
The Cold Senior Sister Always Flirts With Me (GL)

** THERE ARE SOME MISTAKES WITH THE TRANSLATION AND OUR TWO PROTAGNISTS ARE BOTH GIRLS . THIS IS A GL NOVEL. ** The cold and sinister* Yan Jue, the tsundere dog, has passed through the book and transformed into a fox demon in a book about cultivating demons and eliminating demons. In the book, she is a cannon fodder villain who needs to madly charm the male protagonist and absorb his Yang Yuan in order to improve her cultivation. The heroine of this book is Qi Xianqing, the elder sister of the Zhenhuo Sect who has killed countless demons and is not close to the mortal world. Yan Jue knew very well the consequences of fighting for a man with the heroine. The final outcome was that she was pierced through the chest by the cold heroine Qi Xianqing with a sword, and her heart was cut out and used as a precious material for Shuiyun Sect's alchemy. She seems to have been set up to train the male and female protagonists, and has not survived Chapter 10. Yan Jue then made a careful plan: in the early stage, she would gain experience by the heroine's side, and then go down the mountain to escape when she was almost done practicing. However, Yan Jue soon discovered that the heroine Qi Xianqing's physique was a rare fairy body, and her blood had a fatal attraction to monsters. Every time Yan Jue saw Qi Xianqing, she couldn't help but feel weak in her legs and wanted to hold her and sniff her hard. Later, Yan Jue finally got ready to go down the mountain, but saw the cold and aloof senior sister walking towards her. Yan Jue subconsciously felt her legs go weak and was hugged by Qi Xianqing. Qi Xianqing rubbed her accidentally exposed fox ears and asked softly, "Don't leave, okay?" - Unfortunately, Yan Jue looked like a human during the day, but turned into a fox demon at night. One time she took a walk at night and met her senior sister Qi Xianqing who was practicing swordplay by the Lingtan. Yan Jue looked at Qi Xianqing, who had a frosty face, and the hair on her body was about to explode. sHe turned around and was about to jump away. Qi Xianqing suddenly squatted down, holding a bone that he didn't know where it came from, with a smile in her eyes: "Come here." Who would have thought that in the eyes of outsiders, the senior sister who is not stained with smoke and dust is like an immortal, her favorite thing is Furry, when the moonlight is like water at night, he will sit by the spiritual pool and chat with a fox. Yan Jue unknowingly discovered many secrets of Qi Xianqing. During the day, Qi Xianqing and the male protagonist were in and out of each other, and they were the couple of the gods that everyone in the sect envied. At night, Qi Xianqing touched Yan Jue's head with a tired expression: "He (the male protagonist) and I were just acquaintances, and I don't know why he kept pestering me." "..." During the day, Qi Xianqing led the sect to dig. The lair of a thousand-year-old pangolin spirit looks at the litter of cubs it left behind with a look of indifference. At night, Qi Xianqing hugged the little fox Yan Jue and murmured: "You shouldn't dig a nest. It takes three years for the pangolin spirit to make a new nest. Its children are so cute, I'm afraid they will starve and freeze." "..." - Qi Xianqing has regarded slaying demons as his life rule. Thousands of monsters died in Qi Xianqing's hands, but she only knew that she had never been soft-hearted. But Qi Xianqing didn't expect that she would fall into the hands of a demon. Qi Xianqing once despised the king who was confused by the fox. But she didn't expect that when it was her turn, she just wanted to immerse herself in the gentle land, pamper her and love her well. Even if he is willing to go to hell for her.

Kirisuna1 · LGBT+
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87 Chs

Chapter 75 Full of Bowl (Deep Water Plus Change)

At this moment, the curtain on the side of the jade altar was lifted all at once.

A girl with a somewhat baby fat face walked in slowly.

Du Qiankun's bag contained more than 1,000 high-grade spirit stones, and the whole person trembled when he walked.

As far as she knows, Yan Jue has never been interested in these bets or anything.

But Yan Jue didn't know what was going on just now, so he gave himself more than a thousand high-grade spirit stones.

And she came to the Jade Altar to bet on her own afternoon game to win.


Du Yan walked to the betting table, and the disciple next to him hurriedly stood up and asked with a smile, "This Taoist friend also came here to bet?"

"There was only one table today, it was Yan Jue of the Shuiyun Sect in the afternoon, and Luxi of the Muyin Sect... Are you casting Duan Luxi or ..."

Du Yan: "Ah, I'll cast Yan Jue."

Because there are too few people who cast Yan Jue, the odds of this game are surprisingly high.

