
Chapter 6

A giant metal gate embellished with intricate design welcomed Taketo at the other end of the gate he summoned. Seeing the scale of the castle gate, Taketo confirmed that the whole castle structure is beyond what he expected. It is something out of a fairy tale with the exception of the design being a bit more twisted than usual. Taketo noticed a lot of sharp pointed sections on the castle design. Several high tower looking structures sprouted somewhere at the middle part of the castle. There has to be at least 6 of them with different heights. Several high towers have some kind of bridge connecting it to the main castle structure. The main castle structure residing at the middle of it all seems to cover the widest area though it cannot compete with the highest among the towers. Taketo can't help but to be amazed at what he is seeing right now. He also cannot believe that he owns this castle now. He wonders what's the use of other areas of the castle. He kept on thinking how one simply calls out to others if they ever need to talk to them if they live in this kind of castle. It would take someone some time to get from one place to the another, that's what he thought. He kept on imagining how life in a castle like this would be like. His imagination suddenly came to a halt when Greimond who was in from of him stopped walking, "Welcome home, my lord. We just need to walk for a few more minutes to arrive at your throne room. Please take this time to appreciate your estate. Please also do note that currently, your estate caters for a limited number of few. We will discuss the reason for that once we get to the throne room.".

Taketo continued to walk following Greimond's trail. He noticed that most of the current residents of his estate seem to be human after all. Then, can he be considered as the lord of humans in this other world? Everything is still not clear to him but he believed that as long as these three is with him, he doesn't have to worry about anything, for now. Being given the title of lord, he knows he needed to decide about important matters almost all of the time. He does have the option to hear advice from those that are loyal to him but still, it's up to him to provide the final decision. Well, for now, he's here to monitor the current settings and decided he would rather worry about it later.

They finally arrived at the throne room. They were welcomed by at least three people waiting inside the throne room. He noticed a sturdy looking guy standing close to the throne wearing a composed face. This guy seems to be someone a lord can easily rely upon with all his needs. Close to him is another middle-aged looking woman wearing spectacles. She might look just like one of those strict teachers during junior high school years. This person might seem to have the role of teaching the lord's family about the necessary things one must learn. He then noticed another person waiting on the other side of the throne. She wore a sexy clothes that teases everyone on how it shows more skin. She seems to be blessed. With her blossoming front and lower rear, Taketo is not sure on what role this person might have in this castle. He just hoped this person has a decent one and he wouldn't be forced his inner nauthiness, though the idea might not seem to be bad and he's not against it, but still he must act as lord now.

As Taketo and the others get closer to the throne, the three waiting person close to the throne kneeled in front of him. This is a sign of submission to Taketo. Though there is another kind of submission that he had experienced earlier wherein the three other persons with him had already given him their submission coin. He is yet to learn everything about it. The three kneeling people then suddenly greeted Taketo in a synchronized manner as if they had practiced it, "Welcome home, my lord.".

Taketo just simply raised his hand and nodded in response to the other three kneeling in front of him. By that time, Greimond, Meridon, and Peridona stopped before moving forward through the staircase leading to the throne. This is a sign of respect that no other subject other than the lord and the ones he approved are allowed to get close to. The other three then followed suit in kneeling in front him as Taketo sits in the throne. The chair feels a bit cold. Maybe its due to the fact that it is made out something metallic though he is still not sure what material had been used to make it. He then rested his back at the throne feeling the chill covering his back, "Maybe this is part of the challenges of being a lord. To sit in an ice cold seat.".

He then again raised his hand to appease his subjects, "Be at ease.".

"I am still not sure how to make of the current situation. I needed to understand a lot of things. I wanna learn more about why I had been called here, of the current situations, and what are things needed from me to address while I'm still here, will I be able to return to my world. But for now, I want to know the people who presents themselves and wanted to serve me.". As the time goes by, Taketo are getting used to how everyone treats him as a lord. Thanking the free time that he had before coming here. He managed to watch several documentaries pertaining to topics such as lordship and kingdoms. He also got the chance to read several light novels pertaining to someone being transferred to another world and being treated like royalty. Those ideas really helped him.

The sturdy looking guy suddenly stood up from kneeling and bowed, "I would like to be of service to you my lord. The name is Pompadour Berrocious at your service, my lord. I will make sure that everything you need is provided, whatever you wanted shall be provided in the soonest time possible, my lord." He was gleaming while he looks at Taketo.

Taketo seemed to be in awe for a bit as Pompadour introduced himself. The name would seem to be fitting since he wears his hair in a neat way. He pulled all the strands of his hair to the back making everything look neat. This would require meticulous preparation by combing his hair and using some kind of pomade to make it look like that. He does look a bit modern the way he carries himself. Taketo simply nods in appreciation with his introduction.

