
The real Sypnosis*

*Does this count as one I wonder to my self?

This is a book, ahem, a piece of 'work' I made in my spare time.

And the main motive is to...


Hoping to strike it rich like the general masses!

*cheering in the background*

And since I predict that there'll be a flood of books literally throwing themselves to the shelves, why don't I might as well try my luck and toss one or a couple in there too?

On a separate note, I also know that Alms-givers from other provinces are rushing here to be the 1st to shove their offerings into the donation box.

Shouting like pigs being slaughtered during the night, "I, your father, have the stuff too!"

*masses shocked on to their knees as they witness the spectacle*

"Ohh, praise the benevolent Alms-givers indeed."

*cut scene*

The next day, as the on duty priest empties the wooden donation box, he discovers within the mist of red envelopes, a wide variety of dirty pennies everyone.

Dirty pennies. Of all origins, color, shape and smells, similar to the stuff you'll find in the collection of an avid dirty penny collector*.

*If there is really someone out there as described, you do you.

*acts secretive*

Whispers, "Actually, I don't know sh!t."

Please don't sue me!

Like as in the 'Sue*".

No one? Okay.

*I wonder if someone as made some weird sexual act out of the name 'Sue' on the Urban Dictionary as yet? If no, then do.

ShiroNekocreators' thoughts