
Chapter 4: Stalker Alert

Tatum’s POV

I want to enjoy my accounting degree for my dad, I really do, but I can’t f*cking stand listening to my professor’s robotic voice as he explains a math equation that makes zero sense to me. I would rather pull out individual eyelashes one by one, but I refrain from the pain and instead lean back in my cramped seat and stare at my laptop screen.

3:57 p.m. Three more f*cking minutes until this nightmare is over.

It’s been a little over two weeks since I went to my dad’s workplace under the pretense that I would try to give the future he has planned for me one last chance. Instead, I ran into my walking nightmare, best known as Phoenix Reid, my one-night stand. Thankfully, nothing has come of that night and my dad is clueless, which is what I want.

But despite each day that has passed since seeing those crystal-clear ocean-blue eyes, I can’t seem to get them out of my damn head every night when I close my eyes. I find myself thinking about Nico more often than I thought I would, knowing that whatever happened between us will never happen again. Likely not in a million years.

So why is he constantly still on my mind every single day?

The professor announcing that the lecture is finished breaks me from my thoughts and I’m quick to pack away my belongings and get the hell out of here. I need to escape this boring a*s class and my intruding thoughts about Nico.

The sun shines down on me as I step out of the building, enjoying the warmth on my skin now that the weather is starting to get a little warmer. The University of California is such a beautiful campus that I find myself still in awe of the fresh greenery and sandstone buildings that look their age, even after being here for two years. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.

I decide to grab a coffee for the drive home, but my phone vibrates in my pocket before I can reach my favorite café. A groan leaves my throat, annoyed by the inconvenience of having to wait longer for a pick-me-up. I swear to God if this is Jaiden, I swear I will…

I sigh in relief when I see it’s just my dad. “Hey, Dad.”

“Hey, you,” he greets me in his usual tone, but I can tell there is something off with him before he continues to speak. “I’m going to be home late tonight.”

“Is everything okay? You sound… stressed.” I move onto the grass lawn beside the wide pathway to avoid being in anyone’s way.

Dad sighs and I hear him take off his reading glasses swiftly. “Yeah, I just… have a lot of work to do on the training schedule and help with a few other things that’ll bore you. I wanted to call to say don’t wait up for me, okay? I don’t know when I’ll be home, but there is plenty of food in the fridge.”

I nod, feeling sorry for my dad. He has always been such a hard worker. I could tell from a young age how much he loved his job because he would be gone in the mornings when I would wake up as a kid and he’d return after I got home from school. But despite how exhausted he was, he always made time to read me a book before bed or help me with my homework.

“If there is anything I can do to help, let me know,” I offer, knowing it was useless though because there is nothing I can do to help how exhausting his job is. I just want him to know that I’m always here for him.

“I appreciate that, Tate.” I can hear the smile in his voice. “I’ll see you later. Love you.”

“Love you too,” I say before hanging up the phone.

I make my way to the café to retrieve the one thing that had been keeping me going that entire lecture. I order my usual coffee, an iced vanilla latte, and waste no time sucking down the caffeinated goodness when the barista hands me the cold takeaway cup.

The walk to my car is a little long since the parking lot I use is almost on the other side of campus, so I take this time to enjoy my coffee, the brisk walk with a view, and the K-pop music blasting in my ears. I have no plans for this evening despite it being a Friday night. I was hoping to spend time with my dad and watch a movie, but it seems I’ll have to do that by myself.

I spot my little yellow car sitting in the parking lot surrounded by the fanciest cars I have ever seen with sleek paint jobs and shiny car badges that only the best car brands can make. I don’t mind owning a sh*tty car because all it needs to do is get me from point A to B without dying on me.

Dad has offered time and time again to buy me a new car, but I refuse because I bought this car with the money I saved throughout high school, so I plan to keep her on the road until she dies. Which hopefully isn’t any time soon.

What I wasn’t expecting to see standing by my car – although I should’ve because this isn’t the first time – is my ex-boyfriend, Jaiden. I stop in my tracks at the sight of his short blonde hair blowing slightly in the afternoon breeze. The feeling of his pale blue eyes on my skin sends a shiver down my spine, and not in a good way.

I would ask what the f*ck he’s doing here standing by my car waiting for me to get out of class, but I know why he’s here. It’s the same reason as the last ten times he’s done it.

We broke up a few months ago because I caught him cheating, ending an almost two-year relationship. We started dating in our first year of university after meeting at a frat party and I thought he was God’s gift to this earth. Had I known that he would cheat on me with three different girls in his degree, I never would’ve developed a relationship with him.

The decision is now coming back to haunt me.

I sigh and continue walking to my car, knowing there is no way I’m going to be able to leave without having to hear his voice.

“Tate.” Jaiden smiles as he pushes himself off my car. “It’s a pleasure to see you.”

I walk to the driver’s side door and stare at him from across the sun-damaged roof. “What are you doing here, Jaiden? I’ve told you to stop calling and texting me multiple times, but you never listen. And now you’re stalking me?”

Jaiden scoffs, furrowing his brows. “I’m not stalking you, Tate, jeez. I was just waiting to talk to you, that’s all.”

I roll my eyes and fold my arms over my chest. “What do you want? I’m not doing this with you every time I leave my classes. We broke up for a reason, so you need to accept that. You’re the one who f*cked up, not me. So you need to stay away from me.”

“Tate, don’t do this,” Jaiden pleads as he walks around the car to stand in front of me. I flinch at his proximity and take a step back. He’s quick to notice my defensiveness, his eyes darkening slightly. “I want you back, Tate. I’m sorry for what happened with those girls, but it didn’t mean anything, I promise. You’re the only woman for me, I know that now.”

“Maybe you should’ve thought about that before sticking your d*ck in them, a*shole,” I spit and move to open the car door, no longer wanting to be around this man. I’m trying to move on with my life and he’s making it more difficult than it needs to be.

“You’re not going anywhere,” Jaiden grunts as he wraps his hand around my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. “You need to listen to me.”

My heart stutters in my chest at the feeling of his greasy hand on my skin, and my instincts kick into fight mode. “Let go of me, you a*shole!” I scream loud enough for people walking by to hear.

Jaiden’s eyes widen at my outburst. “Tate, no, shh–”

Thankfully, luck is on my side today because a group of four girls walking by hear my voice and look over at the scene happening beside my car. They’re quick to rush over as one of them yells, “Let go of her or I’ll call campus police!”

The threat is enough for Jaiden to loosen his grip around my wrist and step away, putting much-needed space between us. Air rushes into my lungs, allowing my blood to circulate throughout my body again. Jaiden has never laid a hand on me before. His desperation is escalating the longer I ignore him and refuse to give him a second chance. What else is this man capable of?

And that makes him a little more terrifying because that situation could’ve been worse than it was.

“I’ll see you later, Tate,” Jaiden says, his voice low and deep, before walking away.

The girls who saved my a*s ask if I’m okay and I can’t thank them enough for listening to my cry for help and stepping in. I couldn’t be more grateful for them. I thank them one last time as they wait for me to get in my car and leave the parking lot safely.

Once on the road, I release a long breath and try to ignore the way my hands are shaking on the steering wheel and how hard my heart is pounding in my chest. The thought of going home and being alone doesn’t sit right in my stomach, so I decide to go to the one place where I know I’ll feel safe with the people around me.

It may be 4 p.m., but I’m heading to Mario’s anyway because f*ck it. I need a drink to shake off what just happened with my stalker ex-boyfriend.