
The Cold Case

A new cop trying to prove that he earned a spot in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department finds himself stuck on a crime that he can’t solve by himself. In order to succeed on the case he has to ask someone to help him. It’s just this someone isn’t really the type you would find helping solve a crime. Twist and turns at every corner never know what’s going to happen or who’s going to die. Let’s just hope these two can find the culprit before they fall completely in love. *WARNING* this story contains strong language and scenes that some readers might find disturbing. Read at your own risk!

Tsukki23432 · Realistic
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Chapter 2.Owe you one

12:00 AM IBEX Nightclub

They walked past the line and straight to the front door.

"Hey, Asahi." The bouncer said

"What's up Itori." One guy said

"Nothing much you can go right in." He said letting the men passed

"Thanks." The name named Asahi said

They walked into the club.

"Look at her." One of the guys said looking at a girl

"Creep," Etsuko whispered

"Akari be careful." A girl said

"I'm trying." A girl said

"Watch out," Etsuko said

The girl almost ran into him but he caught her.

"I'm so sorry." She said looking at him up and down trying to make sure she didn't spill anything

"I'm okay," Etsuko said

"No really I'm so clumsy I'm so so sorry." She said bowing over and over again

"I'm fine really." He said

"Akari." The lady she was talking to yelled

"Kamiko I didn't spill anything." She said hiding behind Etsuko

"I'm gonna kill you." She said

The woman named Kamiko looked to be about 30 be was big breasted and wore reviling clothes like most of the women in the night club. She had long brown blue hair and grey eyes she was pretty tall.

"It's fine really," Etsuko said

"Oh, I'm so sorry sir you can have free drinks," Kamiko said

"Oh, thanks...I guess." He said scratching his head

"I'll deal with you later," Yua said and then turned around and stormed off

"Oh thank god," Akari said stepping out from behind Etsuko

"Are you ok?" Etsuko said

"I'm fine in probably gonna get fired though." She said

He looked at the girl she was about a little lower than his chest. He thought she was about 5'8. She had long pink hair that was in a ponytail with two strandings going in front of her face. She wore a short red dress with black high heeled boots which made her a little taller but Etsuko was 6'5 so not many girls would be taller than him. She had hazel eyes and a bright smile. She wasn't that big-chested but she wasn't flat.

"Yeah your not very good at your job if you run into people," Etsuko said

"Oh my god." He could hear on of the guys he came with say

"Yeah, I guess your right." She said looking at the floor

"Not that you're completely bad at your job." Etsuko said trying to fix what he just said "I mean you seem like your good at your job just not the waitress part and of course if that's what you do for this job then your good at it but.." He said going on and on

She looked at him blankly as he wouldn't stop talking.

"It's fine really I know I'm really clumsy so I'm used to people telling me I'm bad at my job." She said

"No that's not what I meant." He said

"It's fine and by the way...I owe you one." Akari said before walking away

"Dang, you really bombed that conversation." A guy said

"Oh shut up," Etsuko said


"I should probably get home now," Etsuko said

"Dude it's 1:36." Asahi said

Etsuko rolled his eyes. He scanned over the club watching people dance and take drinks back like nothing. Then his eyes set on one person Akari was handing drinks to a few people her hand trembling as she tried to set them down carefully. She smiled and walked away.

"So you have a crush." A drunk man sitting next to Etsuko said

"No I don't," Etsuko said

He shrugged and took another shot back.

Etsuko looked around again to find Akari this time she was getting drinks at the bar. She looked over and their eyes met.

Oh my gosh, she must think I'm a creep I was staring at her. Etsuko said.

His face turned red and he looked away.

"Your girlfriend is coming over," Asahi said

"You guys are so dumb!" He yelled

"here," Akari said setting down their drinks

The boys snickered in a huddle. Etsuko glared at them.

"Okay then enjoy your night," Akari said walking away

"Your so bad a flirting." Asahi said laughing

"You guys are so annoying." He said


"I'm gonna go now," Etsuko said watching Akari leaving to

"Is it because your girlfriend is leaving." One of the guys said

"Bye," Etsuko said before getting up and following her out to the parking lot

"Should I be worried that I'm being followed by a cop?" Akari said turning around

"I just wanted your number," Etsuko said

"Oh." She said shuffling around in her purse for her phone

A file fell out and Etsuko picked it up.

"What's this?" He said

"It's just a case." She said

"Everlin Bay." He said opening it and seeing a picture of a girl with short black hair and crazy silver eyes

"Here." She said taking the file

"Oh yeah, your phone number." He said


12:57 AM Naitobei Apartments

"Should I call her?" He said walking around his apartment "No I'll just call her tomorrow."

His phone started to ring and he picked up super fast.

"Hello." He said

"Hey, Etsuko." His boss said

"Oh hey." He said in a sadder voice

"What not happy to hear from me?" He said

"No that's not it at all," Etsuko said

"I called you because I have a case for you." Mr.Ito said

"You do." He said running over to his computer

"I don't know if you remember but yesterday morning I gave one of my other guys a case and he gave up in one day. I don't blame him though it has a lot of holes in the case."

"How long have people been working on it?"

"Well, that's the thing we gave up on it because it had too many loose ends that we couldn't put together. We opened the case back up because we got a small lead." Mr.Ito said, "You can find everything else in the email but I have to go now I don't blame you if you don't finish the case just try your best."

"Yeah, ok thanks bye." He said hanging up quick then opening the email he was sent

He smiled as it was loading but that quickly went away.

'60 people dead over the span of a year' He read off the bright screen.

'Never even close to finding the killer the case was closed.'

He read over the victims' list and leads then went back to the victims' list because something caught his eye. There is was one little name that changed everything.

Etsuko picked up his phone fast and clicked on Akari's name. The line rung is suspense until she picked up.

"Hello." She said from the other side of the phone

"Hey, do you remember when all that stuff fell out of your bag?" Etsuko said

"Yeah." She said giggling a little

"That file fell out and it had a name on it."

"Everlin Bay," She said

"Yeah that name how did you get that file and why do you have it." He said

She let out a small fake laugh.

"Well I kind of took it and I have it because I wanna know who killed her."

"So do you have a lead?" He said

"Yeah, I do I have three." She said

"Okay remember when you said I owe you one?"