
[CH9] selfish

— MORNING, 7:00 PM

Alhaitham stared at his hand, that Y/n held yesterday. He shook his head, throwing a pillow at his door. When suddenly, Y/n entered his room. The pillow landing on her face, scrunched up. "What..." she was getting angry. "Why you little —" Y/n chased after Alhaitham, reaching outside. They played outside, while some people were staring; <i>why would highschool students behave like that.</i> Y/n was slowly opening up to Alhaitham, but it seems like it was more than that.

It already seems like both of them are breaking each other's cold demeanor.

Suoh and Seo watched them on Seo's dorm. Seo leaned on the railing, yawning. She woke up because of them. On the other hand, Suoh was already awake hours ago, he pulled an all-nighter at playing. His eye-bags were 'slightly' big according to Seo. Seo sighed. "Let them be. Eventually they'll stop." Suoh patted Seo's head. He grabbed her hand and went inside her dorm.

Alhaitham and Y/n were tired, but she managed to punch him gently on the shoulder. "Why... haah... did you..." she collected air, as Alhaitham panted a little. Despite not being on sport clubs, he has a muscle-y body and moderated stamina. "—you throw a pillow?!" Y/n finally screamed for the first time in Alhaitham's ears. "It's... just that..." he groaned. "Mind your own business." he snapped. "Hmph. Cold as ever." She crossed her arms, while he let out a 'tsk' annoying as ever.

B a d u m p ~


"Say Seo-senpai..." Kaveh whispered to Seo, as Seo looked at Kaveh with a tilted head. "Alhaitham and Y/n recently... well... their chemistry together... it's like..." Kaveh thought of the words, hard to describe both Y/n and Alhaitham's relationship since they moved in together in dorms. "...childish." Kaveh said. Seo bursted out laughing. "2 days ago, they ran through the whole place in front of the dorms." Seo wiped a tear at her eye, unable to stop laughing.

It was still break time, Y/n and Alhaitham bickered each other as usual. Y/n was starting to open up to him, which the class is surprised about it. At the first time they saw her, she was neutral and stoic. And awfully silent.


"Now... is Y/n here?" Y/n stood up, with a timid and yet stoic face. The class shivered at her demeanor. "I'm Y/n." She bowed, then sat down immediately. Alhaitham raise a brow a her, wondering where her old personality is. For the whole day, she was silent. Unless she was forced to speak up. The Professor scratched the back of his head, as everyone was answering 2 questions in one paper.

"Y/n, are you done?" The Professor asked, seeing her staring at her desk. "Yes." she stood up, giving her paperwork. It wasn't that surprising until the answer details are written very well despite the sentences are slightly short. The Professor nodded at Y/n, he excused Y/n to go home now. She sighed in relief, packing up quickly and left. Boy, she's deffinetly mysterious at the first day.

They didn't know that Alhaitham and Y/n were passing notes earlier. (CH2)


The day went by slowly, it was still break time. Meanwhile with Y/n and Alhaitham, they sat on the grass, keeping their distance away. Surprisingly, they saw Professor Renzo. The young professor, in a... school uniform?! Renzo encountered both of them, their jaw dropped. "P-Professor why are you in a school uniform?" Y/n asked, as Renzo chuckled. He sat down on the grass too with them, in front. "I was only a temporary Professor for money." Renzo said, slightly smiling. "I wasn't expecting that." Alhaitham said, blurting out. His mood changed since Renzo came in. Y/n noticed it, but she thought that it would be weird if she said it out of blue.

"Mhm. Now, I will be your classmate." Renzo smiled, going to Y/n's face without hesitation. She blinked twice, a pink tint appeared on her cheeks. "A-Ah alright Sir..." Alhaitham furrowed his eyebrows as if he's a new rival. Renzo pulled back, crossing his legs on the grass. "Just call me Ren. If you would like." He looked at them, with a beaming smile. Is he Y/n 2.0?

3 days later, Renzo and Y/n started to get close to each other. Unlike Alhaitham, it took him more than 3 days to make her open up to him. To his surprise, Y/n was also slowly opening up to him. Alhaitham was also getting jealous of Renzo. She hangs out with Renzo more than him now. He clenched his fists, frustrated. 'Does she really don't like me? does y/n still have a grudge on me?' Alhaitham's mind was mixing up. 'What if', conclusions and more were racing through more than a mile. More than his imagination itself. He sighed, deciding that he shouldn't talk with her anymore.

But it was so hard for him. His feelings were so confusing to him. It's like his mind was going harewire, the more he thought of it. He grumbled in frustration. He storemed out silently i the classroom, picking up his phone. Dialing the only one he could talk to. "Hey, can we... meet up in the yard?" Alhaitham said softly, frustration laced around his tone.

