
Chapter 18

Your really a bitch who need to be disciplined Bosky said and rush to Ela but was kick to the bush by Ela. Everyone was surprised mostly Bosky.

What's going on, how can she be so strong like this he asked standing up from the bush.

Sofia laugh, well let just end this, you people should let us go she said.

You wish Stanley said and rush to Ela with a pipe but he was also kicked to the bush by Ela.

Ela is already losing it, she is almost turning to devil by the way she is looking now, Sofia went and hold her hand and called her Ela don't beat them again let's go.

Henry signal his people and surrounded us. You think you can get away after slapping me, he chuckled your really stupid to think like that. Beat them up he commanded his people and immediately they rushed toward us.

Ela hold Sofia's hand tightly and rushed toward them, She beat all of them without a scratch on her body. She then went to Henry and give me two dirty slap, one Sofia and one for herself and left.

When Henry came back to earth Ela is already gone. Go and get them he said to his gang but they have already gone far. Henry went back to his lodge and called the boss of Den gang and told them about Ela how she helped Henry escaped. let me see how you will save yourself. I will destroy you Ela Bright he said and laid down on his bed and start sleeping.

Nelson advised his assistant on what to do when he is abroad. He has already finished packing before before Richard came.

I brought something for you, he gave him a blue box, this is a new product from my company help me and try it I know it will fit you he said smiling. Nelson has already opened his bag to put it when he saw that smile and know that something is wrong, he open it and his face darkened seeing that face Richard rushed to the door. Am doing it for your own good, you can only enjoy your stay there with this, trust me try it and you not regret it. who are you keeping your chastity for, enjoy your life bro. One must not be in a relationship before you have sex, you can at least enjoy your youth, he said. Am telling you, that one is for VIP am giving it to you because your my bro.

Nelson coldly glared at him, without saying any word Richard start apologizing am sorry bro. don't mind me he said and went and grab from his hand but something caught his eyes.

Hey Nelson what are you doing with that cheap clothes and was about to grab it when he hold his hand. Hand off he said. Huh! Richard said and shift. Is that not the clothes that someone gave you in Y City. Heh is it a he or she you never told me. Don't tell me is a she and you have falling in love with her. Is not fare Richard said and pouted his mouth. I have been worried all this while that you might a single dog but you have already falling in love.

When last did you have Sex Richard heard Nelson asked. Last two months he replied.

Oh it has been long for you, go and try you product because I think you produced it with your size Nelson mocked him.

What the fuck. It has really been long for him to stay two months without sex, but recently he don't want to sex with anyone but he has been fine. Even when girls try seducing him he refused. I have recently lost interest in sex he said.

Nelson was surprised to hear that because Richard normally can't stay a month without having sex when they were in school, what happened to him, maybe God has decided to save him.

Congratulations he said to him. Thank you Richard replied. They laugh and went downstairs he hugged his mom and Dad.

Mom please don't disturb my love life he said before entering his car and left for airport. He boarded the VIP seat and left for US.