Bai Chuli sneered: "To what extent is your person blocked in information, I suggest that you still vote for Senior Sister Duan, so as not to lose and have nothing left."

"Yes, Yan Jue has already gone through two rounds of shit luck, and he won't go to shit luck again."

"And you don't know, Senior Sister Duan Luxi just entered the fusion realm yesterday."

Du Yan: "No, I still want to vote for Yan Jue."

Du Yan quickly put more than 1,000 high-grade spirit stones on the side with the word "Yan" written on them, walked over there to complete the registration, and left in a hurry.


Soon it was time for the third round of the Five Dragons Summit in the afternoon.

The sun is shining.

Yan Jue was wearing a glow-colored robe and came to Wulong Square very early.

She's putting all her wealth on herself now...

In fact, when Yan Jue asked Du Yan to invest money, there was also an element of gambling.

When she woke up this morning, she received a short note from Duan Luxi, saying that she had broken through to the early stage of fusion.

Yan Jue felt that if he was against the senior sister of the upper section, it would not mean that he had no chance of winning at all.

Anyway, it's good to give it your all.

The golden formation in the sky began to fluctuate, and Yan Jue soon came to his martial arts platform.

Yan Jue had just walked to the stage when he was suddenly patted

on the shoulder


Yan Jue turned around, only to see Duan Luxi wearing a turquoise robe, his hair tied up high, a gentle and elegant appearance, and looked at himself with a smile: "Senior Sister Yan, the two of us finally came together today.

Yan Jue was still thinking about the bet he had placed in the Jade Altar just now, and immediately showed a smile: "We are so fated to meet you."


Duan Luxi: "Senior Sister Yan, I want to apologize to you."

Yan Jue: "Huh?

Duan Luxi: "Because I broke through to the fusion realm this morning... I felt that I had a very good chance of winning, so I went to the Jade Altar at noon and placed a bet of 50 high-grade spirit stones, betting that I could win.

Yan Jue: "... Oh, it doesn't matter.

Duan Luxi: "Come on, fight hard."

Yan Jue: "I don't have that much pressure.

After praising each other,

Yan Jue and Duan Luxi walked together on


Three Links and Seven White Martial Arts Stage, and soon stood on the north and south sides.

The sun above her head was dazzling, Yan Jue's clothes fluttered in the wind, and she looked at Duan Luxi in front of her wearing a turquoise robe, and cold sweat broke out on the top of her head.

It's impossible to say not to be nervous...

She pressed more than a thousand high-grade spirit stones on the jade altar.

Golden light waves appeared one after another in the sky above Wulong Square, slowly spreading out to all sides.

The audience was full of voices.

Because Yan Jue is also a big celebrity in the Five Dragons, there are still countless people who have placed bets in the jade altar today.

Therefore, Yan Jue's competition has attracted special attention.

"Just standing in the audience, I can already feel Senior Sister Duan's qi."

"Fusion Realm cultivators versus Light Realm cultivators, I can already guess Yan Jue's ending."

"I hope Yan Jue doesn't die too miserably, hahahaha."

The melodious bell then rang and the game began.

Duan Luxi raised his hands and instantly sacrificed the fairy sword "Wood Rhino".

The dark green bronze giant sword slowly floated in the sky, invisibly containing an explosive force.

Yan Jue squinted slightly.

Duan Luxi's wood rhinoceros, Yan Jue has seen it.

This is a very large sword, the blade of the sword is heavy and sharp, Yan Jue knows its amazing power.

Duan Luxi frowned slightly, his hands were sealed, and he shouted: "Wind Sword Technique!" The

bronze giant sword swung violently in the air, and there was a gust of wind between the swings, and the dark green sword qi swung out in all directions like a dark light.

Yan Jue's body flashed, and he was able to avoid the sword qi, the bronze giant sword danced in the air, Yan Jue jumped up in the air, and his body shuttled in the sword qi.

Yan Jue had already analyzed his advantages in the face of Duan Luxi at noon.

The advantage of Duan Luxi's bronze giant sword is that it is extremely powerful, as long as it is hit, no one will be spared.

And their advantage is light work.

The bronze giant sword "Wood Rhino" roared, Yan Jue launched it in an instant, her figure instantly retreated dozens of steps, and the hem of her clothes hunted under the light of the wind. ...

The bronze giant sword "Wood Rhino" roared, Yan Jue launched it in an instant, her figure instantly retreated dozens of steps, and the hem of her clothes hunted under the light of the wind.

Bai Chuli stood under the martial arts stage, biting her lip, looking at the scene above nervously, and couldn't help but shout: "Senior Sister Duan, come on!" Senior Sister Duan, come on!