The middle-aged looking woman wearing spectacles then rose up and bowed to Taketo, "It will be my pleasure to provide you the answers that you need for all of the questions you have right now, my lord. I am Arnin Bragroch, the personal instructor of the Demoguru family since the last lord. I hold the role of the current governess of the family, my lord.".

Taketo felt how confident Arnin introduced herself. He considers her to be one of the people with high importance in his estate.

Lastly, a sexy looking woman stood up and bowed. By doing so, more skin showed as she bowed due to her dress exposing more skin. Taketo had a hard time keeping himself in composure. It may look as if this person in front of him is teasing him while bowing. Whith a sexy voice, she then started introducing herself, "I am Nafrea Vexo, the current head nurse of the Demoguru family. It is my pleasure to be of service to you, my lord. I'll make sure that you always feel good, my lord."

This made Taketo wish that he fells ill the next day after hearing what Nafrea had said. He wonders what kind of service this person can provide him, "I am in your care Nafrea, along with the other members of this household. Please take care of us.".

The other three, Greimond, Meridona, and Peridona then rose up from kneeling seeing the rest being done with their introduction.

"It seems that it is time for everything to be discussed to me. I need to learn more if I am expected to lead and manage this family." Showing more eagerness from Taketo to understand everything.

This prompt Greimond to respond with what he thought of the best way, "I know of an easier way to discuss the Demoguru's family history since you barely had any background knowledge about it, my lord.".

"Then please resume, Greimond. It is really necessary for me to understand my family's history to be of worth to lead." Taketo can now start learning why he had been brought here in the first place.

Greimond then raised his staff. A decent sized glowing crystal ball appeared in front of Taketo. Greimond then murmured something as if doing an incantation again. The glowing crystal ball then started reflecting several images and clips that Taketo had no idea about. Those clips seem to be a memory of someone. Similar to how Taketo had browsed for clips as he used the gate ability earlier. This time, everyone can see those memory clips. Greimond then started to browse through the clips as he sorted the corresponding other clips to make his explanation easier. It is as if he is arranging individual clips in a correct sequence on a video editing software. As Greimond finally confirmed the clips that he will be using, he then started to explain, "Shall we start with the history of your family, my lord?".

Taketo nods as a sign of approval.

Suddenly, the crystal ball grows and engulfs everyone inside the throne room. Greimond then started pointing at a single clip of someone with a small figure standing in a stage in front of the castle shouting something to everyone who was listening to him below the stage. It looked like those people are preparing for a war.

Greimond then said, "This is lord Arod Demuguru, one of your direct ancestors, my lord. He had made a name as the hero of Azacrea. He was the one who ended the war with the celestials. He had led the nations of this world to win the war with the celestial beings. They called that war as "The endless war with the children of the gods". You can find numerous publications and documents about this war in every library around this world. Your great grandfather had always been fond of the technology he sees as part of his premonition. He kept on saying that he saw things that are not present in this world. And from those premonitions, he develops the first powerful ballistic weapon that this nation had ever had. This development had placed our race at the pinnacle of this world. By the way, lord Arod is the highest ranking demon even up until now and he is your great grandfather. You may still not know it my lord but you do have the blood of the highest ranking demon lord racing within you thus giving you the right to cast your family's ability such as the gate that you had summoned earlier without any problem. So you can consider yourself the highest ranking demon which gives you edge over other races of this world due to your traits. You will soon discover all those traits and abilities as you started your tutelage under Arnin.".

Taketo attentively listens to what Greimond had been discussing. To be honest, this would be the first time for him to hear something about his great grandfather. He had thought to himself that his parents don't talk too much about his great grandfather, well this might be the reason why they don't.

Greimond then continued with his topic, "You, my lord is the last of your family's blood. Your uncle had died securing this estate for you whom he believed would be able to put us back to the map of Azacrea and turn this twisted world back to its proper spin. He had believed in you so much that he had risked his own life to save the last of your great grandfather's blood which is necessary in summoning you back into this world. He secured the last of the blood from the demon kingdom's capital which used to be under your family's leadership but now is currently being led by one of the descendants of your great grandfather's advisors. The people who support your great grandfather had always been faithful to him but due to the sudden disappearance of your great grandfather, those people supporting him had pursued the path they believed to be right and been lost due to the fact that no one leads them now. Seeing that the war with the children of the gods has been over, they themselves had then started their own war based on the idea that what they believe in is what should be followed by everyone. With no one to lead them, they had pursued a life being lost and corrupted.". Greimond paused for a minute before resuming, "We are sorry for putting too much burden in you my lord. But you are the last person whom we believe can save us all from this destruction. We are asking for forgiveness on behalf of your uncle who had sacrificed his life just to save us. Around your estate is the most powerful type of barrier your family can ever cast. Your uncle's mana had been drained to its limit in order to complete the ritual in summoning this barrier. This has caused his health to deteriorate abruptly. He tried waiting for your arrival to personally ask for forgiveness but his life soon gave up on him. Right now we are protected from all manners of attack from other hostile families and races due to this barrier." A slight sob can be heard from Greimond as he paused for a bit. Sadness can be felt around the room. Taketo felt the heavy emotion coming from everyone around him. He felt that he needed to say something to encourage everyone. He knows that right now, he is the only person that these people can rely upon, "I want to learn the name of my uncle. I want to know how he looked like. I want to do this with respect to all of his sacrifices in making sure that our family continued to live on safely. Please don't forsake me on my request.". That sounded with motr pressure and a slight hint of resentment.

