
The Cold Senior Sister Always Flirts With Me (GL)

** THERE ARE SOME MISTAKES WITH THE TRANSLATION AND OUR TWO PROTAGNISTS ARE BOTH GIRLS . THIS IS A GL NOVEL. ** The cold and sinister* Yan Jue, the tsundere dog, has passed through the book and transformed into a fox demon in a book about cultivating demons and eliminating demons. In the book, she is a cannon fodder villain who needs to madly charm the male protagonist and absorb his Yang Yuan in order to improve her cultivation. The heroine of this book is Qi Xianqing, the elder sister of the Zhenhuo Sect who has killed countless demons and is not close to the mortal world. Yan Jue knew very well the consequences of fighting for a man with the heroine. The final outcome was that she was pierced through the chest by the cold heroine Qi Xianqing with a sword, and her heart was cut out and used as a precious material for Shuiyun Sect's alchemy. She seems to have been set up to train the male and female protagonists, and has not survived Chapter 10. Yan Jue then made a careful plan: in the early stage, she would gain experience by the heroine's side, and then go down the mountain to escape when she was almost done practicing. However, Yan Jue soon discovered that the heroine Qi Xianqing's physique was a rare fairy body, and her blood had a fatal attraction to monsters. Every time Yan Jue saw Qi Xianqing, she couldn't help but feel weak in her legs and wanted to hold her and sniff her hard. Later, Yan Jue finally got ready to go down the mountain, but saw the cold and aloof senior sister walking towards her. Yan Jue subconsciously felt her legs go weak and was hugged by Qi Xianqing. Qi Xianqing rubbed her accidentally exposed fox ears and asked softly, "Don't leave, okay?" - Unfortunately, Yan Jue looked like a human during the day, but turned into a fox demon at night. One time she took a walk at night and met her senior sister Qi Xianqing who was practicing swordplay by the Lingtan. Yan Jue looked at Qi Xianqing, who had a frosty face, and the hair on her body was about to explode. sHe turned around and was about to jump away. Qi Xianqing suddenly squatted down, holding a bone that he didn't know where it came from, with a smile in her eyes: "Come here." Who would have thought that in the eyes of outsiders, the senior sister who is not stained with smoke and dust is like an immortal, her favorite thing is Furry, when the moonlight is like water at night, he will sit by the spiritual pool and chat with a fox. Yan Jue unknowingly discovered many secrets of Qi Xianqing. During the day, Qi Xianqing and the male protagonist were in and out of each other, and they were the couple of the gods that everyone in the sect envied. At night, Qi Xianqing touched Yan Jue's head with a tired expression: "He (the male protagonist) and I were just acquaintances, and I don't know why he kept pestering me." "..." During the day, Qi Xianqing led the sect to dig. The lair of a thousand-year-old pangolin spirit looks at the litter of cubs it left behind with a look of indifference. At night, Qi Xianqing hugged the little fox Yan Jue and murmured: "You shouldn't dig a nest. It takes three years for the pangolin spirit to make a new nest. Its children are so cute, I'm afraid they will starve and freeze." "..." - Qi Xianqing has regarded slaying demons as his life rule. Thousands of monsters died in Qi Xianqing's hands, but she only knew that she had never been soft-hearted. But Qi Xianqing didn't expect that she would fall into the hands of a demon. Qi Xianqing once despised the king who was confused by the fox. But she didn't expect that when it was her turn, she just wanted to immerse herself in the gentle land, pamper her and love her well. Even if he is willing to go to hell for her.

Kirisuna1 · LGBT+
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87 Chs

Chapter 33 Empty Mountain

Since a month ago, Yan Jue has often gone to Baihua Valley to collect nectar.

At first, it was just to provide food for the ghost fire firefly, but later, after discovering that the nectar of the Hundred Flowers Valley can

also make tea, he began to study various flower teas.

After all, Yan Jue likes to tinker with these things in the kitchen in modern times.

The white nectar extracted from the flower is not only delicious, but also has the effect of nourishing the skin.

