
Chapter 37: Opening Up is Hard

Tatum’s POV

“Take it easy tonight, Khai. And make sure you have a long, hot bath when you get home to relax the muscles.”

Khai salutes my dad with a cheeky grin. “Will do, Coach. Get home safe, okay?”

Dad returns the salute gesture and laughs. “Will do. Also, did you see Phoenix after the game? I wanted to have a chat with him, but he must have already left.”

I look up from my phone, mid-way through writing a text message to Sammie, at the mention of Nico. The game finished almost an hour ago, with the Cats winning, but I haven’t seen Nico since he walked off the field ahead of me. His leaving without saying goodbye must be unusual, especially for my dad if he is looking for him.

Khai looks over at Nico’s locker, which is empty, before turning back with a shrug. “I guess he must’ve left. I didn’t see him after the game, so he must’ve dipped out pretty quickly.”