Greimond then swiped through the images inside the crystal ball. He suddenly stopped when he saw an image of a respectable looking man. He wore himself with pride and honor. Someone can clearly say that this man is noble. White hair with a white beard coming from somewhere around the ear that runs through the side of his cheeks and to the temple of his chin. This person resembles the look of his father. It is as if this is how his father would have looked like he reached this age.

Greimond then tapped again the images to make it bigger, "This is the late lord Thanol Demoguru. We are proud to be under his leadership. He inspired us to see the smallest light from the darkness that this world had brought out.".

"In the name of my uncle, the late lord Thanol Demoguru. I hereby accept the role as the new lord of the Demuguru house. As for that, I ask each one of you for your support in the future challenges that our family might encounter, and for loyalty to ensure that we move on as one. Just like what my uncle had said to you, I will do my best to amplify the small shed of light that you see right now. It will shine so bright that it overturned every darkness of this kingdom, of this world." Taketo sounded more encouraging and uplifting while carry the look of a carry leader as he stood frm his seat while he saying it. Though he is still unsure of how he would make it happen. He just believes that it is the right thing to say.

With more power in Taketo's voice he then started instructing everyone, "Greimond, fill me in all of the details of my family's past encounters with other hostile families and races. Meridona, brief on the current economics and riches of our estate, what we produce, what we are working on right now and what we currently consume. Peridona, perform reconnaissance around the estate and provide me all the details of whatever you may find. Pompadour! No, let me call you Adour instead, see the current population in our estate. Seek those who wanted to help us and serve with loyalty. Arnin, I am in your care in these coming days. Please make sure that I learn all of the necessary etiquette and culture in order to lead this family with finesse and honor. And lastly, Nafrea. I wanted to ask if you are comfortable with what your wearing but before answering that, please continue to make sure that every member of the family are healthy and had been taken care of. Go now! We will start it tomorrow after everyone got some rest.".

Everyone hastily moves out of the throne room except for one.

"Would something more skimpy satisfies you, my lord?" Nafrea said as she winked before leaving the throne room.

That brought chills all over Taketo. "It might be wrong for me to ask her about what she wears. She might misunderstood and might think of something that I didn't really intend to.".

He was alone now at the throne room, "I'm still not familiar with this castle. How am I to go to my room now.". Taketo didn't bother to worry about it for now as he took his time to appreciate what had happened for today. He is a lord now.

After some time, Taketo then recalled the coins in his pocket. He checked the last coin he received from Meridona. He then read out what's written in it, "Ego curam domum tuam".

A mist then suddenly filled the throne room. The aromatic scent of flowers had reached Taketo's nose. He then noticed someone kneeling in from of him. White skinned with long hair. This time, the person seemed to be covered with just a thin white piece of silken cloth that seemed to be slightly wet. He then finally identified the person. It was Meridona herself that seemed to just came out from the bathroom, "I'm sorry for presenting myself to you in an inappropriate manner my lord."

This surprised taketo. He couldn't find the words to reply he felt the need to ask for forgiveness on what he did. He though that he is one to be blamed for suddenly summoning Meridona here without prior notice thus causing her to appear wearing only what seemed to be a bathing robe. He tried his best to sound more composed, "I am at fault here. I'm sorry for suddenly calling you out during your personal time. I'm just a bit lost and hoping someone could guide me to my room.".

Meridona then stood up, "Then let me be your guide, my lord. It will be my pleasure to be of service to you.".

Taketo also stood up from his seat as Meridona approached him. This left him in awe as Meridona gets closer to him. This made Taketo think, "Is this also part of the reward I can get as the lord of this estate?". Taketo just shrugged it off knowing that it won't be appropriate for him to act that way.

"Thank you Meridona. Please lead the way." As he followed while Meridona started walking toward the other exit of the throne room. Taketo noticed that Meridona's figure is hinting over the thin white silken clothing she is wearing.