
Chapter 7:

When I reached home I went straight to my room and doze off. I woke up the following morning. when I finished my breakfast I left for job hunting to keep myself busy and also to make some money. I did food Nutrition in high school, so I decided to work for Mrs Elizabeth.

Kylie called her cousin Austin, she sent that stranger picture to him and ask him to find out who he is. Sis.

Why are looking for the man Austin asked.

Nothing he has been staying in passing by my shop everyday she lied.

Okay I will try.

Sis how is your marriage arrangement going do you need my help.

No thanks just find that man for me and she cut the call.

Today is really a good day for Kylie because her studio is doing good.

Kylie is a young designer she want to enter Ben's cooperation but her parents stopped her and sent her younger sisters Rose they so that she build a relationship with young master Nelson.

That being the case Kylie refused to work in her father's company and started her own studio although it's is still small but she happy the way things are progressing.

Rose has been working at Ben's cooperation fashion and jewelry department but has not seen Young master Nelson not even once. She told her father.

Master Gab decided to create opportunity by himself, having known Master Ben for a long time they can be considered as friends

He sent an invitation for them, Master Ben also took him as a friend and accepted the invitation.

Their dinner will be family dinner so they are expected to come with their children.

Mrs Ben was so happy when she heard that the Gabs family have two grown daughters. She told her son to joined them in the dinner Nelson did not refused but he didn't accept either.

Master Gab was happy when his invitation was accepted, he told the two daughters to prepare with their mother that they will be having dinner with Master Ben family.

Rose was so happy she took out her favorite red dress put on some make up and is waiting for her father. Rose is pretty but not that much beautiful but with her makeup she was stunning.

Kylie also dressed well she picked the clothes she designed herself and was looking gorgeous. Their mother is also beautifully dressed like them.

Master Gab came and picked his family and they drove to NB Hotel.

He is VIP customer so he booked VIP room. They reached there first.

Master Ben has finished preparing and is waiting for his wife.

Madam Ben dressed gorgeously. How do I look she asked her husband.

Master Ben hugged from behind you look so beautiful I feel like eating you.

Madam Ben blushed and gave him a quick peck on his lips then they left. They reached there two minutes late they apologized and greeted them.

They all seated after the quick greeting. It has been long Master Ben said and this kids have grown beautiful.

They blushed and thanked him for the compliment.

Rose keep looking at the door as if she is waiting for someone but nobody enter.

After some discussion Master Gab then

How is Nelson it has been long I see him.

He is fine we actually told him about today dinner but I guess he too business to come maybe next time.

Your daughters look pretty a lot of men will be asking for their hands in marriage Madam Ben said.

Yes, a lot of them has been coming but they are not good for them.

How about your son he Handsome and intelligent I know girls will be dying for him but I never heard that he has a girlfriend.

Mmh that son of mine he just doesn't want to and we can't forced and he will always tell you am still young.

Your working in our company Madam Ben asked

Rose she answered yes I like your company design the mode of operation is just so great that I have been dreaming of working there and that dream came to pass.

She praised Rose and Kylie. maybe when I come to the company I will see you.

Rose was so happy when she reached home. She starts imaging of her being Mrs Ben the future lady boss of Ben cooperation and from there she slept off.