

Rose feared vulnerability, she feared being hurt again, she never let anyone get close to her with an exception of her grandparents and best friend. She had built up endless walls and shut down any suitors. She decided to awaken her former self before she fell in love, before she tried gaining the love and validation of her parents, before she tried being a 'good girl' Countless attacks and dissapoinments made her choose the cold way, she didn't know how much she could take but she knew she was ready to make peace with being the villain. Rose had planned out her life fully and knew what she wanted but we don't get what we want all the time now do we? What happens when all they all tried coming back? What happens when a certain suitor is determine to tie her down to him?

Elsie_Newton · Urban
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107 Chs


By the time Rose had ordered the food, she came back to a very emotional Leo but instead of speaking a word, she didn't bother the young man and didn't bother closing his door as she left for her own room.

She stood before her mirror as she observed her puffy face, and the more she observed it, the more she felt like crying further.

She knew she was supposed to be cold. She knew she was supposed to put up her walls very high but before this newly acquired brother of hers, she just couldn't do that. Instead, she just felt like giving him the whole world.

According to her, it's like she got some new motivation anytime she stepped into her office, and that is to better her brother's life, and that is to make her brother one of the greatest men in the country and she was going to achieve whatever she wanted to. I mean, it's not the first time she had dreams and it's not the first time she accomplished her dreams.