
Chapter 13: Can You Handle It?

Phoenix’s POV

The sound of glass shattering is enough to pull me out of my sleep. My eyes blink rapidly to force me awake, but all I can see around me is darkness. I blindly search the space around me, looking for the one thing that comforts me in these moments of darkness and uncertainty.

I pull my stuffed hippo close to my chest and swing my legs over the edge of my single bed with dinosaur-print sheets. The voices of Mummy and Daddy downstairs are muffled by the closed door, so I quietly pad across the wooden floorboards hoping I don’t step on the one that creaks.

Holding my breath, I turn the doorknob and pull the door open enough to hear what is going on downstairs. Mummy and Daddy fight like this almost every night and I don’t understand why. It always ends with Mummy crying and wanting to crawl into my bed to hold me close.