Yan Jue thought that he might not be able to meet Qi Xianqing again for a while when he went down the mountain this time, so he

made a cup of beauty flower tea in the room early in the morning, sealed it in a thermos cup, and gave it to Qi Xianqing.

After all, she ate so many snacks from Qi Xianqing this month, and she was really a little upset.

As for why she protected Qi Xianqing like a protector last night... What does the little fox do, what does it matter to her?

Yan Jue said goodbye to Qi Xianqing and returned to the dormitory for a short sleep.

The next day, they crossed the path of trials up and down the mountain.

Du Yan: "Hurry up, hurry up!"


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Chapter 33 Empty Mountain

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Yan Jue walked out of the mountain gate and felt the obvious spiritual power fluctuations coming from his chest, as if there was some

imprint on himself.

This was already her last primary task, and the disciples of the Five Dragons Sect who had completed the three primary tasks could go

down the mountain at will. Yan Jue thought to herself, this should be the last time the restriction at the foot of Wulong Mountain had

an effect on her.

After all, this is the last time I will go out of the mountain to do a mission.

Yan Jue and Du Yan came to the bottom of the mountain, and before they got closer, they found that there were two fairy-clad women

standing in front of the mountain gate. The two women wore long skirts and carried a huge gourd behind their backs.

A gourd is cyan in color and slightly smaller. The other gourd is purple in color and is a little larger.

This mission is D-level, and only 3-4 people are needed.

Therefore, the team configuration is basically the same as Yan Jue's last mission. There are four people in total, and a senior sister in the

late stage of consecration leads the team. Then there was a senior sister in the early days of enlightenment.

The early days of Du Yankai's light realm. There is also a Yan Jue in the middle of foundation building.

Although Yan Jue already knew last time that her cultivation should have reached the realm of enlightenment, the qi she showed was

to build a foundation. So Du Yan didn't think much about it, after all, everyone knew that Yan Jue was a waste firewood who had been

on the mountain for three years and remained in the early stage of the foundation building realm, even if she finally advanced to the

middle stage of foundation building, there were rumors that she had hit by mistake.

On the registration form, Du Yan filled in the word "mid-stage of foundation building".

It is a harsh winter, but the generation at the foot of Wulong Mountain is moistened by the fairy spirit of Wulong Mountain all year

round, and the grass is still green. Today it is difficult to see the sun, the shadows of the trees are slightly slanted, and the surroundings

are very

quiet. Yan Jue looked at the two senior sisters who had been waiting at the gate of the mountain for a long time, and smiled politely:

"May I ask who the senior sister is?"

"Jin Gangzong, Lin Xi."

"Ji Guiyan."

Yan Jue looked at the cold gazes of the two, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. Why do you think the names of these two

people are so familiar...

The senior sister who led the team in the late stage of enlightenment, Lin Xi from Jingang Peak, the first peak of Wulong Mountain,

glanced at her lightly, and there seemed to be cynicism in her words: "Senior Sister Yan doesn't pester Senior Brother Chu, she actually

has time to go down the mountain to practice."

Another senior sister quickly cast the same contemptuous glance at Yan Jue: "It's really rare." Now Yan Jue finally knows why it's


These two people, one big and one small, seem to be Chu Fu's harem. It is the second woman who is impressed by Chu Fu's

handsomeness in the whole book.

Yan Jue's gaze slowly swept over the four of them, and he was a little speechless for a while. Isn't this a proper Shura field?

Because Yan Jue and Du Yan were not familiar with the other two women, on the way to Kongshan, several people did not say much

greetings, but just hurried silently, so they arrived at their destination quickly.

At the foot of the empty mountain.

The forest is dim, and you can feel the rich spiritual power there from afar.

Yan Jue consulted the books before he came, and knew that the empty mountain was full of spiritual energy, and the reason why it was

called the empty mountain was because it was empty and inaccessible.

