
Your dead body

"Why do you have to be such a prick to me Alex! I am just trying to keep you safe for crying out loud!"

"Me a prick to you?! You slapped me in the face and embarrassed me in front of everyone here! "

"Just listen to me okay? It's not safe here anymore! I did something stupid and they are coming for me so I need you to stay out of sight and trouble for now, please Alex. "

"What do you mean did something stupid? Who is coming for you? "

"I love you brother but I have to go. "

"Wait! Who is coming for you? Please answer me..."


"Liam? Liam!? LIAM?! "

-------------------------Current day---------------------

['Knock knock knock']

"Come in, it's unlocked. "

This is the fifth time this week that the police have come to ask me about how my brother got shot. I hate how I never have a answer for them...

"Sorry kid, this is the last time that we will be asking you questions. "

"I know. "

They say that every time they come over yet here they are. Was there something I could have done to prevent my brothers death? What if I would have just listened to him that night about the party?

"What happened the night your brother was shot? "


"It was late on Friday night when my friend had asked me to come to this party. She said that everyone would be there and that I should to. I practicing begged my brother to come with me or at least drive me to her house. "

"Did he take you and stay or did he leave? "

"He took me to her house and stayed. He had been really clingy lately. He said that he didn't want me by myself. I was bothered by this at first but soon enough I didn't notice. "

"Do you remember who was at that party? "

Why did I make him take me to this stupid party?

"No, there was a lot of people of all different ages. We mostly stayed near the camp fire until...?

"Until what? "

"... one of my friends dared me to go into the forest near by all by myself. My brother got made and said no. We argued about it for a while and then he slapped me in the face. *Sniff* ugh, He grabbed me by the hand and dragged me back to the car. He told me that he did something stupid not to long ago. "

"What did he do? "

"I don't know. He didn't say, all he said was that me and him were in danger and that we needed to stay low. Right after he opened his car door it happened."

"What happened? "

"Are you mentally retarded? *sigh*, he was shit after he opened his car door. He looked so empty and sad. He stood there for a moment and fell to the ground. He was already gone. "

"There was nothing you could have done... he was shot in the heart kid. "

"Is there anything else you want to know? "

"No but we do have a request? "

"What? "

"Don't go looking for his killer alone. alWe know that you are going to try so at least don't do it alone and tell us what you find. "

"... "

"We will take our leave now. Bye. "

Don't do it alone...?