Yan Jue: "..."

Duan Luxi sealed his hands and said lightly: "Shake the ground!"

A faint layer of blue light emanated from the

surroundings of the wood rhino, which instantly swelled to the height of two people in the air, and the loud sound was like thunder, falling straight from the sky.

The disciples in the audience suddenly staggered, and the wind blew on their faces and they were a little unstable.

Yan Jue was stunned for a moment, she had seen Qi Xianqing use this kind of swordsmanship, and she immediately sacrificed the Beihai Xuantie on her neck: "Ten Thousand Sword Technique!" The

golden Xuantie split into countless small swords in the air, forming a protective shield that firmly blocked Yan Jue's body.

"Boom !!" A deafening crash followed.

Under the sun, the wood rhino was attacking again and again, and the martial arts platform was smashed out of a huge hole.

Yan Jue rolled over to dodge, and the dark green sword light flashed in the air.

The sun was dazzling, sweat slid down his cheeks, and several small red marks gradually appeared on Yan Jue's fair face, and blood mixed with sweat fell.


audience quickly noticed that something was wrong.

The girl on the stage looked resolute, and her slender body was in the air, but she was not in a hurry to attack!

The sword rays and sword qi of the wood rhino converged and flowed, and it was inevitable that when he


Yan Jue, he would be blocked by a burst of golden light, Duan Luxi took a step forward and slammed his right foot on the ground: "Dragon Teng Sword Technique!" "


The dragon teng sword trick fell, and the wooden rhino directly turned into a huge swimming dragon on the martial arts platform, roaring with the sound of a dragon's groan, jumping towards Yan Jue.

Yan Jue rolled on the ground, his hands were sealed, the wood rhino and the Beihai Xuantie collided again, and Yan Jue's chest hurt from the landslide and cracking.

It had already been half a tea time since the start of the game, and Duan Luxi was just standing in place, frowning and reciting the sword trick, controlling the wooden rhino to attack and retreat.

The movements of the wood rhinoceros have slowed down completely.

In fact, the reason why Yan Jue dared to go to the Jade Altar to bet is another very important point.

Duan Luxi also doesn't seem to pay attention to physical training...

Attacks all consume spiritual power, and Duan Luxi's spiritual power should already be depleted.

Yan Jue knew that his body was much lighter than Mu Rhino's attack, watching the Mu Rhino's movements in the sky gradually become slower, and after the Dragon Teng Sword Technique fell, the Wood Rhino directly stopped in mid-air!

Yan Jue knows that the time has come!

In an instant, everyone's eyes widened.

The girl with a bloody face suddenly stood up from the ground, exerted force on the soles of her feet, and cast a "thousand miles in an instant", her body turned into a strange afterimage in the air, and suddenly broke through the defense of the wooden rhinoceros.

She jumped up in the air and stepped directly on Duan Luxi.

Senior Sister Duan, offended...

Yan Jue half-squatted, and threw the other party out as soon as his waist turned over.

At the same time, Bai Chuli, the second lady of the Bai family, saw this scene, and her heart almost stopped beating immediately.

Duan Luxi's body flew out of the martial arts platform suddenly... It was as if her thousands of high-grade spirit stones had flown out together.

There was a sudden exclamation from the audience.


Bai Chuli, who was watching the game in the audience just now, didn't know when she rolled her eyes and fainted.


After Yan Jue finished her game, she went to the stalls around the square and bought a string of flame barbecue for Duan Luxi.

After all, she usually troubles Duan Luxi, and this time she kicked the other party off the stage during the game, which was really embarrassing.

Duan Luxi was eating barbecue and said aggrievedly: "Are you still a person, I

remember the last time we went on a mission together, you were only in the early stages of enlightenment, and you entered the country too quickly." Why am I already in the fusion realm, and I can't beat you..."

Duan Luxi turned his head to stare at her, his expression was a little incredulous: "Should you be, it's already a fusion realm..."

Yan Jue sneered: "I am also already at the level of the fusion realm, and I was offended a lot just now."

Duan Luxi: "It doesn't matter, just now it made me see my weaknesses clearly, although my wood rhino has a lot of attack power, but the speed is not enough, I want to think about how I can strengthen this point when I go back in the future."


When Yan Jue returned to the dormitory of the Shuiyun Sect, he saw Du Jue walking towards him holding a pile of golden spirit stones.

Du Yan:

"Come, Yan Jue, let's go into the room and count the money."

Yan Jue smiled and entered the room with Du Yan, counting the high-grade spirit stones in his hands.

