
Chapter 39: Realizing What is Important

Phoenix’s POV

Every muscle in my body aches as I slump to the ground on my knees, my head dipping forward as I try to inhale as much air into my lungs as my body will allow. Sweat is pouring down the contours of my face and dripping onto my clothed thighs.

Holy f*ck. I’m exhausted.

“That last throw was amazing,” Coach says, clapping his hands as he walks toward me.

We have the training field to ourselves today, just me and Coach. He asked if I could come in for a quick training session after work before our game coming up this Sunday. I agreed because I never want to let Coach down, and of course, it doesn’t hurt to fit in an extra training session.

The only thing that hurts is my f*cking body, but it’s nothing a warm bath can’t fix when I get home and a good night’s sleep before work tomorrow.