head hurt, my heartaches.

"Where are they ... "I wiped the sweat dripping down my forehead with the hem of my sleeve.

The sweat started to fade my makeup. I don't care, I want to trust, what I have seen is not you, not you Mario!. She was not the Sofia you told me about, right!

I hope I got it wrong!

I can't believe seeing baby strollers with them. Didn't Sofia have another man!

Wasn't Mario her cousin? Aren't Sofia and Mario.

No way, I won't believe it. Mario explaining to me! I started sobbing. The tight chest forced me to spill it all.

It's unstoppable, I can only keep crying. I continued to jog down the street while holding back the tears that kept coming down.

My head started to hurt. it felt like it was about to break. Even though I ignore the tense, it was getting more and more torturous. My chest was tight.

Sick! Pain!

I can no longer hold everything about you. I like you, Mario!! I can not forget you.

Why are you doing this to me, why was everything about you like a mystery, give me an answer!

Explain to me!!

Don't let me endure it all, I can't take it anymore. I want you! Mario ...


Is that true that I lost you


The memory bubbles appeared in my brain again.

At that time, in my room, when I was alone.

I sat on the side of the bed with a blank stare. Both hands are stretched out, holding at the sides of the body.

I swung my legs slowly, just driving away boredom.

At that time my mind had drifted away. I've been trying to think about the handsome guy and his girlfriend. I was already surprised to see you, a woman and a man. What have the three of you done in the room?

I've been stunned. Many things have entered my mind. I had laid down on the sofa. This head was already full of question marks.

Eleven o'clock that night.

I've been silent sitting on the side of the bed. Already remembering the woman, the tattooed man, and the room next door.

"What happened there?" I'm already curious. I can't hear the faint sound anymore, I can't hear the sighed anymore.

What were the three of them doing in that room? What have they been talking about?

It's not just about the woman and the tattooed man, but you! What was the relationship between you? and the voice of the woman that night. Ah, I didn't want to remember anymore.

I quickly pulled the cardigan from the cupboard. My head already feels a little dizzy.

Too many things Made me wonder, there are already many things in my brain.

Things that could not be digested with my mind at that time. I'll find out, I thought that night.

I stopped right in front of the door of his room. My feet have stopped walking all of a sudden. The curiosity in my mind turned surprised.

Someone was already crouching over there.

His back was already leaning against the wall. Not far from my door. He lifted his head. Looking at me who was suddenly stunned. His eyes were cold. His face was flat

There was already a black backpack bag hanging on his left shoulder. A few moments after we fell silent, he already dared looked into my face. dared to approach him. I've been squatting by his side. He just lowered his face that night.

I'm not so sure. But it looks I've seen. As if there was a smile on the corner of his lips. A drawn smile like a smirk, what is it?

I crouched next to him and leaned back against the wall, my right foot tapped the floor, I tried to reduce the tension that hit me that night.

He was just silent, I was silent too, for a long time we were silent to each other so that I looked up, Staring at the ceiling in the hallway of the rental room that we were living in which felt lonely, That night was getting higher.

"It was late, you go into your room," I turned to him,

I can't believe it with my ears. Did he start a conversation? yeah, even though that sounded like he kicked me out.



I could hear the sound from his room, while the owner was already outside, squatting beside me that night.

Perhaps, he heard a sigh from his room. The voice of the couple making love was heard so clearly in our ears that night.

Our faces stare at each other for a few seconds. A shocked and awkward gazed. Not long after, he and I just smiled a little, bowed embarrassed.

We heard a sigh growing clearer. Moans, sighs, whispers, and got us goosebumps.

Geez! I shut my mouth. Trying to hold back laughter and also felt awkward. Something tickled my stomach.

The couple's voice sounded funny to my ears but made my face hot, holding back embarrassment.

I can't imagine what's going on in there. The couple's voice. The sound of the bed creaking, all entered my brain.

My face feels hot. This makes me embarrassed and also makes my laughter want to break. This situation was kind of funny.

I was like eavesdropping on inappropriate things with a stranger. Duh, it was mixed in my chest that night!

The man next to me immediately stood up. He pulled my hand I saw his face flushed too. He was the same as me too! His lips smiled even though he tried to cover.

He held my hand!