In places that are inaccessible, many unknown poisonous weeds and poisonous flowers will naturally grow, as well as ... Demon

beasts. The senior sister who led the team in the late stage of enlightenment, Lin Xi turned his head and did some science

popularization on the empty mountain.

Lin Xi: "The empty mountain is divided into three sections: the outer, the middle and the inner, and we are mainly active in the outer

layer this time!"

The demon beasts in the outer layer are basically at the level above the third realm, and they must follow me closely after entering the

mountain, if anyone does not listen to the instructions and acts on their own, don't blame me for deducting points.


Lin Xi coughed: "Our mission this time is to collect a thousand tops of divine lingzhi!" Especially, there are still people in our team who

have not yet opened the light, don't think that your cultivation is low and you can be lazy, if you just follow behind and don't make any

efforts, I will still deduct your rating!"

Yan Jue:

There is a task to lead the seniors, and the trial items of the trial disciples will have an additional "score".

For example, the last time Yan Jue and Qi Xianqing did a task together, Qi Xianqing also scored others later. It's just that in the process

of performing the task, Qi Xianqing has never threatened them with such a thing as deducting points. Yan Jue compared it like this,


suddenly felt that Qi Xianqing's image had become great in his mind.

After Lin Xi finished speaking, several people entered the mountain.

There were only four of them, and the formation of the team was led by Lin Xi in the late stage of enlightenment, and after Ji Guiyan,

who was cultivated to be second to Lin Xi, Yan Jue, who had cultivated to the lowest foundation, was sandwiched in the middle.

Although the upbringing of the two senior sisters is okay, they didn't say anything about this arrangement. But the contempt and

disgust on his face could not be hidden.

Everyone knows that this famous Senior Sister Yan is a love brain, and the only thing she has done in the three years she has been in

the mountain is to have an affair with Chu Fu, a preparatory disciple of the Water Cloud Sect, and then constantly provoke Meng

Hengjun of the Earthquake Fire Sect, and now she is still a waste wood in the middle stage of foundation building.

No one bothered to be in the company of such people.

Du Yan whispered to Yan Jue: "It's okay, you just treat them as radish and cabbage, anyway, this time we are here to hug our thighs, as

long as we can finish the task, everything will be fine."

Yan Jue didn't care about the eyes of others, and nodded.

Because he was afraid that there would be miasma in the forest, Lin Xi, the senior sister who led the team, pinched the trick and

shouted: "Immortal method, breath-holding technique!" A pale golden glimmer slowly spread around the four of them, blocking

everything around them. The empty mountains are mostly covered in dense forests, and the further you go inside, the dimer the light


The towering trees showed a strange shape, Yan Jue stared at it in a daze, and inexplicably felt that there were several trees that were a

bit alike... Human faces. Is this what the big tree looks like after absorbing the aura of heaven and earth?

Huge vines hung from overhead, and the smell of damp grass floated around them. Lin Xi said as he walked: "There won't be anyone

who doesn't know the content of this mission!" Surely there are people who don't know.

Look at the disciple of the Shuiyun Sect surnamed Yan, her lips are red and her teeth are white, her face is like powder, and the original

ordinary unified Dao robe is completely amazing when she wears it.

The reason why Lin Xi let Yan Jue and the others join this time was also because no one wanted to come to the deep mountains and

old forests where demon beasts gathered to do such a thankless task as picking Ganoderma lucidum.

Their team has been waiting for a month and has not gathered the number of people, and the task is about to be withdrawn by the


Now in Wulongmen, who else wants to come to the deep mountains and old forests to do tasks.

Everyone wants to be famous as soon as possible, everyone wants to go to the town to help big families get rid of ghosts, not only the

task is simple, but also in exchange for everyone's admiration, and he is respectfully called "Young Hero".

Du Yan: "Senior sister, this time we are here to collect the 'Thousand Peaks Divine Lingzhi', the Thousand Peaks Divine Lingzhi is an

extremely rare alchemy material, and only empty mountains can produce it in the whole world.

