
The Clock work codex

Logan, a construction worker who enjoys reading in his free time, stumbles upon a unique black book adorned with divine patterns and golden text titled "The Clockwork Codex." Inside this mysterious book, Logan finds himself in a world without a beginning or an end. Trapped in the pages, he must navigate this strange land and find a way to escape. This is the story of a man trying to survive in a place where time and reality have no boundaries.

Zenith_Seraph · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Phantom Knight

Logan glanced around the cozy room again, reassuring himself that he was safe. The fireplace crackled softly, and the comforting aroma of herbs filled the air, with a deep breath, he began reading what's in that page. More words began to form.

Chapter Two: The World of Codex

*In this traitorous world, mountains floated in the sky, The Sea below them shimmered with strange colors, as if made of liquid rainbows, and creatures that looked like glowing fish swam through the air, leaving trails of light behind them.*

*The ground is just as bizarre. Giant trees glowed softly in the dark, their light casting dancing shadows that seemed to move on their own. Rivers of shining crystal flowed through the land, whispering secrets to those who listened closely.*

*But this is not always filled with colory rainbows and beautiful creatures there is also monsters roamed world—strange and frightening creatures from the depths of nightmares and like old stories. They had forms that didn't make sense to a mere human, with eyes that could see through your soul and bodies that could change shape at will.*

Most people couldn't see these creatures, only a person that's selected by the codex can see them.

Logan paused, frowning. "Are you serious? That doesn't make any sense. Mountains floating in the sky, a sea with colors other than blue—what the heck is this?" he muttered to himself. "And what's the meaning when it says only a selected few can see those monsters? It's so bizarre."

He continued reading the next line:

*At Codex, the selected few are blessed by The Origin. Those who are blessed by the origin have the ability to slay those monsters and harvest their power. These beings are called Phantom Knights. The Phantom Knights are a secret organization tasked with protecting humanity. They defend against the chaos that threatens to overrun the world.*

Logan blinked and leaned back. "I get all that, but what does it have to do with me? I don't know any of this stuff. And what's the deal with being 'blessed by The Origin'? Is he some kind of god or something?"

As he stared at the book, a thought struck him. _Maybe I got transmigrated to this world. And maybe this book is the key to my transmigration. I remember when that monster attacked me, the book wrote that I would freeze and hear a crack in the forest._ He took a deep breath and thought to himself. _I think this book is my guide to surviving here._

Just then, there was a knock at the door. A moment later, it opened, and the old lady, Miss Mary, entered the room with a warm smile. "How is your wound holding up?" she asked.

Logan looked up, grateful for her kindness. "It's fine now, there's no more pain. And I'm really thankful for everything you've done for me so far."

Mary waved a hand dismissively. "Like I said, there's no need for you to thank me. I'm just glad you're okay." She added, "Oh, I made dinner. If you're unable to walk, I can bring your food here."

Logan shook his head. "There's no need for that. I can join you."

Mary smiled warmly. "If you say so. Let's get to the dining room. My husband is there waiting, and believe me when I say you don't want to see him when he's hungry."

Logan couldn't help but twitch his mouth into a slight smile and nodded. He followed Mary to the dining room. An old man with a white beard and white hair was sitting at the table. He looked tired but alert. As Logan and Mary entered, he looked up and said, "Oh, look who's here—my beloved wife and the person who's been living here without my consent."

Logan felt a pang of guilt and quickly said, "I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble."

The old man grumbled, "You sure did, you know…" but before he could continue, Mary cut him off with a stern look. "I think that's enough out of you. Now sit down. I'll bring another plate for our guest."

She turned to Logan with a warm smile and said, "Sit here, my dear. I'll be back in a minute."

Logan thought to himself, _Yikes, she's like totally different person_ He sat down beside the old man, who continued to grumble but didn't say anything more.

Mary soon returned with a plate and handed it to Logan. It was loaded with roasted meat, accompanied by freshly baked bread and a side of creamy mashed potatoes.

