
Chapter 23: Give Me More

Tatum’s POV

Jax turns the both of us to face Nico who is standing behind us. His face is twisted into annoyance, his brows turned down as his sharp eyes look between Jax and me.

Oh, sh*t. I had forgotten about the rivalry between the Cats and Raiders. But I didn’t think the two of them had their own rivalry.

Jax raises a brow, an amused smile touching his lips. “Your girl, Phoenix?”

My eyes turn down to look at Nico's hands, his knuckles turning white from the pressure of his fingernails digging into the palm of his hands. His gaze is sharp and his jaw is clenched hard, making his jawline sharp enough to slice through paper.

“I won’t repeat myself,” Nico hisses through clenched teeth.

Jax’s grip around my shoulders tightens. “Last time I checked, you’re not the type of guy who dates girls, or are you a changed man now?”