Lin Xi reluctantly bowed his head and said loudly: "The most difficult task of picking a Thousand Peaks Divine Lingzhi is that the

Thousand Peaks Divine Lingzhi looks very similar to ordinary Lingzhi. You have to pick it with the spirit of 12 points. Worthy

of being a cultivator in the late stage of enlightenment, Lin Xi's voice was not very loud, but his internal strength was profound, and his

voice was so far away that even Ji Guiyan, who was at the end of the team, could hear it clearly.

Lin Xi walked and walked, suddenly found something, and squatted down.

Yan Jue studied carefully in the back, watching Lin Xi take out a small dagger from the Qiankun bag and cut off the Ganoderma

lucidum next to the big tree. Lin Xi held the cut Lingzhi in his hand and continued to explain: "You take a closer look at the top of this

thousand-top god Lingzhi. Yan Jue was stunned.

For ordinary reishi, the top lid is smooth.

But the thousand-top Divine Lingzhi in Lin Xi's hand had a bumpy top cover, which seemed to be something... Special shape! Lin Xi:

"The difference between the Thousand Peaks Divine Lingzhi and the ordinary Lingzhi is on this cover!"

"The top cover of ordinary Ganoderma lucidum is smooth, but the top cover of the Thousand Peaks Divine Ganoderma is of various

shapes, such as the one I am holding in my hand now, the top cover is in the shape of a chariot and horse, which belongs to the lower

grade Thousand Tops Divine Ganoderma lucidum."

"Of course, there are other shapes of Qianding Shenlingzhi, such as the medium-grade Qianding Shenlingzhi, and the roof is in the

shape of a house." "And the best thousand-top god Ganoderma lucidum, the top cover is dragon and phoenix-shaped! It is a rare

treasure in the world. You need to see it clearly. After Lin Xi finished speaking, he suddenly saw something again, squatted down, took

out the dagger in his arms, and cut off a Ganoderma lucidum. Yan Jue took a look, the top of this Ganoderma lucidum was uneven, and

it could be vaguely seen that it was the shape of a car, and it was the lower grade Qianding Shenlingzhi.

She had to sigh that the feeling of this senior sister who led the team was very keen, the gap between the late stage of consecration

and the foundation building realm was really big, and she could actually find a thousand tops of divine Lingzhi when talking to them.

Then a few people continued to walk, but they never found the Thousand Peaks Divine Lingzhi again. Yan Jue slowly followed behind

Lin Xi, observing the situation around him.

Although the two senior sisters are from the same door and the relationship seems to be good, they rarely communicate because they

are far apart. The whole team gradually fell into an eerie silence.

Yan Jue is also happy to be idle and too lazy to deal with it.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a small stream flowing all around!

The originally dim forest suddenly opened up in front of it, and the rocks could be faintly seen. In front of the rocks is a bubbling


Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Empty mountains, many monsters. There is a stream that winds down from the top of the mountain, and there are many spiritual

stones in the stream.

Kongshan not only produces thousands of god Ganoderma lucidum, but also produces spirit stones.

This is a

world of cultivation

, in this world, ordinary gold and silver are not used as the main currency, but only spiritual stones are used in the market.

According to legend, in the creek of the empty mountain, there are many spirit stones of extremely rare quality! A few people walked

out of the forest, and the surroundings became brighter.

As far as the eye can see, there is a long, steep slope with a stream flowing down the mountain. Getting out of the forest means being

out of danger.

The sun shines on the stream, reflecting a shimmering light.

For a while, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xi, the senior sister who led the team. Because without Lin Xi's order, no one dared to act on his


As a late stage of the Enlightenment Realm, Lin Xi naturally knew what this was, pursed his lower lip slightly, and muttered, "According

to legend, the stream on the empty mountain is rich in spirit stones, but no one has ever touched this stream... Did we find it?