Logan took a bite of the roasted meat and was overwhelmed by the rich, savory flavor That almost made him cry, _ It's been so long since I've had home-cooked food. It delicious as my mother's cooking_ He quickly took another bite, then another, savoring each mouthful.

Mary and her husband watched him with a mix of surprise and amusement. The old man chuckled and said, "Slow down, kid. We're not running out of food. Besides, I need some left for myself, or I might start chewing on the table."

Logan smiled sheepishly, slowing down but still enjoying every bite. For the first time since he arrived in Codex, he felt a little more at home.

As they ate, the old man looked at Logan and asked, "So, why were you out in that forest alone that night? Were you lost or something?" He added with a grin, "You know, a big strong jock like you shouldn't be getting lost in the woods."

Mary didn't like the joke and glanced sharply at her husband, who quickly shut up when he saw her expression. Logan felt a bit more at ease and replied, "To be honest, I don't really know. Everything's been a blur since I got here."

They continued talking as they finished their meal. Mary got up and picked up the plates, heading to the kitchen. Logan and the old man remained at the table. The old man leaned back and said, "All in all, I'm glad you survived out there. Not everyone makes it through the forest in one piece."

Logan nodded, feeling a bit of relief. "Thank you. I guess I was lucky."

The old man chuckled. "Luck or not, you're here now. That's what matters." He stretched and stood up. "Okay, now it's time to let the sheep out."

He started to head outside, and Logan got up to follow him, curiosity piqued. "Why are you letting the sheep out at this hour? Isn't it night?" he asked, puzzled.

The old man turned and replied, "You see, kiddo, these are night sheep. They sleep all day and wake up at night. If we don't feed them now, by morning they'll make a mess of the farm. They start hitting the walls and each other, and doing some other things you don't want to know about." He added with a grin, "And don't call me 'mister.' I hate when someone calls me that. Just call me Rufus."

Logan smiled and said, "As long as you don't call me 'kiddo.'"

Rufus laughed loudly and said, "That will never happen, kiddo!" With that, he stepped outside and opened the sheep's pen.

Logan watched Rufus work, feeling a strange sense of familiarity. _This old man acts just like my dad_ He let out a big sigh and looked up at the sky.

The night sky was unlike anything Logan had ever seen. Stars glittered in patterns that seemed to shift and change, forming shapes and images that danced across the dark canvas. The moon hung low and large, casting a silvery glow over the landscape.


About three kilometers from Logan's location, two gentlemen Estefan and Harris had just arrived in the capital. They proceeded towards an old but appealing building, its facade characterized by aged stonework and ivy that gracefully clung to its walls. The large oak doors creaked as they opened, revealing an interior that contrasted its exterior with modern decor and soft lighting.

The two men entered and approached the reception, where a young lady sat behind a polished wooden desk. They presented their IDs and spoke in a serious tone, "May we be in the protection of the origin that guides the codex."

The receptionist stood up and retrieved a key from a drawer behind her. Handing it to Harris, she nodded. "You may proceed."

Harris thanked her and led Estefan towards the corner of the building. After ensuring no one was watching, Harris opened a concealed door and they descended into the basement. This lower level was a stark contrast to the upper floors, meticulously organized and bustling with activity. The space was filled with rows of desks, high-tech equipment, and individuals focused on various tasks, all under a warm, inviting ambiance.

They stopped at a door, knocking firmly. An elderly man with black hair and tired brown eyes opened it. Harris greeted him with a bow and spoke seriously, "We may have a problem on our hands."

The elderly man glanced at them, then back to his cluttered office, and sighed. "What is it this time?"

Estefan quickly replied, "We believe there is an abductor on the loose."

The elderly man put his hand on his face, exhaling deeply. "So what do we know so far? If it's true, the abductor might have returned."

Harris responded, "We suspect there's someone who can identify the abductor. Based on their description, it matches the abductor."

The elderly man, visibly tired, nodded. "Okay, you have my permission to gather whatever you need to defeat that thing. I wish you the best of luck."

Harris bowed again, thanking the man, and they exited the office. They moved towards the end of the basement and opened another door.