He sat down on the bench, admiring the breeze and view. All he could hear was chatter around, the soccer ball in the field bouncing, and being kicked. He took a deep breath, sighing loudly than before. Suddenly, someone tapped his shoulder. He looked back, seeing Seo and Kaveh. "You called hm?" Seo smiled, sitting down beside her cousin. Kaveh also sat beside Seo. "What's wrong? You look so angry at something." Kaveh nodded at her words. "It's... um... how should I put this..."

"Take your time." Seo patted his shoulder. "It's about Y/n and Renzo. I...I..." Alhaitham started to stutter, embarassed at it. Kaveh looked so surprised at his former roommate, stuttering. In Kaveh's experience, Alhaitham is known for being stoic and very annoying. Kaveh listened carefully, wondering on why Alhaitham is stuttering. And who made him stutter. "—i feel jealous of all the sudden. What's going on with me?" he looked down, clenching his fists. Seo and Kaveh widened their eyes. 'Is this even Alhaitham?!' Seo and Kaveh both thought, looking at each other. They glanced back at Alhaitham again, his fists clenched.

"It must be—" Seo was cut off by Kaveh. "You're just selfish when it comes to Y/n." Seo blinked twice at Kaveh's comment. "Okay, Woah." She looked at Alhaitham, which his eyes were widened in shock and confusion. "I mean like... you're not like that. Whenever someone steals something from you, you just shrug it off. You're just selfish." Kaveh said. "And why would I trust you, Mr. idiot?" Alhaitham raised his brow, while Kaveh's nerve twitched. He didn't feel like this for ages now. "You bastard, I'm just stating facts." Kaveh squinted his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed at him.

"I think Kaveh's right. You're just selfish when it comes to her now." Seo added. "Yes, finally someone agrees. And besides... you just don't express your feelings deep down inside." ...feelings? Alhaitham thought. "Alhaitham. Don't act like an idiot." Seo blurted out of blue. "You know what are feelings, and it's time that you should figure it out yourself." she said. "Then I shou-" Alhaitham was cut off, with an angry Kaveh. "Don't even think about searching 'what is love' on google." Kaveh said, in an angry tone. Seo bursted out laughing, while Alhaitham was a bit offended at it. But it was true, he was about to search it up. Typical Alhaitham.


Around 5:31 PM, Y/n was supposed to go with Alhaitham to the dorms. She waited outside of the school building, waiting for him to come out. 10 minutes has passed, Y/n started to worry. Out of no where, Renzo spooked her. "Boo." Y/n jumped in shock, almost had a heart attack. "Ren?!" She scolded him, while Renzo let out a chuckle. In a nick of time, Alhaitham saw them laughing and giggling together. Alhaitham bit his lip, clenching his teeth. He went passed through both of them. Y/n noticed Alhaitham, saying goodbye to Renzo. "Hey wait up..." Alhaitham walked fast, enough for her to not catch up. She stopped at her tracks, as she watched Alhaitham go away. 'Huh'? Y/n thought, confused and frustrated. He could've explained to her, but instead he walked away without a peep.

At the dorms, she saw Alhaitham already in his casual clothes at the dorms, what he usually wears. Unexpectedly, she threw a pillow at Alhaitham. "What the hell?" He sweared. "Don't 'what the hell' me, i should be saying that...!" She blurted out. "Why didn't you walk with me earlier?" she stormed in to Alhaitham, punched the armchair that Alhaitham was sitting on, making a loud bang. She went closer to Alhaitham, not consciously aware that she's close to his face. Alhaitham furrowed his eyebrows. "Answer me. Please." Her tone getting softer by the second. "Did I do something wrong? Did I make you upset? Then—" he cut her off, covering her mouth. He went even closer. Y/n already noticed that she went too close to him. She gulped, heating up slightly.

"Because I'm jealous of Renzo." Y/n widened her eyes in shock, wanting to know more. "You talk with him too much, instead of me. When I try to talk to you, you just shrug it off. It's painful and annoying at the same time." He sweared, taking a deep breath, "i know, I'm greedy. This is why you should—" Y/n cut him off with a small and soft chuckle. "You were jealous? I apologize for talking too much to him."

"No that's not my point—" He was cut off again. "Be selfish with me all you want." Alhaitham slightly widened his eyes, his heart thumping. Meanwhile, Y/n's heart was thumping fast too. They stayed quiet for a while, their faces mere inches away. It's as if they both want something to happen. But they couldn't process the whole situation. "Tell me if you don't like it."

he pulled her into a deep and warm kiss.