The top-grade spirit stones were placed in a special storage artifact, exuding a faint golden luster.

Because of this third round of the game, there are still very few people who pressure Yan Jue, so the odds are quite high.

Yan Jue invested more than 1,000 top-grade spirit stones, which is almost all of her belongings, and now there are more than 10,000 top-grade spirit stones. ...

Yan Jue invested more than 1,000 top-grade spirit stones, which is almost all of her belongings, and now there are more than 10,000 top-grade spirit stones.

Yan Jue put all these spirit stones into the Qiankun bag, and took out some of them for Du Yan as errand fees.

Du Yan: "Mom, Yan Jue, how did you know that you would definitely win?"

For this, Yan Jue doesn't have any tricks.

is good at analyzing the battle situation, and it is always beneficial and harmless.

The sky was gradually getting dark, and after Du Jue left, Yan Jue took out the "Spirit Candle Fruit" that had been frozen by thousands of years of cold ice and walked out.


Yan Jue walked up the mountain road and soon came to the back mountain.

The last time I was in the room with Qi Xianqing, I was drawing a blind boxWait, Qi Xianqing said that this kind of spirit candle fruit has the effect of increasing spiritual power, but only if it is taken for a long time, it will have this effect.

Yan Jue had an idea in his heart.

Yan Jue held this spirit candle fruit, walked through a steep mountain road, picked up the grass, and came to a clearing.

It was already dark, and a cool mountain breeze was blowing across my face.

This is where she once



Because he has been struck by heavenly lightning, the spiritual power here is very sufficient.

Yan Jue first thawed this piece of thousand-year-old ice, then took out the spirit candle fruit and bit it down.

The full juice splashed out, and the taste of the spirit candle fruit was sour and sweet, which was particularly delicious.

After Yan Jue finished eating, he did feel that a trace amount of spiritual power was unconsciously injected into his body.

There is only one pit left.

Yan Jue buried the kernel in the ground, and then pinched a trick to resist water, and a huge water ball instantly appeared in the air, and there was a steady stream of water flowing out to water the seed.

Yan Jue took out the spiritual marrow he had just bought at the Five Dragons Bazaar and sprinkled the light blue powder on top of the soil.

Yan Jue took a step back and began to wait silently.

After about half a cup of tea, I saw a small light green bud emerge from the soil.

Time passed slowly, and more and more spiritual power was infused by the spiritual marrow, and gradually the entire land began to rise with white mist.

The little shoots worked hard to break through the ground and gradually grew into a small tree half a man tall.

It has been trying to grow, and after about a stick of incense, it becomes a mature tree.

Yan Jue couldn't help but sigh, the fertilizer in the Wulong Bazaar is really useful, doesn't it directly shorten the growth cycle of crops by one year.

One after another, the plump, reddish spirit candle fruit hung on the tree, Yan Jue picked a few down, and after eating it with relish, he collected the kernel, took out a hoe from the Qiankun bag, and began to hoe the ground.

After some rectification, Yan Jue buried all the cores into the soil.

The corrosive effect of the elixir on the ground is particularly strong, and it is an elixir such as the marrow that cannot be used repeatedly.

After using the first elixir, it will take at least seven days or so before you can continue to use it.

So Yan Jue simply planted the seed here and let it play freely.

Yan Jue looked at his results with satisfaction, picked the other spirit candle fruits on the tree, put them in the Qiankun bag and left the clearing.


Late at night, cliffs.

In the cave, behind the water curtain, a cloud of blue light flickered: "Bastard! Rubbish!

"Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on this cave, did you know that I have a lot of treasures hidden in it?!"

"Where did

all those

treasures go?"

Chu Fu secretly scolded this Demon Venerable in his heart for being a fool, and still knelt on the ground and said, "You yourself said that you would cultivate for a few days, and you wouldn't let me come to this cave."

After all, the theft of the Demon Venerable's treasure was a huge loss for him.

Because this cliff is very secretive, it is believed that no one will ever discover this place.

But now not only his treasure, but even the thousand-year-old unicorn egg has been stolen!

But now that he has just occupied a new body, he is not yet familiar with the spells of those righteous path immortal sects, and his vitality has not yet recovered! The immortal method of seeing through heaven and earth has not mastered the essence, so naturally he will not be aware of someone doing something in the cave every moment.

Who the hell is it...

Could it be that when Chu Fu came here before, he was inadvertently discovered?

Forget it, but these are not all his savings...

Demon Venerable: "Don't come here again. I'll tell you the new place, and if you want to find me in the future, just go there. "!