Ji Guiyan glared, he didn't even care about the formation, hurriedly ran forward, pulled Lin Xi's sleeve and let out a burst of cheers:

"No, senior sister, I went out today to divinate, saying that I could make good luck, but I didn't expect that it really made us find this


Lin Xi was still very cautious, pulled out the sword at his waist, and slowly approached the stream, for fear that some terrible demon

beast would suddenly emerge from the clear stream.

The creek was calm, and there was nothing, except that the spirit stones at the bottom of the stream could be seen exuding a rare pale


It's a rare high-grade spirit stone!

Lin Xi's pupils dilated slightly, and she immediately took out the Qiankun bag, she suddenly thought of something, and looked back at

the person behind her: "The opportunity is rare, let's pick it up."

After all,

she is only sixteen or seventeen years old, and she is a high school student in modern times, and the joy in her eyes cannot be hidden

when she encounters this kind of thing. Ji Guiyan ran over with a cheer, and also took out the Qiankun bag.

Du Yan grabbed Yan Jue's sleeve: "Mom, this senior sister who leads the team is so good, she actually let us pick it up."

"Then let's go back, will we become rich women!"

Yan Jue frowned and looked at the elated backs of several people, and suddenly felt a little strange.

According to her years of experience in cultivating the truth, how could it be so easy to get a chance. Du Yan: "Senior sister let us go,

there shouldn't be any danger, let's go, Yan Jue." Yan Jue suddenly found something, and his pupils suddenly shrank: "Be careful!"

In an instant, Lin Xi put away the Qiankun bag, and the dark purple aura exploded from her side, and the long sword was already out

of its sheath! The silver-white fairy sword pointed straight at the water.

The water is calm and waveless.

Lin Xi frowned and looked at Yan Jue: "What did you just shout?"

Ji Guiyan, who

was also frightened, was also dissatisfied: "What are you doing, the heart attack is going to be scared out!"

Yan Jue pointed to the small insects in the water one by one, with a grim expression: "I seem to have seen this insect somewhere."

Yan Jue always ran to the Scripture Pavilion in his spare time, and read the book "Hundred Beasts" in the Scripture Pavilion a few times,

but now that he saw the familiar insects in this stream, he didn't think much of it.

Alas, huhIt's really bad to swallow dates.

Lin Xi followed Yan Jue's gaze, and saw a few small black insects floating in the stream.

As if sensing that someone had invaded their territory, the little black worm vibrated its wings in the water, constantly spitting

something towards the shore. Lin Xi looked at it: "They are spitting water." As soon as the

words fell, Ji Guiyan laughed first: "Hahaha Senior Sister Yan, you are too timid, in this world, not all demon beasts can eat people, this

is clearly just a group of ... A small insect that uses spitting water as a means of attack.

Yan Jue:

Is that so?

Lin Xi also smiled contemptuously, grabbed his trouser leg and jumped into the water.

Maybe I've seen too much cultivation and thought that this deep mountain is too dangerous. Yan Jue shook his head, and just wanted

to walk over, when he suddenly saw the small flying insect swimming in the water, tirelessly spitting water towards the shore.

But obviously Ji Guiyan and Lin Xi had already gone into the water, why did they keep spitting water towards the shore? Could it be

that this is a bunch of small bugs with low intelligence?


Yan Jue's pupils shrank suddenly, and his gaze fell on the shadows of the two on the shore.

One after another sparkling droplets of water slipped from the air, impartial, just falling on the slightly oblique shadows of the two, like

rain falling from the sky.

Scattered and regular.

The black worm was actually spitting water into their shadows.

Suddenly, a small black insect in the water jumped up violently, and the crystal water droplets crossed a beautiful arc in the air and

landed straight on Yan Jue's shadow.

Yan Jue only felt a burst of dizziness, and his eyes went dark.


Yan Jue immediately recited the "Peace of Mind Formula", and the aura quickly ran in his body.

She stabilized her mind and looked in the direction of Lin Xi and Ji Guiyan, only to find that the few small black insects were circling

around the two of them. The small mouth was wide open, and the tiny teeth were sharp and hideous in the sun.

And the two were already headfirst down and fell into the water.